It was like thunder in the silent jungle. Countless people in the imperial palace were startled by Lin Chen's voice, and many people rushed here one after another.

"Who is it that visits the domain leader in this way?"

"This man is clearly in the imperial palace. He is clearly forcing the domain leader to come out to see him. Hum! He is so powerful. I think he is in trouble."

"I'd like to see who dares to indulge in our Qiu family's territory!"


People came from all directions, including the guards of the Imperial Palace and the Qiu family.

Before these people ran to Lin Chen, the golden light suddenly appeared, converged in front of Lin Chen, and turned into an old man with white temples and sharp eyes.

These guys who were going to trouble Lin Chen were shocked and fell to their knees.

"Domain master!"

"See you!"


This old man is qiuhaomiao, the leader of the "empty God domain".

Qiu Haomiao looked at the guards lying on the ground, their seven orifices bleeding, and their eyebrows wrinkled slightly.

Just when Lin Chen thought he was going to trouble himself, Qiu Haomiao said to several guards, "what's the matter?"

The guards didn't know the origin of Lin Chen, but they already knew that they could not provoke Lin Chen. In addition, out of fear of the domain leader, they dared not lie. They told the previous story in detail.

After hearing this, Qiu Haomiao's face sank, and he scolded: "you don't have eyes! You should be glad that this friend has a good temper. Otherwise, you would never be alive. What's the difference between your strength and your daring to be reckless in front of the supreme being?"

At first, the guards heard the domain master scold them. They felt that the domain master was facing an outsider. As a result, they heard that Lin Chen was a supreme master. They were so shocked that they felt they had walked in front of the gate of hell.

Qiu Haomiao's next words made their scalp numb.

"This friend is not only the Supreme Master, but also at the same level as me. I don't know when there will be another supreme realm peak in northern China."

Qiu Haomiao turned to look at Lin Chen, with a bit of vigilance and curiosity in his eyes, "is the Lord of the earth city the one who killed the Xuantian divine realm in the west?"

The summit of the supreme realm just like the domain master (Lao Zu)!

Hearing this, not to mention the guards, even those members of the Qiu family, who were full of pride in their hearts, were scared to their hearts. They were busy lowering their heads, fearing that the other party would hate them for what they had just said. But on second thought, how could they be qualified to let the top strong in the supreme realm hate them?

"That's me!"

Lin Chen nodded and opened the door to the mountain path, "Lord Qiu, don't think about it. I don't have any hostility this time. I just came to see you and wanted to ask you about someone."

Qiu Haomiao was stunned: "who do you want to know?"

Lin Chen said, "suyuechan!"

"Su Yuechan?" Qiu Haomiao frowned and said, "among the people I know, there is no one named suyuechan. Are you mistaken?"

Lin Chen's heart clicked.

There are basically two possibilities for the other party to answer, one is that he is lying; Second, the man whom the blood demon and Optimus met was not su Yuechan!

If you can, Lin Chen would rather be the former!

Lin Chen stared at Qiu Haomiao and said, "some time ago, a grand competition was held in the north. At the critical moment, people from unknown origins slaughtered the contestants, and a beautiful woman took action against these guys from unknown origins. I'm looking for that woman."

"It's her. Who are you looking for? What's your relationship with her?" Qiu Haomiao was surprised.

"I have something personal to do with her. If I can, I'd like you to introduce me now." Lin Chen did not answer his question.

Qiu Haomiao did not ask, shook his head and said helplessly, "to tell the truth, I don't know the origin of the elder, I don't even know her name, and I don't know where she is now."

Lin Chen's face became ugly.

Qiuhaomiao was embarrassed: "at that time, she suddenly appeared and said that during the competition, someone would attack the contestants. At first, I didn't believe it. I didn't expect what happened later to prove that what she said was true.

At that time, I regarded her as a troublemaker and fought with her. As a result... Cough, I only ended up insulting myself. "

With that, he didn't get Lin Chen's response. He looked at Lin Chen and saw that Lin Chen's face was very ugly.

"The elder left shortly after the competition. She didn't tell me where she was going. However, she told me that if there were another guy with unknown origins and strong strength in the north, she would contact her immediately. She also gave me the way to contact her."

When qiuhaomiao finished, he saw that Lin Chen's eyes were shining, staring at himself, and went on:

"If your friend has something important to do with the elder, it's better to stay here first. I will contact her according to the way the elder said. It's said that the principal of the earth city is looking for her. As for whether she will come, I can't guarantee."

What qiuhaomiao said is very simple. I can help you, but if the other party doesn't come, it means that people are not interested in coming to see you. Don't blame me.

Lin Chen was not a person who didn't know what to do. He said positively, "you just need to help me contact her. No matter she can't get through, I owe you a favor."

Qiuhaomiao calls his men and asks them to help Lin Chen arrange an independent palace as his residence. After Lin Chen leaves with his men, he returns to his residence.

Return to the residence, close the door, turn around and walk to the back room. Push the cabinet open. There is a passageway below.

Qiuhaomiao entered and soon came to a gloomy underground secret room. The ground of the secret room was covered with golden lines, which looked like some kind of array pattern.

He took out a jade slip from the space ring and crushed it.

Before long, the ground burst into light. An old man in a black robe rose from the ground like a piece of wood from the water.

"What is it?" The old man looked at qiuhaomiao.

Qiu Haomiao said expressionless, "I want to kill someone. Although I should be able to deal with him myself, if you 'great freedom cult' are willing to help me, it is safe.

Besides, you and the woman are enemies, and this boy is supposed to be friends with the woman. In this way, he is also your enemy. It is only natural that you should help me kill him! "

"Who?" The old man became interested in the speech.

"Lord of the Earth City."

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