Lai Liang'an was impatient in his eyes, but his face was a little embarrassed. "Little girl, it's not that I don't give you a high price, but that you don't have much value in these herbs, such as Banlangen, Shuanghuanglian, medlar, etc., which are not worth much at all."

Several customers nearby are also paying attention to them. After all, the little girl is thin and simple. She is obviously a rural person with a poor family. It really makes people feel a flood of love. A middle-aged woman said, "Lai, you can increase the price. If the little girl encounters difficulties at home, you should help her."

Lailiang'an said with a wry smile, "but this changhetang is not my own. I just sit here and help identify the drugs. I should be responsible to the employer. I can't make arbitrary pricing. Otherwise, I usually need some herbs myself. I can sell them to myself. I'll give you fifteen yuan. What do you think, little girl?"

Although fifteen yuan is a drop in the bucket for our family today, people say that these herbs are worthless, and the little girl can only nod, "OK, thank you, doctor Lai. You are a good man."

She made up her mind that she would stop reading when she returned. She would go to the mountain to collect herbs immediately and must cure her father's leg.

The people nearby saw that Lai Liangan had even paid out of his own pocket, and the price was 500 yuan higher than before. They all looked with admiration.

"Doctor Lai is really a good man."

"Yes, yes, they all say that doctors have parents' hearts and that this is the real doctor!"

"No wonder changhetang specially invited doctor Lai to come here. It can be imagined from doctor Lai's medical ethics and skills!"

"If I have any disease in the future, I will come to see doctor Lai. There are few such kind-hearted doctors now."

Listening to the praise from the crowd, Lai Liangan was very proud. Now that the good stuff had come into his own hands, his reputation had also been established. It was amazing to kill two birds with one stone!

He couldn't wait to take out fifteen large bills from his body and said, "little girl, here is 1500 yuan. Take it, and then you can leave. Just give me the medicine."

"OK, thank you, doctor Lai." The little girl said thanks and was about to take the money, but she held out a hand to hold her hand.

She was startled and hurriedly looked at the owner of the hand. It turned out to be the pretty young man just now.

"You..." the little girl was a little nervous. She ran here. How could he catch up with her.

However, Lin Chen didn't pay attention to the little girl, but said faintly to doctor Lai: "lailiangan, it's very kind of you. Even a little girl's money is in trouble. I didn't hear her say that her father broke his leg picking herbs. Are you waiting for money at home now? Your conscience has been eaten by the dog?"

The moment lailiangan saw Lin Chen, a burst of anger sprang up on his face.

The reason why he appeared in Guangyang city was that he couldn't get along in Yuehai city.

Although tangtiande didn't deliberately target him, but simply said that he was just a quack, tangtiande was the Secretary of the municipal Party committee of Yuehai city. As soon as his words came out, lailiangan couldn't get a foothold in Yuehai city.

Some powerful patients who had been fooled by him directly asked him to go away, and the Chinese medicine program of Yuehai TV station, which invited him as a guest, directly fired him!

For a moment, he became a lost dog in Yuehai city. He couldn't stay any longer. He had to go to Guangyang city to develop.

In his opinion, all this is not his own problem, but the emergence of Lin Chen, which leads to such a result. Some people will never admit that they have a problem. Lailiangan is such a person.

He hated Lin Chen to the extreme in his heart, but he didn't expect to see this boy here again today!

However, when he heard Lin Chen's words, he was cluttering in his heart. Did he see anything?

He looked at the bamboo basket brought by the little girl. Just now, when he looked through the herbs, he put the good things in it. There are some ordinary herbs outside. This guy just came here. How can he see anything! It's clear that I'm here to find fault!

He suppressed his panic and looked insulted. "Young man, what do you mean by that? Why did I cheat the little girl's money? I was kind enough to buy her these ordinary herbs. Don't talk about it! You are insulting my medical ethics!"

"That's right. What's the matter with you young man? Just now, from the perspective of changhetang, doctor Lai said that he could only pay 1000 yuan at most. Finally, he bought these herbs out of his own pocket. Only then can he get fifteen yuan. Don't make trouble!"

"That's right. What do you know as a young man? Doctor Lai has been on TV and has been practicing medicine for decades. Is it difficult to misunderstand the price of these herbs?"

"I heard that there are vicious competitions now. It is estimated that this man was found by other drugstores and deliberately tried to smash the signboard of changhetang!"

"Didn't you hear that he just called doctor Lai by his name? It's rude to be young! I guess he came to trouble doctor Lai!"


Seeing that Lai Liangan was so angry that his face turned red, many people held their grievances for him and glared at Lin Chen. In their view, Lin Chen came here to make trouble.

Now there are too many vicious competitions and frame ups!

The little girl was stunned by Lin Chen's words. She felt that Lin Chen seemed to be talking for her. However, in her opinion, how could such a big drugstore fool herself? It should be that the young man made a mistake.

The little girl pushed Lin Chen and said, "go away. How could someone make a mistake in the pharmacy? If you are really interested in my herbs, I will sell them next time. I will choose them for you first."

Lin Chen took the bamboo basket directly.

"What are you doing? Stop!" Lailiang'an was suddenly about to rob.

"Stand still!" Lin Chen glared at him and said coldly.

Lailiang'an was startled by Lin Chen's cold eyes. He remembered that Lin Chen kicked people away at tangtiande's house last time. He stopped.

Lin Chen took out the red root like thing in the bamboo basket and said, "do you know what this is?"

Lai Liang'an twitched from the corner of his eye, then sneered: "what can this be? I don't know where to get the wild tree roots. Is it difficult or something rare?"

Lin Chen sneered, "are you sure this is a wild tree root?"

Lailiangan frowned. To tell the truth, he didn't know what it was, but it had a refreshing smell. He smelled it just now and felt relaxed and happy. He thought it must not be an ordinary product. That's why he planned to buy it himself. It's nonsense to give 500 yuan more to help the little girl.

But lailiangan doesn't believe it. This guy can see what he doesn't know? Maybe Lin Chen's medical skills are better than him, but he doesn't believe it. This hairy boy can be more knowledgeable than him!

Lailiangan sneered, "of course I'm sure it's a wild tree root! Since you don't think so, why don't you tell me what it is?"

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