At this moment, everyone was silent. Lin Chen was too rampant. However, his strength was so strong that no one dared to say anything.

Qi Shihong was silent for a long time before he said, "young man, to tell the truth, if I knew you were so strong, there would be nothing today."

Everyone was in an uproar when they heard the speech. Master Qi's words were equivalent to saying that if he had known that this man was so strong, he would not have let Qi Chenghan marry Ye Yi. It can even be said that he regretted provoking this man!

Qi Shihong turned around and said in a deep voice, "but if you are allowed to leave today, how should the world see my family? I will bet today whether you die or my family perishes!"

Whoa, whoa——

In the same scene as before, a large group of soldiers rushed into the hall and surrounded Lin Chen and ye Yi.

However, this time, there were more people, and there were hundreds of soldiers. Obviously, Qi Shihong called all the soldiers here today.

Qishihong was already in a difficult position to ride a tiger at this time. Xiang Changtian was from the ancient martial arts world. He lost face when he ran away. But in the ancient martial arts world, it was common for people in the Wulin to run away. In fact, it was nothing. It was just a little humiliating.

However, the Qi family is different. As one of the seven top Chinese aristocratic families in the secular world, it would be a great blow to the reputation of the Qi family if the bride was snatched away and swaggered out today!

Compared with his own life, Qi Shihong, an old general, seemed to pay more attention to the face of the Qi family!

Lin Chen sighed in his heart that the old man was really tough. Now he was in trouble. If it was him, he wouldn't be afraid. But he wasn't sure if he could take yeyi out with him.

"Fairy sister, are you afraid?" Lin Chen said.

Ye Yi shook his head with a charming face. There was no fear in his eyes, but thousands of tenderness. "I'm not afraid, whether it's heaven, hell or the world. I'm not afraid if you accompany me."

The crowd looked at them and felt a little touched, including those women who thought Lin Chen could not compare with Qi Chenghan. At this time, their feelings also changed.

In an age when people laugh at the poor but don't laugh at the prostitutes, and they look at money but don't look at love, it's very rare for such a person to be willing to face hundreds of rifles for you, even afraid of death.

"If you want to kill my daughter's son-in-law, first ask me if ye yaoru agrees! Master Qi, I hope you think twice. My Ye family is not easy to mess with!" Yeyaoru walks to yeyi's side and looks at qishihong neither humbly nor haughtily.

Qi Shihong frowned and was about to speak when he heard someone yell, "no one is allowed to touch my eldest brother. Otherwise, he would be the enemy of my Wang family!"

Wang Baiyun ran to Lin Chen's side. Although his face turned pale in the face of hundreds of rifles, his eyes were firm.

"Wang Lao, is this?" Qi Shihong's eyebrows almost twisted into a knot and he looked at Old Wang.

Old Wang sighed and said, "old Qi, Lin Chen saved my life. If it wasn't for his words, I have become a handful of ashes. The Wang family can't be ungrateful!"

This situation was obviously beyond everyone's expectation. Yeyaoru stood up. They were not surprised, but they did not expect that even the Wang family stood up to protect the young man!

"Mr. Qi, the Yao family also owes this young man a favor. He has saved my granddaughter's life, and I hope you can give him a piece of noodles. Besides, they are obviously a couple. In my opinion, today's matter is understandable."

Another old voice sounded. The people looked at the old man who spoke. They were all stupid. What happened? Even the old Yao family spoke for him!

Now, in addition to the Qi family, the other three families of the four major families in South China province all stood up to speak to this man. Even if the Qi family is strong, it must be weighed carefully!

Originally, to these people, Lin Chen was at most a strong ancient martial artist with little power, but now it seems that with his son-in-law status of Ye yaoru and the kindness of the Wang and Yao families, his power is enough to surpass them!

The people looked at Lin Chen with envy.

Qishihong was also confused by this situation. His face was cloudy and sunny, and he was silent.

The people are waiting for him to make a decision. If the old man wants to be caught dead, or will he go down the steps?

"General Qi, why don't you give me a face?" Jiang Lao, who has been smiling, suddenly said.

"Here! Old Jiang, you -"

Qishihong's face changed greatly. People who knew Jiang Lao's identity were also shocked. Unexpectedly, the old man would also ask for help!

When Qi Chenghan saw his grandfather's face, he immediately felt a thump in his heart and hurriedly said, "no! Grandpa, you can't let this boy go, absolutely not! I want him to die! He must die!"

"Shut up! Up to now, do you still have your own personal grievances in mind? You really let me down!"


Qi Shihong directly slapped Qi Chenghan in the face. This grandson has let him down today!

Qi Chenghan was slapped, and was stunned. He was no longer superior.

He always felt that he was born to be higher than others. Now, he finally found that, at least in front of Lin Chen, he was nothing but a family member.

But when the family can't give him a head, he can't do anything!

"Old Jiang, can I know why you helped him?" Qishihong asked.

"Of course."

The smile on Jiang Lao's face was a bit cunning. He glanced at Lin Chen and said, "because he is from the dragon group! Originally, I didn't want to mix this up, but after all, he is from the dragon group. I don't think it's appropriate for you to kill him!"

Dragon group!

Those who didn't know the identity of Jiang Lao at first were startled at his words. Then, they immediately guessed the identity of Jiang Lao in their hearts and looked at Lin Chen with surprise!

This young man is actually a member of the dragon group. The dragon group is a special department of China. If the Qi family wants to kill him, it will be against the government!

Hearing this, old Qi was stunned and sighed: "well, in that case, let it go."

He was going to kill Lin Chen for the sake of the whole family. Now that so many people have stood up and asked him to give face, the whole family has a step to go down.

Lord Qi's eyes became dim. He stopped talking and turned away. For him, today's event is undoubtedly a heavy blow.

He originally regarded Lin Chen as a mole ant, but now the whole family is bitten with blood by the mole ant, but he can't attack yet.

When Lin Chen heard what Wang said, he saw a sly smile on his face, but he almost scolded. When did I become a member of your dragon group!

The old man is clearly trying to buy and sell. He is trying to pull himself into the partnership!

What's more, he didn't mix the bullshit. He just stayed and watched. He probably wanted to wait until he was about to be killed, so that he could be grateful!

What a cunning old fox! Lin Chen cursed.

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