Although Lin Chen doesn't seem to care about Xiang Changtian verbally, he is also dignified in his heart. After all, there is a difference between the two sides. He is only in the early stage of congenital, but the other is in the middle stage of congenital.

If a person is accidentally killed by a second, it will not be fun, so you'd better take drugs directly.

Seeing that Lin Chen swallowed a red pill, xiangchangtian's face and even his eyes instantly showed a strange blood red color. He couldn't help narrowing his eyes. According to the injured second uncle last night, it seems that the boy's strength rose to a higher level after taking drugs before he and the one eyed dragon were defeated.

"Hum! Do you think you can beat me because of evil ways? Where can a pill make up the gap between us?" Xiangchangtian sneered.

Lin Chen is not interested in talking nonsense with him. After all, the burning pill will have side effects in about 20 minutes, so he must solve these people within this period of time, and then take ye Yiren away.


There was a loud noise in the air. Lin Chen's fist had already hit Xiang Changtian's face. He was ruthless and resolute. He wanted to destroy Xiang Changtian with one blow!

All the people who know martial arts have changed their faces!

Sonic boom!

That was a sonic boom just now!

When the speed of an object exceeds the speed of sound, the air will produce a reaction force on the object to prevent the object from moving forward. When the object exceeds the speed of sound in an instant, the instantaneous reaction force is huge, and it will make an explosive sound!

This shows that Lin Chen's sudden punch has a supersonic speed, which is much faster than ordinary bullets. For ordinary people, it is no different from Superman!

"Stand back! Stand back! Don't be affected!" Qi Lao's face changed greatly and he shouted loudly.

If you accidentally encounter a battle at this level, your life will be lost!

The crowd all surged out, leaving only two people watching.

One of them is zhaozhongwei. At this time, there is no slighting in his eyes. Instead, he is a little dignified!

His face was puzzled. Even if he did his best, he might not be able to produce a sonic boom. As far as he knew, Lin Chen was just born in the early days of his life. How could his fist speed be so fast! Is it difficult to cultivate powerful fist skills?

The other is the old Jiang, the Dragon King. At this time, his eyes are also surprised and surprised.

The one who can feel Lin Chen's fierce and domineering fist is Xiang Changtian. At the moment when Lin Chen gives his fist, he has the feeling that his back is cold and his hair starts to rise. Because he despises the other party at the beginning, he has no time to dodge at this time and can only keep his hands in front of his chest.


Xiangchangtian was beaten by Lin Chen and retreated a few steps. Every step he retreated, he left a footprint four or five centimeters deep on the ground!

An invisible wave of air swept away in all directions from the place where the two men met. The people who were rushing out in a hurry were made to dance wildly by the wave of air!

This horrible picture makes people's scalp numb. It's not like humans are fighting. It feels like two wild beasts!

Those soldiers with rifles, even though they have been through many battles and their hands have been stained with blood, are also cold hearted. The power of terror has exceeded their understanding.

In front of these two men, the king of their army was just a mole ant!

Although Xiang Changtian was a little embarrassed, Lin Chen frowned slightly when he finally blocked the punch. He originally wanted to take the other party's carelessness and let the other party hang the lottery.

There was some regret in his heart, but Lin Chen didn't hesitate. Xiang Changtian had just removed his terror power, and Lin Chen was already wrapped up like a shadow. His legs were like steel whips, turning into three illusions, and attacking Xiang Changtian at the same time!

Xiangchangtian hurriedly resisted and evaded. He seemed to be in a hurry. Lin Chen took the lead at the beginning, and then he was preempted step by step. He could only desperately resist Lin Chen's terrorist attack.

Lin Chen seems to be the God of war coming down to earth to destroy everything. The wedding hall, which was originally arranged to be very festive, was like being bombed by shells. It was beyond recognition and pockmarked. It was like a place in the Middle East war area!

The people who had already retreated to the door saw that Xiang Changtian was beaten by Lin Chen, and they were so scared that their eyes would fall to the ground!

Nima, didn't you just act like a cow? You are not the owner of the first ancient martial family in Nanhua Province, and you are called the first expert in Nanhua province?

What is the situation now? How can this young man in his twenties be beaten like a scurrying rat!

Suddenly, zhaozhongwei, who had been watching from half the way, grabbed a gap and rushed in. Like a fierce tiger out of the cage, he clapped Lin Chen on the back of his neck with a fierce momentum!

"Shameless!" Ye Yiren, who just showed his joy on his face, scolded loudly, and his face was hard to see the extreme.

"Lying in the trough, is it special? Do you want a B face? Dry!" Wangbaiyun couldn't help but burst out foul language.

"Shameless villain!" Yaojing's eyes were angry.

"It's over. Now he's really over!" Xiang Huowu sighed. Somehow, she hoped Lin Chen would survive.

The people who had been enjoying the show were also shocked. They secretly scolded zhaozhongwei for being shameless. Didn't they just say that Xiang Changtian would do it? How come they are now running in for two dozen and one!

Lin Chen was always on guard against the nearby zhaozhongwei. Seeing that zhaozhongwei rushed over, he struck his back neck with a palm and tried to kill himself with a move. He sneered in his heart. He had eyes behind him. As soon as he was short, he hid the palm.

Xiangchangtian seized this opportunity. When Lin Chen evaded Zhao Zhongwei's attack, his palms danced like two dragons rushing towards Lin Chen. Lin Chen was in a hurry. His palms met and collided with Xiang Changtian's palms. There was a muffled sound and another violent air flow rushing in all directions.

At the same time, the ground under their feet produced countless cracks, like spider webs!

At this moment, zhaozhongwei was naturally not idle. He slapped Lin Chen on the back.


Lin Chen finally didn't hide. He was photographed flying out and bumped into the wall.

With a bang, like being hit by a train, a huge hole suddenly appeared in the wall!

"Hum! Boy, you are really a monster, a terrible monster. In that case, I will kill you even more!" Zhaozhongwei has a ferocious look.

Lin Chen's strength is not in line with his age. It is beyond his imagination. Since this monster has become an enemy, it must be killed. Otherwise, when he grows up, there will be endless trouble!

Xiangchangtian felt the same way when he heard the speech. The young man in front of him is no longer a genius, but a monster. There is no such a terrible young strong man. He is even at a disadvantage when he fights with him!

The moment Lin Chen fell to the ground, he stood up again. Looking at Zhao Zhongwei's eyes, it was as cold as freezing!

"Ah! Lin Chen!" Ye Yiren uttered a shrill exclamation, and her tears flowed down, because she saw a hole in Lin Chen's back, and blood gushed out like a dike burst!

"Shameless! You are shameless. How can you be so mean!" Xiang Huowu, who was originally opposed to Lin Chen and was hard to talk, also angrily scolded Zhao Zhongwei.

At the beginning, they were still puzzled. When they saw the small iron awl between Zhao Zhongwei's fingers, they all understood. NIMA, even two dozen and one, this man is playing Yin!

Zhaozhongwei said with a grim smile, "there is nothing particular about the contest between life and death! Boy, I will kill you alive today, and use your amazing genius to achieve my reputation!"

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