
Yaojing could not help laughing and saying, "I'm kidding you. But Doctor Lin, you really have the ability to catch up with ye menghuang, the classical goddess."

Lin Chen touched his nose and said awkwardly, "you misunderstood me. Teacher ye and I are friends."

Yaojing blinked and said in surprise, "is it still the love between teachers and students?"

Lin Chen said in silence, "can you not have such a rich imagination?"

This chick looks like an iceberg president. Obviously, she suddenly seems to have become a gossip girl. Lin Chen is really not used to it.

"Hee hee, I won't guess."

Yaojing smiled and knew how to stop at the sight of pleasure. "Shall we start treatment now? Just rely on the silver needle in Dr. Lin's hand?"

Lin Chen nodded and said, "your heart doesn't have a big problem. It's just that the previous knife just stabbed on a coagulation Meridian on the outer layer of the heart, blocking the blood circulation. That's why it occasionally causes suffocation, dizziness, numbness in hands and feet, and angina pectoris. I'll use a silver needle to help you adjust. After the normal blood circulation, it will repair itself."

Although Yaojing knew that Lin Chen had excellent medical skills, she was still scared when she heard Lin Chen speak out all her symptoms. To know her heart problem, she couldn't even find the instruments in the hospital!

Remembering that Lin Chen said he heard it last time, Yaojing was curious. Is this guy Superman? The inborn strong man is really abnormal!

"Do you need anything?" Yaojing now fully believes in Lin Chen's medical skills.

"There's nothing to prepare. Take off your coat and lie down on the sofa." Lin Chen pointed to the sofa Road next to him.

"Ah?" Yaojing was stunned, and her face turned red. "Do you want to take off your clothes?"

Lin Chen's face was pure, and he said in silence, "otherwise, how can I inject?"

"Take off... How much? You, you won't be..." Yao Jing blushed, thinking that he wouldn't want to take advantage of himself.

Lin Chen saw what she thought and said, "don't get me wrong. I don't want to take advantage of you. For doctors, patients are both male and female. Although this acupuncture is not difficult for me, it's easy to have problems in the heart position. If it's in another position, it's OK to wear thinner clothes, because there's no big problem, but the heart position is not good. It's too dangerous."

Yaojing wants to cry. Her heart can be located in her heart. How can I show you!

What kind of patient, male or female, regardless of whether others believe it or not, Yaojing doesn't believe it

She didn't want to be cured, but she really didn't want to miss the opportunity to cure her heart problems.

She looked up at Lin Chen and saw that his eyes were clear. At this moment, she was a little embarrassed. She really wanted to help herself with the treatment, but she made it seem that he wanted to take advantage of her.

Take it off!

When Yaojing blushed as if she were bleeding, and lay on the sofa, she didn't dare to look at Lin Chen with her eyes closed. When she allowed him to apply the needle, she heard Lin Chen say, "I'm curious who stabbed you. Looking at the scar, you can still live. Your luck is really good."

The blush on Yaojing's face dispersed, and her eyes became a little cold, but she didn't say anything.

Lin Chen didn't care about the other party's silence, but continued: "are you having a bad relationship with that fat man just now? Why don't you stop me from letting someone drink his wine?"

The reason why he talked to Yao Jing became a bit of gossip is that Yao Jing was too shy and nervous, his muscles were tense, and his blood circulation was too rapid, which was really not conducive to the injection.

That's why he started to divert her attention. Of course, another part was to relieve his emotions. He was also a little worried. There was no way. It was so tempting. He was a normal man again.

Yaojing still didn't answer.

Lin Chen continued: "when we first met that day, someone wanted to kill you. It doesn't have anything to do with Yao Jianren. Is it an old-fashioned fight among powerful families?"

Yaojing said with a wry smile, "Dr. Lin, I found that you are also a gossip. But indeed, if you guessed right, the killer that day was really related to yaojianren and his son."

Although the infighting among rich and powerful families is old-fashioned, it happens that every rich and powerful family will basically appear as long as there are more children.

"Can't the knife on your chest also have something to do with them?" While Lin Chen was talking, the silver needle had been pierced.

Yaojing's face stiffened and she said faintly, "maybe. In fact, there's nothing to hide. When she was a child, she was kidnapped and asked for money. After she got the money, she stabbed me in the chest. It's estimated that she planned to kill me at the beginning. Fortunately, my grandfather found someone who had some skills. In addition, I had a big life and found a life."

In simple words, Lin Chen killed the machine step by step. Looking at the girl with a smile on her face and a cold look in her eyes, Lin Chen thought that although she was born in a rich family, she had a golden spoon, but if she was not careful, Cong heaven fell to hell and her life was gone.

While twirling the silver needle, Lin Chen said, "you mean that those who kidnapped you were instigated by others. Kidnapping for money is just to hide people's ears and eyes. In fact, it is to kill you. But they are afraid that others will doubt that Yao Jianren's father and son are on them?"

"Who knows."

Yaojing said faintly, looking at Lin Chen with a smile: "Doctor Lin, do you think I'm a little pathetic?"

Lin Chen was stunned. "Are you pathetic? Just think you should be very tired?"

Yaojing nodded and said, "yes, I'm a little tired, but just get used to it. I want to ask, are you interested in being my ally?"

"Allies?" Lin Chen narrowed his eyes and said, "no wonder you didn't say a word just now. It seems that you know what happened at the martial arts meeting?"

Yaojing made no secret of her position and said: "I do know, so I hope I can become an ally with you. I can help you with whatever you need, whether it's money, power or women. But if I ever need a super expert to help me, I hope you can help me."

Lin Chen shook his head and said, "I'm not interested."

Yaojing's eyes darkened and she listened to Lin Chen: "however, it's OK to be a friend."

Lin Chen doesn't have a bad impression of Yao Jing. On the contrary, when he had a dispute with Ye Boyan at the imperial club last time, the girl always wanted to be a peacemaker for him. Maybe she was sophisticated and had a deep mind, but she was undoubtedly a kind girl.

If she spoke out in an ordinary family, she should have just entered the University and enjoyed a good time in her youth. However, she is now living in the business circle and family intrigues, which makes people feel pity.

Yaojing's face suddenly brightened. "Dr. Lin, you really want to be friends with me."

Lin Chen said with a smile, "don't you want to?"

Yaojing quickly nodded and said, "yes! Of course I do!"

Lin Chen said with a smile, "then you can call me Lin Chen directly. However, I have many enemies now. Making friends with me may not be very beneficial, but it is estimated that there will be a lot of trouble."

"You mean the Xiang family?"

On Yao Jing's face, she said forcefully, "don't worry, the Yao family is not easy to mess with. The Xiang family is the first ancient martial family in Nanhua Province, but in modern society, he has to be bound by the law and can't turn the tide!"

Lin Chen thought that if you knew there were ye family and Qi family, you would not be so confident.

However, he believes that the Ye family and the Qi family will not move the Yao family just because they have made a friend with Yao Jing. The Yao family has a group of people in the system. As Yao Jing said, they are not easy to mess with.

Then Yaojing turned a little red and said, "Lin Chen, why do you want to be friends with me?"

She wondered if he was interested in himself?

Lin Chen thought for a while and said with a smile, "because you are not old, but you have a good figure. I will give you heart acupuncture, and the silver needle should be longer?"

"Ah?" Yaojing was made red by Lin Chen's words.

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