Today's global city is very prosperous. On weekdays, there are many caravans coming here to do business. Therefore, the scene of Lin Chen killing zhangqikun was also seen by the caravans.

After these people left the global city, what happened here was like a storm spreading around. Through their mouths, it quickly spread to all corners of the West!

Zhangqikun, the second strongest man in the Xuantian divine realm and in the middle of the supreme realm, could not hurt the global city leader with all his strength, but was killed by one blow. This news is so shocking that countless people were shocked and shocked the western part of the original continent!

After confirming that the news was not spread falsely, they looked at the direction of the Xuantian divine realm.

"When zhangqikun was killed, the majesty of Xuantian divine realm, the most powerful force in the west, was provoked and would never give up easily. I guess that before long, the earth city will face the Revenge of Xuantian divine realm.

At that time, the earth city will welcome the master of Xuantian God domain and several other supreme masters! Perhaps, soon, the global city will disappear on the original continent. "

"The battle between the supreme and the powerful! Let's hurry to the Earth City. We have no hope of becoming the supreme in this life, but if we can witness the supreme struggle, it will be a good talk."

"Yes! Every move of the Supreme Master contains the law and Tao. If we can get some inspiration, we will benefit from it all our life."


Before long, countless people from all over the West came to the global city to see an unprecedented excitement!

Just when it was widely heard outside, the other four Supreme masters of the Xuantian divine realm were called to the hall again by Luo Wen. Different from the last time, when he learned that Lin Chen had returned, several people in the hall were smiling. This time, the atmosphere was dull and depressing.

Luo Wen had a gloomy face.

He didn't believe the news was true, but now the news has spread all over the west, and zhangqikun hasn't returned yet. Even if he doesn't believe it, he can't do it.

"According to the information received, someone heard zhangqikun say that the global city leader is in the middle of the supreme realm like him! How could this be possible? It is only a few decades since he used the 'abyss star' to kill zhoutaichang. How could he change from not even the supreme to the middle of the supreme realm?"

"In those days, he was the great perfection of the immortal realm, and he would never make any mistakes. Now he is in the middle of the supreme realm, and he will not make any mistakes. No matter how strange, that is the reality in front of him. It can only be said that he has an unimaginable opportunity in the middle.

For example, it may be only a few decades for us, but it may have been hundreds of thousands or even millions of years for him to accidentally enter a time and space secret place! "

"He was just in the middle of the supreme realm. The armor on his body must be the supreme artifact like the 'star of the abyss', so Zhang Qikun couldn't break his defense. The question is, what was the means he used in the end? It is said that Zhang Qikun had a huge tower shadow on his body, and the speed became slow. It seems that his strength has been suppressed?"

"What can we do now? The whole west is watching our jokes."


The four Supreme masters at the beginning of the supreme realm, when they talked about Lin Chen earlier, looked disapproving. At this time, they were shocked and angry, and there was a trace of panic in their voices.

They are not to blame.

After all, Zhang Qikun's strength is much stronger than any of the four of them. Now that Zhang Qikun has been beaten to death, how can they not be afraid?

"Is that enough?" Luo Wen's tone was low, like a demon God who was neither happy nor angry.

The four Supreme masters are busy shutting up. Although they are both supreme masters, they are like a three-year-old child facing an eight foot tall man in front of Luo Wen. The two sides are not in the same level at all.

"Tell me what you think!" Luo Wen said faintly.

The middle-aged man of guozimian hurriedly said: "this matter has been spread all over the West. If you want to save the face of Xuantian divine realm, you can only kill that boy! In my opinion, you, the domain leader, will lead the four of us to the global city this time. As long as you are here, that boy will not be able to turn the sky in the West."

Another nodded and agreed: "now it seems that there are two supreme artifacts on the boy. The 'abyss star' and his dark red armor. In this way, after we discard him, we will reap more than we originally expected."

Luo Wen pondered for a few seconds and said, "what do you mean, like zhangqikun, you rush to the global city to call for battle, and then five people besiege one of them?"

He sneered, "Zhang Qikun can't break his defense with his supreme skills. He can completely ignore your offensive. To put it simply, he can take the four of you to besiege him. It's no different from my own past. There's no advantage in numbers at all."

The four people were embarrassed when he said this. The middle-aged man with Chinese character face said with a smile: "you are more than enough to deal with him alone, domain master. How can he be your opponent in the middle of the supreme realm?"

"I would be happier if you could say less useless flattery and give more useful advice!" Luo Wen said coldly.

The middle-aged man with the national character face stopped talking. He really couldn't give any advice.

In his opinion, it really doesn't need to be so troublesome. The other side is just a middle stage of the supreme realm. The domain master will personally sweep it.

He also knew that Luo Wen was always very cautious and would not put himself in any danger. Therefore, no matter how much he said, he would not directly confront the other party according to the other party's current meaning.

Luo Wen said coldly, "as you said earlier, the five of us will go to the global city together. However, I have other plans."

As soon as they heard this, they realized that Luo Wen had already made his own plan.

With the strength of yiluowen, he could easily kill the global city leader. Now he is so cautious. In their view, nature represents infallible.

The four were so excited that their panic had long vanished.

Led by Luo Wen, several people immediately set off for the global city.

They thought that after what had happened before, the surrounding area of the global city was probably heavily guarded. Unexpectedly, there were only some guards at the gate of the city, which looked no different from the past.

"The global city leader has a big heart! However, it seems that he also knows very well that no matter how many guards guard us, when we arrive, we will just be cannon fodder to be cleaned up!" The middle-aged man with Chinese character face hissed.

Immediately, he closed his mouth and looked at Luo Wen with the other three people, waiting to listen to his next arrangement.

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