"Normally, if you want to become a member of the 'xuanhuang Hall', you need to reach the level of the venerable. This is not because the 'xuanhuang Hall' despises the existence of the venerable, but because you don't want to kill the seedlings before they thrive.

In some special cases, the venerable can also become a member of the "xuanhuang hall" when he is below the boundary. For example, my disciple Liya and the descendants of many members of the xuanhuang hall, whether they like it or not, were involved in the struggle between the xuanhuang hall and the enemy from the very beginning, and many people lost their lives as a result.

They all basically know about the xuanhuang hall. In this case, if they want to join the "xuanhuang hall", the "xuanhuang hall" will not refuse, and will take the initiative to protect them.

Another example is your current situation. You are not a member of the 'xuanhuang Temple', but you already know the existence of the 'xuanhuang Temple', which has repeatedly clashed with the 'great freedom deity'. In order to avoid your premature death in the hands of the great freedom cult, the xuanhuang hall will protect you and reduce the difficulty of joining the xuanhuang hall. "

The heart sword venerable smiled and said, "as long as you break through the supreme realm and achieve great perfection, you can become a member of the 'xuanhuang Hall'. At that time, I will tell you about the whereabouts of the dreammoon venerable."

Lin Chen was overjoyed, but he immediately thought that the other party was a bit overbearing. In other words, he had to join the "xuanhuang hall". Otherwise, he would not want to know the whereabouts of MengYue venerable.

In this regard, Lin Chen found that he did not have too much rejection in his heart.

He thought for a while. It was estimated that the members of the "xuanhuang hall" he had met so far had left a good impression on him, so he had no aversion to joining the "xuanhuang hall".

But if you want to join the "great freedom cult", you will be disgusted.

"OK! After I break through the supreme realm and join the 'xuanhuang Hall', you will tell me her whereabouts." Lin Chen nodded.

This time, it was the heart sword venerable's turn to be stunned.

He had thought that Lin Chen would bargain, saying that Liya was weaker than him. Why could he join the "xuanhuang hall", but he had to wait until the supreme realm was full?

He had already figured out how to answer the question. Unexpectedly, Lin Chen was so straightforward.

A smile appeared on the heart sword venerable's face, and his heart appreciated Lin Chen more.

However, he did not know that one of the reasons why Lin Chen was so straightforward was that he knew very well that he was not far from the great perfection of the supreme realm.

With the help of "chaotic blood gourd wine", there will be no difficulty in breaking through to the supreme realm.

At the same time, far away from the original continent, somewhere in the distant void.

In the open hall, only Cassia was alone. She stood in the hall and waited nervously.

In the hall, there was a huge throne made of black metal, but no one was sitting on it at this time.


After a while, the sound of reptiles passing by came from the distance.

A man nearly three meters tall appeared at the gate of the hall. He was very handsome, with a few wisps of white hair on his temples. This face alone was enough to make countless women crazy in the world.

He has the upper body of a human being, but the lower body is a Golden Snake tail.

Seeing this man, cassia stood there and there, her eyes full of disbelief.

"See the emperor Python master!"

Two guards outside the door, respectful voices came in.

The emperor Python master entered the hall and came to Cassia with a kind smile on his face.

His eyes were very similar to those of Cassia. They were as beautiful as ice blue stars.

"Little girl." The emperor Python master smiled and said, "why, have you forgotten me? It's normal to forget. When I left, you were so small. I held you in my hands. You were sleeping and were not as big as my palm."

He made a gesture of holding cassia, and his face was full of nostalgia.

"Grandpa! Are you... Are you really my grandpa? But... But my father and the people in my family told me that you have..."

Although she was sure that the scene in front of her was real and not an illusion, cassia still couldn't believe that her grandfather, who had died for countless years, was still alive.

Stand in front of yourself now!

She doesn't have much impression of this grandfather, but the clan has stored his image so far, so she will never admit her mistake.

"They all told you that I was dead? So you always thought that I was not in this world long ago, but did any of you ever see my body? Yes, you probably thought that I was dead."

The emperor Python master shook his head and sighed, "the reason why they thought I was dead was that I was in great trouble and didn't want to drag them down, so I deliberately made them think I was dead.

Until today, I have the ability to protect my family, so I sent someone to find you. But I didn't expect that your parents have fallen, and the snake Kui tribe has experienced so many crises, which has really hurt you. "

"In trouble?" Cassia looked puzzled. As far as she knew, the strength of her grandfather at that time was estimated to be stronger than that of herself at present. Who could bring him trouble?

"Yes! It was a big problem that I couldn't solve at that time. In those days, I was chased and killed by a force called 'xuanhuang Hall'. If it hadn't been for the 'great freedom cult' behind me, I would never have lived to see you now." The emperor Python rules the way.

"Great freedom cult! Grandpa, are you a man of great freedom cult?" Cassia was astonished.

"I already know that there are some conflicts between you and the deities, and there are many misunderstandings about the deities. But you should know that grandpa can never harm you. From today on, my forces can't harm you.

Although the members of the divine cult are somewhat overbearing, they are not evil forces. Only those in the "xuanhuang hall" really deserve to die! " The emperor Python Master said later, and his eyes showed resentment.

Cassia hesitated. She could not help but think that she was really biased towards Lin Chen. That's why she felt that the "great freedom deity" was all bad.

"Great freedom" is not as hateful as you think?

Maybe some of them are jerks, but not bad overall?

The emperor Python master smiled and said, "would you like to join the great freedom cult and stay with Grandpa?"

"This..." Cassia hesitated.

Emperor Mang's master was disappointed and said, "I'm much stronger now than I was. The big trouble is gone, but the small trouble is still going on. So I hope you can help me. Even if Grandpa asks, you don't want to do it?"

Cassia heard that grandpa was still in trouble and needed his own help. She didn't care so much at once. She was grandpa's own granddaughter. How could she ignore him when he was in trouble?

"I listen to you, Grandpa. I am willing to join the great freedom cult!"

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