In the elegantly decorated room, the table is decorated with wine and delicacies with color, fragrance and taste. The diet of monks is never for food, but for enjoyment.

The food and wine on the table are not only delicious, but also expensive.

Lin Chen hardened her scalp, endured Cassia's cold eyes, and hugged her left and right. After a while, she drank so much that her face turned red and her eyes became confused.

If a monk doesn't want to get drunk, he can't be guilty of drinking as much as ordinary wine.

But this kind of seeking flowers and willows will not deliberately dissolve the alcohol in the body; Second, the fine wine that can be served is not ordinary wine. Ordinary people will get drunk after drinking a drop.

Therefore, it is common for people who come for fun to get drunk.

Many people just like to get half drunk and then go to the trouble.

"My Lord, when I came here, I heard that you have a supreme order from a Supreme Lord. What is the relationship between you and that supreme lord? My parents are so big that they have never seen the supreme power!"

"Yes, my Lord. You are so awesome! I heard that Lord Pei had a conflict with you, and you slapped him a few times. It's the first time I've heard that he also had a bad time."

Xi Yue and xian'er said admiringly while serving Lin Chen to drink.

Lin Chen said triumphantly, "Lord Pei? He is a bullshit! The token was given to me by my grandfather. Speaking of it, there are a large number of young people in our family, and not everyone can get the token given by my grandfather!

He doesn't deserve to be compared with me, let alone! hey! After a while, when Lao Tzu comes back, Lao Tzu's position in the family will be improved again! "

Xi Yue and xian'er were curious.

Xi Yue almost leaned her whole body against Lin Chen, twisted her plump body, looked at Lin Chen with adoring and curious eyes, and said:

"What do you mean by this, sir? Why will your status be improved after a while? Is it because your strength has been greatly improved?"

"Hey! Strength enhancement? My discovery this time is much more important than strength enhancement! I went out this time and found chaos and strange fire outside. That was - er..."

When Lin Chen finished, he thought of something. He immediately shut up and said with an obscene smile, "this is a secret. I can't tell you too much. Drink!"

Cassia's heart jumped when she heard Lin Chen talking about chaos and strange fire. However, seeing his performance, she immediately understood that the boy was talking nonsense. However, at this time, she was also a little curious. What was Lin Chen thinking?

Xi Yue pursed her mouth and twisted her body more. "Good man, my good adult, can you tell me? What is chaos and strange fire? Is it a powerful baby?

People don't have any insight. It's impossible to get in touch with those treasures and big people in your mouth in this life. Do you want people to listen to them and have a good time? "

Xian'er looked at Lin Chen with adoring eyes on her face and said in a charming voice, "my Lord, is chaos and strange fire a very powerful treasure? How did you find it?" "You don't understand what chaos and strange fire are. Besides, you can't touch them in your life. What's the use of knowing them! Ouch, it's awkward. If you twist it again, you'll have to eat the wine and vegetables in bed. OK, OK, you and I

Let's talk about the process of discovering chaos and fire, OK? "

Lin Chen said, and the two women cheered. "In a word, I was also connected with that chaotic fire! It was a volcanic area hundreds of thousands of miles away from here. When I chased my enemy, he jumped into a crater. Inside the volcano, I killed him, but I found that there was something strange in the volcano


There are some strange energy beads in the magma river inside. I picked up the bead, and a wave of suction came from the bead, which was trying to devour my power, which scared me at that time.

As a result, the bead could not swallow my power. Instead, it turned into a pure power and was absorbed by me.

I also met a kind of spider monster there. After hunting, they threw the carcass of their prey into the lava River... "

Lin Chen processed his experience of getting the third kind of chaos and strange fire. Seven were true and three were false. Let alone two prostitutes, even Cassia listened with interest.

As far as Cassia knows, there are strange things in the places where there are chaotic fire. Through the strange things, we can roughly judge what the special ability of chaotic fire is.

Lin Chen's story is almost the same as her understanding of chaos and fire.

She didn't know that Lin Chen's words were based on facts. Unless her own cognition was wrong, Lin Chen's words would not be wrong. After a long time, Lin Chen finished his experience and said excitedly: "the chaotic fire is hidden in the magma of the earth's core. With my strength, I can't find it! But our ancestors can! I drew a map there and returned to Yuan City,

We should report this to our ancestors.

Unfortunately, I don't know where he went. He hasn't returned for more than ten years. But as long as he comes back, my credit will come naturally!

It's Tianda's credit to help Lao Zu get chaos and fire. In the future, I will definitely be more valued by my ancestors. At that time, my status will naturally be improved by several grades!

well. This is my chance! For many years, I have never been in such a good mood. I have to get drunk today. "

Lin Chenyue said that he was more excited. He didn't eat much food, and the wine was one cup after another. When he finished, he plopped and fell down on his back. He was drunk.

Xi Yue and xian'er see this, Jiao smiles, and they want to help Lin Chen go to bed.

"What are you doing?" Cassia stood between them, her face cold.

Seeing Xi Yue and xian'er holding Lin Chen, her body was close to him. Her eyebrows stood up and she stretched out her hand to pull Lin Chen over. Xi Yue and xian'er almost sat on the ground.

"You -" Xi Yue was furious. "Of course we have to serve this adult. Why? What else can we do in bed? I said there is something wrong with you! You are just a servant girl, not his wife, and you are still protecting food! A servant girl, taking care of the master's affairs, is simply

It's a big joke! "

Xian'er, who had a shy face, was like a shrew with her hands on her hips. She scolded Cassia with a sharp voice, as if she wanted to tear Cassia up.

I just finished!


Cassia slapped her in the face and shouted, "get out!"

Xian'er covers her face and immediately wants to fight with cassia. As a result, Xi Yue pulls her away.

When the two women left, cassia looked at Lin Chen and said coldly, "don't pretend to be dead. Isn't it good that the beauty is pregnant?" When she finished speaking, she found that Lin Chen did not know when to lean on her. Her face turned red, pushed him away, and angrily said, "what plan do you have? Tell me clearly!"

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