Qi Chenghan frowned slightly. He was confused. What did Lin Chen mean? Is it true that they only come to the wedding? No way!

According to the Ye family, this man is tangled with Ye Yi. Besides, according to his words, he should have known that he arranged the events last night, so it is even more unlikely that he came to congratulate him.

Then he was relieved again. No matter what the other party's idea was, he would kill himself if he wanted to mess around here.

"To tell you the truth, it's not welcome. I advise you to leave. You can't make trouble in such a place or on such an occasion!"

Although Lin Chen wasn't taken seriously in his heart, however, today's wedding couldn't be any different, so Qi Chenghan had to rush people directly.

As for Lin Chen's saying that he would like to thank him for his arrangement last night, he doesn't care. In his eyes, Lin Chen has no right to threaten him.

I didn't kill anyone last night, so I'll kill him next time!

He is the chess player who controls everything, and this guy from humble origins is only chess after all!

Wangboyun is a very smart man. He immediately feels that something is wrong. His eldest brother seems to have a conflict with Qi Chenghan. This is trouble. The Qi family is much stronger than the Ye family. At the same time, he offends the Qi Ye family. It is useless for his grandfather to come forward.

Lin Chen said, "why, is Qi Dashao afraid that I will do something and hit you in the face?"

"Afraid?" Qi Chenghan twitched from the corner of his eye and hissed, "will I be afraid of you?"

"If you're not afraid, why don't you dare let me in?" Lin Chen said tit for tat.

"Chenghan, those who come are guests. Since everyone else has come, there is no reason for us to hurry up." An old man with white hair and a dignified face came over.

"Grandpa, he -"

Qi Chenghan's face changed and he was about to speak, but he was directly interrupted by master Qi.

"Grandpa Qi!" Wangboyun was busy saying hello to the old man. This old man is one of the most powerful people in South China province. Even if he is so domineering, he dare not be impolite in front of this man.

Qi Shihong nodded at Wang Baiyun, then looked at Lin Chen and said expressionless, "young man, you know, some things are doomed. You shouldn't force them, otherwise it will only hurt you."

Lin Chen showed a sinister smile on his face, pointed to the sky, and said: "doomed? Who will be doomed? God? Unfortunately, I don't believe in God."

Wang Baiyun was so scared that he almost sat on the ground. Brother, my brother, this is the master of the whole family. You should be so arrogant against him!

Qi Shihong's face was slightly heavy. "In that case, please come in."

Lin Chen shrugged his shoulders and walked in. Wang Baiyun hurriedly followed him.

Watching Lin Chen and Wang Boyun go in, Qi Chenghan frowned and said, "Grandpa, why did you let this boy in? He's definitely here to do damage. At that time, he might make our whole family lose face!"

Qishihong said faintly, "do you want to drive him away?

"Of course I will!" Qi Chenghan road. He doesn't want anyone to make trouble at his wedding.

"How do you hurry?" Qi Shi Hongdao.

Qi Chenghan was stunned, and then he understood what grandpa meant.

Lin Chen is an inborn early strongman. If he wants to drive him away, he must either let the Xiang family master or send out the army. It is impossible to drive him away quietly.

In the end, everyone will know!

Qishihong said lightly, "you don't have to care too much about him. If he really doesn't appreciate it, then kill him directly. Who will feel that my family has lost face? Whoever has a big fist in this world will have face!"

Qi Chenghan fully understands that if the other party dares to make trouble, the Qi family will let everyone know how difficult it is for the Qi family!

Even if the inborn strong person gets into trouble with the Qi family, he will be named and lost on the spot!

In this case, who will feel that the whole family has lost face!


At this time, there were many guests in the hall. Those present were either rich or expensive, and the most common of them were rich businessmen with billions of dollars.

"Elder brother, what's the situation? Why do you seem to have some contradictions with Qi family?" Wang Baiyun said in a panic.

"Don't ask too many questions. You'd better go to your grandfather's side. Don't worry about this." Although for some unknown reason, Master Wang didn't stop Wang Baiyun from bringing himself here, Lin Chen didn't want to drag Wang Baiyun into the water.

Wang Boyun's face was a little tangled. The whole family was really not easy to be provoked, and they could not afford to be provoked. Finally, they clenched their teeth and said, "no, since I call you eldest brother, I should share weal and woe!"

Lin Chen didn't expect that the boy was still loyal. He was a little moved in his heart. He didn't say anything more. He casually found a seat to sit down.

Wang Baiyun sat next to him.

Lin Chen glanced at him and saw many acquaintances in the front row. These people had already noticed him.

Old man Wang was smiling and nodding at him. Beside him, Lin Chen saw Yao Jing and another old man.

Yaojing looked at him in surprise. She didn't seem to expect him to appear here.

Then she said something to an old man beside her. The old man also looked at Lin Chen and smiled kindly.

Not far away from them was Xiang Huowu and a middle-aged man whose face looked somewhat similar to hers. The middle-aged man looked at him with extreme cold eyes.

If you guessed right, the middle-aged man should be Xiang Huowu's father and the owner of the Xiang family. Although the event last night was not dominated by the Xiang family, the owner of the Xiang family was also an associate director. Lin Chen naturally didn't like him at all. He was wondering if he would raise his middle finger to show his waiting. He saw an old man coming towards him.

"Old Jiang, why are you here?" Lin Chen was stunned. As soon as he spoke, he understood that the Qi family, one of the seven top aristocratic families in China, was indeed qualified to let the Dragon King of the dragon group come.

Old Jiang sat beside Lin Chen and said with a smile, "of course, I came here to attend the wedding."

With that, he looked at Lin Chen with a smile.

"Er... Mr. Jiang, what are you looking at me for?" Lin Chen said nothing.

"At your age, you are already a strong man in the early days of your life. It's hard to find many in China. Are you sure you don't want to join our dragon group? Once you join us, you will be a member of the dragon group. I can give you a lot of preferential treatment." Jiang Lao sighed and said with a straight face.

Lin Chen was not surprised that the opponent knew his own strength. After all, as a special department of the state, long Zu didn't pay attention to the ancient martial arts conference.

But he didn't expect that the other party was still trying to let him join the dragon group.

He shook his head and said, "Mr. Jiang, I'm really not interested in joining any organization."

Although old Jiang had guessed Lin Chen's answer, he was still disappointed and said, "anyway, when you change your mind, just contact me directly. It's a pity that you don't join the dragon group."

With that, he left again and returned to his previous seat.

Come and go in a hurry, talk and do things simply, like an iron soldier.

"Brother, who is this old man? He said he wanted you to join the dragon group. Is he from the dragon group?" Wang Baiyun said curiously. He knows something about the dragon group. Although he doesn't know much, he also knows the strength and particularity of this organization.

"Guess." Lin Chen said.

Wang Baiyun is speechless. He is not a fortune teller. How can he guess!


In a luxurious room.

Ye Yiren shows her hair. Without makeup, she looks a little haggard, but still beautiful and amazing.

She wears a simple black dress, which makes ordinary people feel monotonous. However, her dress gives people a sense of dignity.

Some women, in order to highlight their dignity, can only work hard in dressing and jewelry, while some women, wearing the most common clothes and the cheapest jewelry, also make people feel noble.

Yeyiren is like this. She has a noble temperament.

At this time, her face was plain, without any joy, and she could not see that today was her big day.

Nearby, a woman holding a set of white wedding dress said anxiously, "Miss ye, the wedding will be held soon. You'd better change into the wedding dress quickly. This wedding dress was specially designed and handmade by the famous Italian wedding dress designer mirol John. Don't let Qi Shao down."

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