"No wonder you dare to make such a big show. You have some skills."

Those dead men don't know how they died until they die.

However, Lin Chen and cassia could see clearly that the wind blades flew out of Wang Xiyu's palm. The wind blades passed through the body, and the bodies of the big men were broken down.

It seems that the wind blade also contains soul attack, which not only decomposes the body of the other party, but also annihilates the soul of the other party.

Of course, Lin Chen said that he had some skills. He compared him with ordinary people. A monk in the middle of immortality, no matter how powerful his means, could not get into his eyes.

What made him more concerned was that in broad daylight, just because the other party made a little swagger, someone actually ran out to rob. From this, we can further see how chaotic the "Taiyi divine realm" is today!

"If we hadn't been on our way so fast that ordinary people couldn't even see us, it's estimated that many people would have come out to die along the way."

When Cassia finished, she saw that wangxiyu was walking towards her and Lin Chen with those maids. There seemed to be an invisible ladder in the air. Wangxiyu walked step by step, with an indescribable elegance and freedom.

Cassia said coldly, "boring!"

"Install B!" Lin Chen looked at Wang Xiyu coming, and said something more direct than she did.

Wangxiyu, who felt good about himself, finally came to Lin Chen and cassia after a while. He ignored Lin Chen as if he were the air, looked at Cassia wearing a veil, and said with a smile:

"You two are here to watch. Are you with those people just now?"

His servant girl, her eyes alert, surrounded Lin Chen and cassia.

Wangxiyu looked into Cassia's eyes. He always boasted that he could keep calm in front of any woman. At this moment, his heart beat a bit faster.

He has an inborn ability to judge whether a woman is beautiful by virtue of her temperament. With the experience of countless years, although he only sees CASIA's eyes at this time, he can be sure that this woman is definitely a great beauty!

A more beautiful woman than I have seen before!

The well-known young master Xi Yu, who likes collecting beauties, naturally can't let this kind of woman escape from her palm. She deliberately says that the other party is with those people before, but she wants to scare the other party, and then take the opportunity to impress the other party.

As the saying goes, if a woman is strong and a man is lecherous, he just needs to leave an impression that he is strong enough to look up to. It is easy to conquer this woman.

In wangxiyu's opinion, hearing their own questions, the other two would definitely panic and explain desperately.

As a result, cassia didn't even bother to talk to him.

Lin Chen said coldly, "no!"

He said in his heart, if we were with those people just now, you can't stand in front of me alive now.

Wangxiyu blushed, and the reaction of the other two made him feel embarrassed.

The tall maid beside him looked bad and stared at Lin Chen: "if you don't, you won't be? After seeing our childe's strength, you are afraid to end up the same as those guys. Of course you won't admit it!"

Wangxiyu then began to sing with a white face and said with a laugh: "well, luan'er, why bother others? I just asked casually. In my opinion, these two friends are not like companions of those guys."

He arched his hand at cassia and smiled politely and kindly: "it's also fate to meet in this kind of wilderness. I, wangxiyu, come from the royal family of Tianke divine realm. I'm going to go to the divine city of Taiyi divine realm to meet our father, the domain master of Tianke divine realm. I haven't asked for your name yet?"

The maid next to him looked proud and said, "our young master is not only the lineage of the Wang family, but also the youngest elder of the Wang family. If you can make friends with him, you will be blessed in your last life!"

Wangxiyu observed cassia and Lin Chen's faces and found that they were obviously surprised when they heard their identity. She couldn't help laughing in her heart. No matter how beautiful a woman is, she behaved no different from an ordinary woman when she heard my identity.

He did not know that Lin Chen and cassia were surprised not because of his amazing identity, but because of the word "Tianke divine domain".

"Tianke divine realm, how do you feel familiar? It seems that you have heard of it somewhere. Do you know anything about this day's divine realm? " Lin Chen whispers to Cassia.

Cassia replied: 'of course it sounds familiar! When you forgot the falling star, two people came up to talk and claimed to be the people of Tianke divine domain. One of them was also the domain master of Tianke divine domain. Later, one was killed by you, and the other escaped when you fought with the people of the great freedom cult. "

When Cassia said this, Lin Chen finally remembered. His face was strange. He secretly said what was the matter with the people in the Ke God realm that day. Do they all like to talk to people?

The previous two took the initiative to find themselves. Now this one is also coming to the door!

"Speaking of it, the old man ran away when I was fighting with someone. I haven't settled accounts with him yet. At present, we used to live in a holy city, and we also need someone to ask about the current situation... "

Lin Chen immediately had an idea, smiled at Wang Xiyu and said, "brother Wang, my name is Lin Chen!"

Wangxiyu suddenly felt disgusted. What kind of thing are you, and you deserve to be my brother?

What's more, I asked what the woman's name was. Who cares what your name is?

He was so annoyed that he didn't even bother to pay attention, so he heard Lin Chen say with a smile:

"The two of us are also planning to go to the holy city of Taiyi holy land. How about going together? Speaking of it, I have long respected the domain leader of Tianke holy land. Can you please take us to meet him?"

Wangxiyu was stunned. Are the two going to the holy city of the "Taiyi Holy Land"?

That's nice. In this way, I have enough time to take this woman down!

As for this man

Hum! I want to see my ancestors. I just want to be in the shade with my back against a big tree and hold our Wang family's thighs. It's a dream.

However, I can take advantage of this man first, take down the woman and kick the man away with one foot!

Wang Xiyu was so thoughtful that he soon had an idea. He looked at Lin Chen kindly and said with a smile:

"Brother Lin wants to meet our ancestors? That's no problem. I'll introduce you right away when we arrive at the Taiyi Shenyu Shencheng! In that case, we'll go on the road together and have many friends on the way, ha ha!"

"Hahaha!" Lin Chen also smiled with a very simple smile.

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