"Run? None of you can run!" In the yellow sand, another man rushed out. It was the tall and thin old man who had been beaten to the ground by Zhong Wei. His chest was sunken and his flesh was blurred. However, with the black air flowing on him, the wound was visible to the naked eye

Quick recovery.

Lin Chen and others, looking at the scene in front of them, were puzzled.

"What's the matter? This guy is obviously injured. How can he hurt Zhong Wei in turn?"

"No! Zhong Wei is not a fledgling, inexperienced little guy. He should not end up like this in turn with his strength when he takes the lead."

"Whatever it is! Now, it's a big trouble."


The faces of several people in the "xuanhuang hall" were very ugly. They found that Zhong Wei didn't have the ferocious wounds of a tall and thin old man, but they were all shaky in the air.

Obviously, it seems that the injury is not too serious on the surface, but in fact, the injury is much more serious than what others have seen. It is very likely that the origin of the soul has also been severely damaged.

For the supreme power, no matter how serious the physical damage is, it is often just a small problem. If the inner world and soul are damaged, it is a big problem.

The people of the great free deity reacted in the opposite way, smiling.

"This guy has a venerable 'yandaozhu' in his hand! He plotted against me." Zhong Wei retreated to the front of Lin Chen and his face was very gloomy. "I'll try to stop them. You run away separately. You can run one by one!"

"Yan daozhu!" Everyone was shocked.

Only Lin Chen was puzzled and didn't know what "yandaozhu" was.

An old man beside him explained to him in a low voice:

"Yandaozhu is a treasure that was born by taking a lot of time and energy to suppress a part of its own power into the round bead carrier through special means. The venerable 'yandaozhu', that is, the person who created the 'yandaozhu' is the venerable strong. It is not too difficult to make 'yandaozhu', but because it takes a lot of time and energy, most of the power will be lost in the process, such as

The power after the outbreak of the venerable level 'yandaozhu' can only be achieved by the venerable who created it, with less than 30% of his power. It can be said that this is a very chicken rib thing. Few people waste a lot of time and energy making this thing! Unexpectedly, this guy has' yandaozhu 'in his hand. Even if his power is less than 30% of the master's full strength, it is not the most powerful

You can carry it.

Zhong Wei's body is incomparably strong. If it is replaced by a weaker supreme realm, such as you, who have just broken through, the probability has fallen! "

Lin Chen found that his cold eyes were staring at him. He turned around and stared at him. It was the tall and thin old man.

The tall and thin old man smiled sadly and said, "I like this supreme artifact of yours very much, so I took it! In return, I will make you die happier when I kill you later. I advise you not to try to escape. It's just asking for hardship!"

Even if the stone map is a supreme artifact, it is estimated that the suppression of others will not be much stronger after it has generated such a huge suppression on itself.

In addition, Zhong Wei has suffered heavy losses, and his side has an absolute advantage in the number of people, there is no suspense.

"Do it!"

The tall and thin old man let out a low cry. The dozen people he brought rushed to Lin Chen and others again. Although the speed and strength were affected by the "painting of mountains and rivers", the impact was not significant.

The old man stepped out in one step, turned into a phantom, and glanced at Lin Chen.

"We can't escape all of us! You are not even the most perfect. And Lin Chen, find a chance to escape. We will try our best to give you a chance to escape."

A middle-aged man beside Lin Chen took a long breath, his eyes were determined, and he was ready to fight the other side to the end.


Just then, a figure flew out of his side and rushed to the tall and thin old man.

When they saw who it was, everyone was startled.

"Lin Chen, come back!" One person exclaimed, but he was helpless. The boy seemed to be enthusiastic. The problem was that he was too impulsive and reckless.

Zhongwei was also startled, but he was not frightened by Lin Chen's sudden rush out, but by Lin Chen's speed. How fast this boy is!

Lin Chen takes the initiative to meet the people of the great freedom cult, and the other party is also a little surprised.

"Hiss! People who don't know how to live or die really think they have a supreme artifact, so why can't we stop you?" A member of the great freedom cult looked at Lin Chen who rushed forward and sneered.

He is also a great and perfect monk in the supreme realm, and there are many associates around him. How can he be afraid of such a "newborn calf"!

The next moment, he saw a pair of dark wings, appearing behind Lin Chen.

Lin Chen's speed instantly improved to a higher level.

I haven't waited for him to react.

"Flame spirit demon body!"

Lin Chen drank coldly, his body turned into a flame, and his speed soared to a higher level again!

At this moment, more than a dozen people of the great freedom cult were confused. Lin Chen, who was still tens of meters away, appeared in front of the man who had just made a mockery in the next moment. Xuanyuan speared down the Huashan Mountain with a simple effort. With the terrible speed and the rolling black fire waves, it seemed that it was enough to destroy it

The terrifying move of heaven destroying the earth!

The middle-aged man of the great freedom cult finally recovered from his amazement. He was so scared that he was out of his wits and hurried to avoid. In this way, the Xuanyuan gun didn't hit his head, but it also hit his right shoulder.

"Ow --!"

The middle-aged man screamed bitterly.

The small half of his right side, including his right arm and almost the whole leg, was cut down by Lin Chen. His blood gushed wildly and he screamed and fell to the ground.

The other members of the great freedom cult were scared to pieces by this sudden scene, and scattered away. They didn't even dare to attack Lin Chen.

The speed Lin Chen showed made them fear.

Looking at the scene in front of us, the eyes of several people in the xuanhuang hall were full. Even Zhong Wei blinked and laughed: "good boy! His grandmother's you have just broken through to the supreme realm of great perfection? Ha ha! This is the combat power that has just broken through to the supreme realm of great perfection. If you grow up for a few years, you may be able to compare with the top monsters in the last 'ranking war'

And discuss. "

A few people beside him also smiled. It must be said that this new companion really brought them too much surprise.

The tall and thin old man looked frozen, but he soon recovered calmly. A golden bead the size of an egg appeared in the palm of his right hand. Seeing the bead, Zhong Wei was shocked and angry: "this guy has another Yandao bead in his hand!"

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