As time went by, every second seemed like a year. Zhu Chen's eyes became colder and colder.

According to Mo Ziheng, the boy in front of him is much stronger than the peak of the ordinary supreme realm. If you join the "great freedom cult" and cultivate a little, you will probably become the great perfection of the supreme realm in the future.

It is also because he has potential that he will tell him so much.

But if you really don't appreciate it, you won't be soft hearted because he has some potential.

Just as Zhu Chen was about to start, Lin Chen finally said, "I choose to join." Zhu Chen smiled and said, "that's right! From today on, you will also be a member of the great freedom deity. After you really understand how powerful the deity is, you will never regret it. In the future, you will be happy for today

I'm glad of your choice. "

Mozi Heng and several others, their bad eyes also disappeared, and they all looked happy.

Mozi Heng said with a smile, "from today on, we are all our own people."

"Please take care of it." Lin Chen agreed and smiled. He said to himself, "you are a piece of shit. You don't use your head to think about it. How can people treat you as their own people by this kind of coercion?"?

In the current situation, I have no choice but to promise to return the "God prison tower" and the "meteor saint mountain and river map" and take another step.

"I said I would join you, but I didn't say I would always be one of you."

Lin Chen looked at Zhu Chen and said, "now, can you give me back the 'God prison tower' and the 'meteor saint mountain and river map'?"

"No hurry!" Zhu Chen smiled gently and said, "although you are willing to join the divine religion, you still need to hold a ceremony before you can truly become a member of the divine religion. At that time, I will naturally return the things to you. They are all my own people. I can still give you

Can't you swallow your stuff? "

"What ceremony?" Lin Chen wondered if he would take him to meet the leader or the elder of the "great freedom cult" and make an entry ceremony of kneeling and kowtowing?

He was in a bad mood.

But soon he realized he was wrong.

"Go and bring people here!"

Zhu Chen motioned to a man nearby. The man left not long ago and came back with a girl.

The girl has wheat colored healthy skin. Although she is petite, the curve is enough to shame many tall women.

She has a pair of wild and beautiful eyes. Although her hands are bound with iron chains, like a prisoner, she is not afraid at all. Instead, she stares at several people present, as if she wants to tear them apart.

The man who left before pulled the chain that tied the girl's hands at the other end, like pulling a beast, and pulled the girl to Lin Chen.

Lin Chen was suspicious of the girl's fierce eyes. Who was the girl? She said that she would hold a ceremony. How did she bring a girl here? What does the ceremony have to do with the girl?

He looked at the girl for a few times and found that although the girl's eyes were fierce, her breath was listless and she should have been cheated.

At this time, she may not even be able to speak. Otherwise, with her grinning and showing two sharp teeth, she would swear at her own people even if she couldn't do it.

"What does that mean?" Lin Chen takes back his eyes and looks at Zhu Chen.

Zhu Chen said with a smile: "the force behind this guy is the sworn enemy of our 'great freedom cult'. The next ceremony is that you will kill her! Killing her is really joining the cult." Mo Ziheng looked at Lin Chen with a thoughtful tone: "anyway, you said you want to join the divine religion. Since you are already a member of the divine religion, the forces against us are your enemies. The ceremony is simple for you

However, it's just a formality. You do it quickly, and then we will be a real family. "

Several other members of the "great freedom cult" also gave encouragement. It seems that Lin Chen has really become their family, and they all think very much of Lin Chen.

When the girl heard that the other party was going to kill herself, she felt a little afraid, but she was still unwilling to show weakness. At this time, she stared at Lin Chen with a little fear, but more anger‘ The strength of the forces that can oppose the great freedom cult may not be under the great freedom cult. It may even be that this force forces the people of the great freedom cult to hide in such hidden places even when they meet. In other words, this force

It is estimated that it is stronger than the great free deity! These bastards are really not so easy to fool. This is no ceremony. As long as I kill this girl, it is equivalent to being on a thief's boat. In the future, if I break away from the great freedom cult, they will surely pass on the fact that I killed the girl to

Their hostile forces! "

Lin Chen frowned and looked at the girl. No matter what they said, they didn't answer.

Zhu Chen saw that this guy was always dragging his feet when he reached the critical moment. He realized that he didn't really want to join the cult, and he was angry:

"Kill her quickly! Now that you have said that you want to join the deity, there is no turning back. Either she dies or you die. Choose one by yourself!"

Lin Chen was so depressed that if he was stronger, he would not be able to choose from the other side.

He saw a touch of fear in the bottom of the girl's eyes. In addition, the girl had no enemies with him. Let alone there was a powerful force behind her. Even if she was just an ordinary person, Lin Chen didn't want to kill her.

Just when he was in a dilemma.


The whole underground palace vibrated violently, like a terrible earthquake!


The deafening sound came from above, as if there were a wild and fierce beast with a towering body like a mountain. It stamped on the top, and the terrible force penetrated the ground and spread to the depths of the earth.

Click click——

On the ceiling above, there were huge cracks. The sound became more and more frightening. The cracks continued to spread, and the palace swayed more and more. This underground palace has a tendency to collapse!

The whole palace was in a mess in an instant!

"What's going on!"

"What happened?"

"It seems that someone is launching an attack on the ground. Under normal circumstances, an earthquake can not be so terrible. You know, this palace is reinforced by arrays. Damn it, who dares to provoke us?"

... "you guys watch here. I'll go out and have a look." Zhu Chen looked gloomy. After saying something to Mozi Heng, his body turned into streamer and disappeared into the hall in an instant.

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