Lin Chen was surprised. The old woman was the daughter of Master Wu Huang. In that case, why did she have so much resentment against Master Wu Huang and say that Master Wu Huang was the person she hated most?

He was puzzled and kept silent, waiting for Wu Yue to go on.

Wu Yue's eyes were complicated, as if he were immersed in the memories of the past, and slowly said:

"My father showed his amazing cultivation talent when he was young. It is said that even if he looked at the whole original continent, he was at the top level. He was called tianwu tribe by the people at that time, and was most likely to become the supreme existence in the history.

He is a Madman of cultivation. When he meets a bottleneck in his tribal practice, he will leave the tribe to travel outside. At that time, the opinion of the elders in the tribe was that he would get married first and then go out for training.

In fact, I hope he can leave a descendant, and then go outside. After all, you also know that the stronger the strength of a monk becomes, the harder it will be to leave offspring. The elders of the clan hope to pass on the excellent blood before he really grows up.

Although he was not interested in anything other than cultivation. However, he was also a very filial person. He listened to my grandfather, the tribal leader at that time, and married my mother.

My mother was very happy at that time. She liked my father for many years. Now she finally got what she wanted and became a couple with my father.

After getting married, a few years later, my mother's stomach was still quiet. He didn't make a breakthrough. He didn't want to wait any longer, so he left the tribe to wander outside. As a result, not long after he left, my mother found out that she was pregnant.

For her, who was still blaming her for her poor stomach, this was a gift from heaven. The elders of the tribe were so happy that they held a special celebration.

He only came back once after I was born. At that time, I was still young, and he was only the last step away from the supreme. He was much stronger than me now.

My mother was ecstatic when she saw him. However, in his eyes, he only practiced and became supreme. She was not very happy when she saw our mother and daughter. At least I couldn't see it.

After staying in the clan for a short time, he left again. This time, he hasn't come back until now! "

As she said this, her eyes were filled with indignation. "My mother is not even immortal. Her life is short. I will never forget that before she died, she looked back and asked the people who were looking forward to her, saying, 'brother Wuhuang, has he come back to see me?'

Finally, she died in regret. He is a good man in your eyes, and he really cares about the tribe, but he is not a good husband, let alone a good father! Shouldn't I hate him? "

Lin Chen was silent.

Wu Yue's mother obviously loves Wu Huang, but Wu Huang may never have loved Wu Yue's mother.

For some cultivation maniacs, the ultimate meaning of their lives is to become stronger and try to reach the end of the path of cultivation. As for love, women, wine and food, they are not interested at all.

There is a high probability that Wu Huang is such a person.

Falling in love with such a person, or being the daughter of such a person, is never a pleasant thing.

Wu Yue was silent for a few seconds and said, "where is his body?"

Lin Chen sighed and said, "I only saw the ghost of master Wuhuang, but not his body. The fall of the supreme power is basically the destruction of the body and soul at the same time..."

After all, his heart was that blood was thicker than water. Wu Yue hated her father, but he still wanted to bury the body of elder Wu Huang.

Wu Yue's expression was gloomy again. The hateful guy didn't come back, even the body didn't come back to this land!

"Who killed him?"

"He didn't tell me."

Wu Yue was silent for a few seconds, adjusted his mood, looked at Lin Chen and said, "as the Supreme Master, it is an honor for our tribe to be the guest Minister of our tribe.

If you can, please stay in our tribe for a few days. Two days later, it will be my birthday banquet. At that time, many forces on the grassland will come to congratulate me on my birthday.

I want to announce to the public at the birthday banquet that our tianwu tribe has a guest minister in the supreme territory. Doing so will be of great benefit to our tribe. "

It was foolish to think carefully in front of the supreme one. Wu Yue simply said what he thought.

Although Lin Chen didn't intend to stay here for a long time, he naturally had no problem in a few days. He nodded his head and agreed. As soon as the conversation changed, he asked Wu Yue about Cassia.

"Cassia, the supreme power of the serpentine?"

Wu Yue shook his head apologetically and said, "I didn't know there was such a person on the grassland."

Seeing Lin Chen's disappointed look, she thought for a while and added:

"Although the Yunlan prairie is vast, and there are countless forces and powerful people, the existence of the supreme level is still rare. People like our tianwu tribe, whose top combat power is the immortality, are already called large tribes.

With the power of the supreme, the number is even rarer. In addition to the characteristics of the snake tail, the younger generation guesses that the Kasia in your mouth may be a member of the "snake Kui tribe."

"Snake Kui tribe?" Lin Chen's eyes lit up, looking at Wu Yue and letting her continue.

Wu Yue continued: "I only heard about the 'snake Kui tribe' by chance. It is a very mysterious and powerful tribe, which is not accessible to our tianwu tribe.

It is said that the people of the 'snake Kui tribe' are all snake tail people. The men are handsome and the women are beautiful. Although they are powerful, they have little contact with the outside world. Once they were not well-known on the Yunlan prairie. Later, there was a subordinate supreme god realm. For some reason, they had conflicts with them.

As a result, the next supreme realm was directly destroyed. It is also because of this that the world knows that there is such a powerful tribe on the Yunlan prairie!

After that incident, the "snake Kui tribe" has not appeared in front of the world for millions of years. Most people on the grassland have long forgotten the existence of this tribe. "

Lin Chen has a hunch that Cassia should be a member of the "snake Kui tribe". If not, she should also have some relations with the "snake Kui tribe"!

He asked impatiently, "do you know where the 'snake Kui tribe' is?"

Wu Yue shook his head apologetically: "the 'snake Kui tribe' is very mysterious. It has not appeared for hundreds of thousands of years. I don't know where they are."

She thought of something and said, "however, some of the tribes who came to congratulate me on my birthday may know it."

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