"Boss Zhang, here you are." Seeing this man, Lai Liangan immediately showed a flattering smile.

A few of the people present also knew this man, and they were excited because he was a big man.

"Who is this? Is it the boss here?" A woman asked when she saw her husband looking respectful.

The man nodded and whispered, "yes, his name is zhanghongyi. He is the boss of changhetang. He has great influence in the pharmaceutical industry. If he announces his wealth, he will definitely be on the Forbes rich list!"

When a woman hears the speech, she is also awed and respectful. In China, there are many low-key super rich. Zhang Hongyi is obviously such a person.

Many people nearby also heard the man's voice and became a little restrained. Such a big man, they can't touch at all at ordinary times. Seeing him at this time, they are both excited and nervous.

Zhanghongyi came over and wondered, "what's going on, doctor Lai?"

Lailiangan looked at Lin Chen with a sneer and said with a smile, "boss Zhang, nothing. It's just that a fool wants to buy medicine at a high price. There's too much money to throw away!"

"Oh? Selling herbs at a high price is too much money to throw away?"

Zhanghongyi was stunned and looked at Lin Chen with his eyes. In the next moment, he trembled and stared at the red root on Lin Chen's hand. His voice trembled and said, "young man, can you show me what you have in your hand?"

Lin Chen looked at his excited appearance. He couldn't help picking his eyebrows and said in surprise: "do you know huoyangcao?"

"What a fire Yang herb!" Zhanghongyi exclaimed, and then he said excitedly, "young man, is this yours? How about selling it to me? Just ask for it!"

Lin Chen shook her head and said, "sorry, I just need this thing. I'm not going to sell it!"

"How about selling me ten million?" Zhanghongyi hurried.

Lin Chen shook his head, "not for sale."

"Thirty million!" Zhanghongyi said eagerly, "young man, do you think about going down carefully?"

However, Lin Chen still said without any hesitation: "you don't have to ask for a price. Even if you pay a billion dollars, it's useless. I'm not going to sell it."

Although Lin Chen was surprised at Zhang Hongyi's extravagance, he couldn't say it was unexpected. This fire Yang herb has many effects. It can replenish qi and nourish blood, and even kill people. As long as there is one breath, even if the vitality is exhausted, people can live for dozens of days more, which is comparable to thousands of years of ginseng!

Moreover, this thing has a special purpose, that is to stimulate the potential of the human body, so that the human body can exert its power and speed beyond the limit. Lin Chen also wants to use this function to refine a special pill.

When Zhang Hongyi saw that Lin Chen had made up his mind not to sell it, he could not help but feel sorry. This fire Yang herb is very rare, which is rarely recorded in ancient books. His grandfather was a famous doctor. When he was a child, he saw that his grandfather used this fire Yang herb to cure people. With only a little fingernail, he saved a man who had only stepped into hell.

This thing can be called divine medicine. To exaggerate, it can bring the dead back to life!

Sighing, he suddenly remembered something, looked at lailiangan and said, "what did you mean by that? Who buys medicinal materials at a high price? Do you mean that the young man bought the medicinal materials from other people? Did he buy them from us?"

Lailiangan was already stupid at this time. He felt as if he had been struck by a flash of lightning. His mind was buzzing. Only the price just quoted by Zhang Hongyi was echoing!

Thirty million!

Zhang Hongyi even offered 30 million yuan!

And it seems that the price can go up!

Zhanghongyi is a famous Chinese medicine merchant. Naturally, he can't make a mistake. After a long time, he is the stupid B who has no eyesight!

Don't say twomillion. Even if you buy this medicine for ten million, you will make a lot of money!

At this moment, he almost regretted that his intestines were green. Had he known, he continued to bid!

Apart from him, the rest of the people were also stunned. Some of them couldn't react. Thirty million yuan. They were so tired that they couldn't make thirty million yuan all their lives!

Seeing that Lai Liangan was stupid, Zhang Hongyi didn't answer himself. He could have achieved what he is today. His brain is not ordinary smart. He immediately guessed something. He pointed to a salesperson nearby and said coldly, "come here and tell me the whole story. If there is a half lie, just pack up and go away!"

The salesperson didn't dare to tell lies. He was busy telling the whole story. At the same time, he looked at Lin Chen with envy.

After hearing this, Zhang Hongyi's face turned black. At first, the medicine was sold to Lai Liangan. As a result, Lai Liangan wanted to swallow it alone, but in the end, it was bought by others!

The baby was delivered to the door, but he was lost by this bastard!

"Lailiangan, you can go now. Besides, get out of Nanhua province for me. A guy like you who takes money but has a crooked mind is not qualified to enter the traditional Chinese medicine industry! You guys, throw him out!" Zhanghongyi said coldly, then waved to the security guard.

"Ah? Boss Zhang, don't! Let me go!"

Lailiangan is stupid. Now he has not only lost his job, but also wants to spread the news about Zhang Hongyi. How can he get along in the industry!

However, several security guards ignored his struggle and threw him out like carrying garbage.

"Little brother, meet me. I'm zhanghongyi."

Zhanghongyi smiled and held out his hand to Lin Chen. Although Lin Chen was unwilling to sell Huoyang grass to him, he didn't have any problems with it. On the contrary, Lin Chen knew this Huoyang grass and obviously had a good eye. In his opinion, it was worth making friends with him.

"Hello, Mr. Zhang. My name is Linchen." Lin Chen shook hands with the other party. He heard what others had said just now and knew the identity of the man.

It's good for him to know a big herbal medicine dealer.

After a few words of conversation, Zhang Hongyi gave Lin Chen a business card and said that he had something to deal with, so he left.

Now that he has obtained the fire Yang herb, Lin Chen has already decided what pill to refine.

In addition to Huoyang herb, this pill also needs some auxiliary herbs. However, they are common. He bought them directly from changhetang.

After a while, Lin Chen took the purchased herbs and Huoyang grass and took the little girl out of the changhetang. The little girl looked at Lin Chen from time to time.

Lin Chen said with a smile, "little sister, I don't know your name yet."

"I... my name is liuxiaozhu." The little girl said shyly.

Lin Chen nodded and inquired, "that little bamboo, the boss wanted to buy your medicine for thirty million yuan just now. Why don't you rush to sell it to him?"

"That's no good! I said I would sell it to you, and if it weren't for you, I would only get fifteen." Six little bamboo shook his head.

Lin Chen smiled, and he was more fond of the little girl. In fact, if she insisted on 30million yuan, he could give it. But for a person who has no power and power, especially a child, having 30million yuan at once may not be a good thing.

"Do you have a bank card, Xiao Zhu? I'll transfer the money to you." Lin Chen said.

"No bank card." Liuxiaozhu shakes her head. At the beginning, she didn't expect to sell so much money. Besides, she is still under age. Where does she have a bank card.

Lin Chen frowned. "Then you call your parents and ask their bank card number. I'll transfer the money, OK?"

Liuxiaozhu shook his head. "I don't have a mobile phone. Besides, my family doesn't save money in the bank."

She felt a little embarrassed that she had no money left in her family to deposit in the bank.

"Then there will be some trouble." Lin Chen didn't expect this to happen.

At this time, a woman in front of the newspaper booth nearby said admiringly: "Qi Chenghan and ye Yiren got married two days later. It's grand enough that they even went to Guangyang daily. It's worth it for a woman to get married once in her life!"

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