"Wan Muya! Why is this woman here?"

"Elder Wulong, what the hell is going on? Wan Muya said, is it true that you promised her that you would punish us?"


Wan muyayan is well-known and powerful. She is also one of the elders of the Qinghe tribe. Apart from geyuanshan, other people of the Chongfeng tribe recognized her.

Obviously, they were not as calm as geyuanshan. When they thought of Wan Muya's words just now, they suddenly became angry and questioned.

Wulong ignored the questions of Chongfeng tribe, hugged Wan Muya's waist and said with a smile:

"Silly baby, I promised you something. How could I break my promise? I can't bear to see something happen to you. You just need to look at it carefully. I will satisfy you, just like last night."

Speaking later, the ugly old face was full of obscene smiles.

"You hate it!" Wan Muya leaned against Wulong's chest, looking like an infinitely shy woman.

Wulong then looked at the people of Chongfeng tribe who were livid and sneered: "are you an idiot? I can't see that I am the elder standing behind the Qinghe tribe?"

No need for him to say, Ge Yuanshan has already guessed the answer, and his heart is heavy.

It would be a good result if Wulong could stop interfering in the affairs of Chongfeng tribe and Qinghe tribe after receiving the benefits of Chongfeng tribe.

However, judging from what the other party said just now, the other party obviously didn't mean to help Qinghe tribe deal with Chongfeng tribe.

He said in a deep voice: "in that case, please return the two space rings just now to us. We'll leave now! It's like we haven't been here."

"Go away!" To geyuanshan's surprise, the other party actually threw the two space rings back to him, which seemed very straightforward.

After checking, geyuanshan turned black and said angrily, "these are not the two space rings I gave you just now. There is nothing in them!"

Wulong showed some disdain on his face and jokingly said: "these are the two space rings you gave me just now! Why, do you want to blackmail me in turn? Don't look at where this is. If you dare to talk nonsense again, be careful that none of you can leave here!"

When Wan muyadun understood what Wulong was up to, he kissed Wulong on his face, looked at the people of Chongfeng tribe and sneered:

"Get out of here! Is this the place where you can be presumptuous? If you dare to talk nonsense again, I'll tear your mouth to pieces!"

In this way, Chongfeng tribe has no resources to attract the immortal strong. Naturally, it is impossible for any tianwu tribe elders to support them.

What else do they take to fight against the Qinghe tribe?

The people of Chongfeng tribe also saw that from the very beginning, Wulong wanted to take everything they had!

They can't wait to fight with this guy, but they can't help thinking that this is the territory of tianwu tribe, and that even if so many people go together, they will probably be unable to defeat each other.

Geyuanshan was also very angry in his heart, but he was still calm. He said in a cold voice, "elder Wu, are you too much?

Since you know what happened at the gate of the city, you should also know that our Chongfeng tribe also has immortal strongmen. It is not so easy to bully! "

The rest of the Chongfeng tribe are looking forward to moving the immortal out. Although it's a little deceptive, maybe it's really effective?

Although Ge nianyao was a little rash, he was intelligent. He immediately stepped forward and agreed:

"That's right! My man is an immortal strong man. Although he still can't compete with tianwu tribe, he's not easy to mess with. He loves me so much that he doesn't even want my life. If he really kills me, it's not good for Qinghe tribe and elder Wulong.

This matter is really big. People of other tribes will be cold hearted to tianwu tribe when they know about elder Wulong's behavior! At that time, I'm afraid you will also be punished by tianwu tribe if you are elder Wulong. "

"You are right."

Wulong nodded with a smile and looked up and down at GE nianyao with small eyes. Although the girl didn't have Wan Muya's flirtatious temperament, her facial features were more beautiful than Wan Muya. There was also a unique sense of beauty of young girls, which Wan Muya could not compare.

He smiled coldly: "the problem is that before I called you over, I secretly arrested one of your tribes and got some information from him."

The faces of the people of Chongfeng tribe all changed!

Wulong continued to laugh and said: "that boy is not from your tribe at all, nor is he married to you. He and you just met on the road. After entering the city, he left. Obviously, he has nothing to do with you at all. What, am I right?"

For a moment, there was silence!

The people of Chongfeng tribe are like being hit by death, and no one can speak.

Seeing this scene, Wulong smiled even more. Since he called these people over, the people of Chongfeng tribe have been in his calculation, and everything is under his control.

He enjoyed the feeling of control.

Wan Muya looked at GE nianyao with a disdainful face. "You are really a shameless cheap thing! People have nothing to do with you, but you say he is your man. Even the butcher in the brothel is not as cheap as you!"

Ge nianyao glared at her and scolded, "you are not only cheap, but also blind. Even this old and ugly guy has a good appetite. I can't compare with you in this respect!"

As soon as these words came out, Wan Muya and Wulong's faces became black!

Naturally, Wan Muya could not be willing to serve Wulong. For a moment, it was like being uncovered. She angrily scolded: "dead girl, you are looking for a fight!"


She turned into a shadow and rushed to ge nianyao.

Geyuanshan and Ge nianyao's father and others, with awe inspiring eyes, wanted to stop her. However, Wulong erupted a terrible momentum over them.

Wulong disappeared from where he was, appeared in front of geyuanshan, blocked him, and sneered: "you'd better not move, otherwise, none of you can go!"

Geyuanshan looks blue!

Pa Pa Pa——

Several loud slaps rang out, and the last slap hit Ge nianyao staggering, and he fell to the ground.

Blood gushed from her mouth, and she still stared at Wan Muya.

"Believe it or not, I gouged your eyes?" Wan Muya's eyes are gloomy and she walks to ge nianyao.

Geyuanshan looked like a fierce beast going mad. He shouted, "don't go too far!"

The sound was full of murderous spirit, like a trapped animal trying to fight.

Wan Muya was scared to step back.

"All right, get out of here!" Wulong's angry way.

When the people of Chongfeng tribe left, Wan Muya still said, "just let them leave?"

Geyuanshan's eyes were cold and he said with a smile, "don't worry, they can't leave tianwu tribe alive!"

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