"Are you sure what he said is true and there is nothing wrong?"

Xuanyan held the map given to him by the landlady of Yunmeng building in his hand. When he asked this, he seemed calm on the surface and his eyes were very hot. It can be seen that the news brought him a great surprise.

There was no peace in his heart.

Xuanyan ancient tree uses both the law of fire and the law of wood to enter the Tao. However, no one in the world who understands the law of fire, whether human, monster or other ethnic groups, is not interested in chaotic fire.

Like cassia, he also spent a lot of time and energy looking for chaos and fire. Unfortunately, he hasn't gained anything for many years!

"There's absolutely nothing wrong with him! He looks like Zhong Huan and is definitely Zhong Huan's son. He said he wanted to tell Zhong Huan the news, but Zhong Huan has been outside for more than ten years, so he can only wait for him to come back." Said the landlady of Yunmeng building.

Xuanyan hears the words and thinks that the people of the Zhong family don't know that their ancestors have fallen into the hands of their enemies. No matter how long they wait, Zhong Huan won't come back. It's even possible that he has died at the hands of the Terran youth.

"You repeat his words to me, literally!" Xuan Yan said.


Previously, Xi Yue told Lin Chen and them the whole conversation.

At this time, the landlady of Yunmeng building told Xi Yue what she had told her.

"A sphere that can devour the power of a monk? After failing to devour the power of a monk, it can be devoured by a monk in turn. It is composed of pure abilities?"

Xuanyan's eyes were shining, and he knew that this special sphere was definitely influenced by chaos and fire. He had seen in an ancient book that the accompanying objects of chaos and fire could reflect the special ability of chaos and fire to a certain extent.

This kind of sphere can devour the power of others, and can be absorbed by monks?

Is it difficult that the special ability of this chaotic fire can help the cultivator quickly swallow the power of other cultivators, or speed up the absorption of heaven and Earth Spirit, and speed up the absorption and transformation of the power of the pill?

No matter which one of them, this special ability is undoubtedly very suitable for improving strength!

Is a very practical means!

If you get this chaos, you will be able to go further in the future!

"Very good! This time, you have made great contributions. After I get the chaos fire, you will benefit me." Xuanyan was so hot that he took the map.

The landlady of Yunmeng building said with a charming smile, "it's my pleasure to work for you. As long as you are willing to spend more time with others in the future, they will be happy. Where else do you need any benefits?"


Xuan Yan laughed.

It has to be said that no matter how powerful a man is, he will never hate such a talking woman.

He said with a smile: "one yard for one yard. Even if you are my woman, you should give me the benefits. In addition, when I come back, you will move here for a period of time and stay with me."

The proprietress of Yunmeng building looked delighted. The spring water in her eyes seemed to be dripping. She said charming, "I don't know when to start. Go to find chaos and fire?"

"Let's not delay. Of course, we should start now!"


"Did they both come out of the room?" After returning to Yunmeng building, the proprietress of Yunmeng building called the procuress and asked Lin Chen and cassia if they were still in the room.

After learning from the procuress that the door had not been opened and that she was still in the room, she stopped asking, but told the procuress that if the other party made trouble, she would notify herself to deal with it.

The reason why she said this is because although she put back the original map, the mental mark on the space ring was erased. The other party may be able to guess something, which may cause trouble.

She didn't care much about this, and thought of a way to deal with it.

Anyway, the Supreme Master Xuanyan was standing in the way. Even if other supreme masters did not dare to come to trouble.

Although the procuress was puzzled, he promised repeatedly.

At this time, if they pushed the door open, they would find that it was already empty. Lin Chen and cassia were not in the room at all.


"Here it is!"

Xuan Yan looked at the map on his hand, and his eyes fell a few miles in front of him, just like the continuous mountains like Wolong, with a smile on his face. Even with his nature, he was also a little excited at this time.

His figure flickered, and soon he reached the sky over the mountains.

Bursts of hot air waves rise from below, and the temperature is much higher than that of other places. Obviously, many volcanoes in this mountain range are active volcanoes, and there should be a large amount of magma inside, which leads to such an amazing temperature nearby.

This scene coincided with the news Xuanyan received, and his heart was even more excited.

"This map is a little sketchy, but according to the above marks, it is enough to determine that the location of the chaotic fire is one of the following volcanoes!

You only need to search every volcano once. Soon, you can see the special sphere and find out the chaotic fire! That boy can't find out the chaos fire, but it's not difficult to find out the chaos fire with my strength! "

Xuan Yan regarded the chaos and fire he had not seen as something in his bag.

He turned into a streamer and quickly flew into a volcanic crater below. Sure enough, he saw red lava rivers inside the volcano. To his disappointment, he did not find that special sphere.

He was not discouraged, but also looked for other volcanoes around him.

As time went on, his face grew ugly.

"What's the matter? I've looked for several volcanoes around here. Why don't I see the sphere that can devour power? It seems that it's just a few ordinary volcanoes?"

Xuanyan ancient tree looked suspicious. Standing on the hot ground inside the volcano, he looked at the boiling magma River in front of him. There was nothing except the hot magma.

Under normal circumstances, he began to doubt whether the news he got was true, but he was too eager to get a kind of chaotic fire, and was unwilling to believe that the news was false.

"I see! That kind of sphere is inside the lava River and will not be suspended on the surface. As long as I dive into the lava river of several nearby volcanoes and look for it, I can naturally find it!"

Xuan Yan showed a sudden look.

He was about to enter the magma River to look for it. A voice came from the crater above.

"Idiot. Even if you spend tens of thousands of years looking for it here, you can't find chaos and fire. How can you find something that doesn't exist?"

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