With the conversation, Lin Chen learned the names of the bald men.

The baldheaded man's name is Zhongwei. He and Lin Chen are the supreme realm of great consummation. The difference is that he has stepped into the supreme realm of great consummation for hundreds of thousands of years.

He is not the only one among them. However, judging from the appearance of people headed by him, his strength should be the strongest among them.

"You have just joined the xuanhuang hall and have entered the supreme realm of consummation. If you encounter any danger, remember to hide behind us. Don't be brave!"

Zhong Wei told Lin Chen this after he learned his basic information.

Half an hour later, they arrived at their destination, came to a deserted planet, and landed on the desert full of yellow sand.

Not far ahead is a mountain several kilometers high. According to Zhong Wei, their foothold is inside the mountain.


After falling to the ground, Zhong Wei reached out his hand to stop the people in the rear. His face became gloomy and he stared at the mountain in front, as if the mountain was an ancient fierce beast. He had opened his mouth and waited for them to throw themselves into the net.

When Lin Chen saw this, he jumped in his heart. His mind spread out and he wanted to check around.

"Let's go!"

Zhong Wei gave a low cry and tried to lead the crowd away.


In the distance, there was a loud shout. Many figures flew out of the mountains in front, and many others rushed out of the ground in all directions. The lights of different colors, like wind blades, swept towards Lin Chen and others in the center!


At this moment, Lin Chen didn't need to use his mind to look around. As soon as he was about to use his defense, he heard Zhong Wei roar, and his body burst into a yellowish brown light, covering Lin Chen and others.

The energy like wind blades collided with the yellowish brown light and made a deafening sound, but it could not break the defense and quickly dissipated.

When the tawny light dispersed, Lin Chen and others surrounded a dozen people, staring at them with bad eyes, such as hunters staring at the prey sent to the door.

"Who are you?" Zhong Wei's face was gloomy.

The other party was led by a tall and thin old man, who smiled and said, "great freedom God."

Lin Chen thought these guys were aliens, but he didn't think they were "big freedom deities", but even if they were not aliens, their presence here was obviously related to aliens.

It should be the alien that asked them to come here to find trouble in xuanhuang hall.

"It's a stinky maggot crawling out of a cesspit! Don't you always like to hide in the stinky ditch? How dare you come to us this time?"

Zhong Wei's face was simple and honest, but his words were very sharp. More than a dozen people of the great free deity looked gloomy.

The people behind Zhong Wei were all alert and staring at the people of the great freedom cult. They knew that since the other party dared to ambush here and wait for their return, it meant that they thought they had the confidence to deal with themselves and others.

A middle-aged man beside Lin Chen told him in a low voice: "you have just broken through the supreme realm. Don't be brave. If necessary, find a chance to escape!"

Lin Chen glanced at the other party, but did not respond. He was quite touched. It was the first time he met these people, but the other party was so considerate of him. This can be seen from the unity within the "xuanhuang hall".

"Hum! Don't look so lofty. As a monk, the only thing you should do is to be the strongest. As for everything else, you can abandon it. You people in the xuanhuang hall have a false face of benevolence, righteousness and morality, which makes people laugh."

The old man, the leader of the great freedom cult, looked disapproving and joked, "you come back here to wait for the dreammoon venerable? I can tell you, she can't come back!"

"What do you mean?" Before Zhong Wei could speak, Lin Chen gave a cold drink, and the fierce reaction startled everyone.

"Where did you come from, little devil? You can talk here?"

The old man looked at Lin Chen with disdain, but he still replied, "you fools, do you think it was really just an accident to meet that adult before?"

The adult in his mouth was undoubtedly the supreme alien. For a moment, Zhong Wei and others' faces changed dramatically.

Zhong Wei was shocked and angry and said, "did he deliberately lead the dreammoon venerable away?"

"You are big and thick, but you don't have no brain."

The old man looked proud and said with a smile, "in addition to the adult, there are two other venerable figures of our great freedom cult waiting for her! Do you think she can defeat the three venerable figures together?"

Zhong Wei's faces became very ugly.

They believe in the power of the dream moon venerable. Even if the alien venerable is not suppressed by the origin of the universe, it may not be the opponent of the dream moon venerable. However, if we add the other two supremacies of the great freedom deity.

Well, it has to be said that the dream moon venerable has a low chance of winning.

You should know that the people of the great freedom cult, although they are extremely disgusted, are also the aborigines of the dark and yellow universe, and will not be suppressed by the origin of the universe.

Like the dreammoon venerable, they can exert 100% combat power!

Zhong Wei said to several supreme realms behind him: "wait a moment, if the enemy is defeated, I will try my best to hold these guys down. You run away with some little guys, including Lin Chen! Hurry up and report the matter here."

Several people behind him nodded with heavy hearts.


Zhong Wei's feet exploded, the space in front of him was shattered, and his tan energy rolled like a wave. In an instant, he came in front of the tall and thin old man, and blew out his fist, breaking the earth!

His action was so fierce that people of the great freedom cult were startled.

The tall and thin old man gave a cold hum. He stretched out his dry right hand. The dark air flow filled him. A dark light flew out of his palm and collided with Zhong Wei's big fist.


With a loud noise, the tall and thin old man stepped back and Zhong Wei flew back.

Seeing this scene, several people in the xuanhuang hall were shocked. Zhong Wei was the most powerful among them. It seemed that he was only with the old man in Bozhong.

In this way, the other side has an obvious advantage in the number of people.

Judging from the breath, the perfect existence of the supreme realm in the other side also accounts for almost half of the total, that is to say, the odds of winning on their own side are really not high!

"I will entangle the big man. Go and clean up the other guys. Remember, try to catch them alive. If you can't catch them alive, kill them! You can't let them escape!"

The tall and thin old man said to the dozen people behind him.

"Yes!" The dozen people he brought with him looked at Lin Chen and others with a grim smile, one by one turned into streamers and disappeared in situ.

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