"What is the relationship between Leng Hanyan and you? Why has she been calling you these two days?" Yeyi's face was grim.

Lin Chen's face froze. Then he thought that he had been unconscious for more than two days. Han Yan should be very worried about herself and wanted to call Leng Hanyan. But when he saw Ye Yi's face, he was suddenly worried. For this fairy sister, it might be a problem left in the past. He was a little flustered when he saw that she was angry.

Seeing Lin Chen's face, ye Yi couldn't help but give him a white look. Green jade pointed to his forehead and clicked, "don't think I don't know. In addition to this cold Yan, there are also your sister Xi Xi, sister Rong, an Xueyao star, fire fox Su man, little white blue -"

"Stop! Stop, stop!"

Lin Chen said without a word: "Yi Ren, the more you say, the more you lose the spectrum. Anxieyao, Su man, Bai Lan, they and I are innocent!"

"Innocent? It's strange to believe you." Yeyi sighed with a sour tone. "I didn't expect you to become so popular after you came out."

Seeing that ye Yiren was not really angry, Lin Chen breathed a sigh of relief. Hearing her sour tone, he hugged her tightly and said, "Yi, I -"

Yeyiren covered his mouth with his hand and said angrily, "Xiaochen, you don't need to apologize to me. Now I am very happy to be with you."

Lin Chen tightened her building, smelling the intoxicating fragrance of yeyi, and said, "I feel very happy, too."

Yeyi gently rubbed his hair, He said: "in fact, in the upper class, there are more capable men than women. I've been used to it for a long time. I just didn't expect that yeyi people would eventually share a man with others. But I don't blame you, nor do I blame them, especially Su Xiran. I thank her very much for helping me take care of you during my absence. You know, if you didn't show up that day, I would be just a corpse now."

Lin Chen suddenly looked up and saw that ye Yiren's eyes were red. He said painfully, "are you stupid? Is it better to marry into the Qi family and become the most noble woman in Nanhua province than to die?"

Yeyiren didn't speak, but his eyes were stubborn.

Lin Chen kissed her on the face and said, "fairy sister, we are indeed a natural couple. We are all one-sided characters. But believe me, now that you have become my woman, you will not be the most noble woman in the whole South China province, but the most noble woman in the whole China!"

Yeyi's smile was bright and soul stirring. With some sweetness, yeyi said, "well, I believe you."

With that, she said with a smile: "well, now let's go back to the previous topic. Tell your sister how many women you have now?"


Lin Chen didn't expect to return to this topic, and said with a bitter face: "just you, sister Xi Xi, sister Rong, and Han Yan."

"Just?" Ye Yi's eyebrows were raised, and the Phoenix eyes were covered with frost. "Xiaochen, do you think it's not enough?"

Lin Chen just found his language problem. He thought that he didn't care. Now the whole room was full of vinegar. He shook his head hurriedly: "no, no, how could it be?"

"You should take it easy anyway. You can't touch those dirty things." Ye Yiren made an angry remark and said, "if you insist on looking again, my sister feels Su man is very good."

"Su man?"

In Lin Chen's mind, Su man's charming face and his "little brother" sound could not help but feel a surge in his heart.

He is a little suspicious. What does fairy sister mean? Encourage yourself to find women? If I answered yes, would I kick myself out of bed?

Think about it carefully. Although Su man and ye Yi have different personalities, the former is like a Fox Spirit sent by heaven to charm the world, and the latter is like a dignified and noble banished immortal, but they are also somewhat similar. They are typical strong women, with decisive and ruthless wrists and deep-seated minds, which are unmatched by ordinary people.

Lin Chen was really curious. What would it be like if these two people came together?

"Xiao Chen, why don't you talk?" Yeyi wondered.

Lin Chen shook her head and said, "Yi Ren, don't joke. Su man and I have nothing to do."

When he said this, he felt guilty. He had been kissed by the demon at the auction before!


Ye Yi smiled and said meaningfully, "I was going to help her. Since you have nothing to do with her, it's unnecessary."

"Help her, what do you mean?" Lin Chen's face changed.

Ye Yiren also didn't continue to tangle around. Seeing Lin Chen's surprise, he explained: "some time ago, after the Su family's Huading group launched 'huaxiangrong' beauty cream, the market reaction was very good, so the stock rose madly. However, the stock price of Huading group began to fall these days. If you guessed correctly, someone should be suppressing Huading group."

Hearing that it was not su man who had an accident, but that the stock price had fallen, Lin Chen didn't care so much. Although he also had the shares of Huading group, he also had losses when the stock price fell, but he didn't value them.

Ye Yiren said with a smile, "call her and ask her. If you need help, I can help her. After all, she is also your friend anyway."

Lin Chen nodded and felt that he should ask. He picked up his mobile phone and dialed Su man's number. After a while, Su man's crisp, charming and whiny voice sounded.

"Cluck, little brother, how could you think of calling my sister? I thought you were so merry outside that you had long forgotten me!" Su man's voice was full of surprise and resentment.

Lin Chen was startled when he heard the speech. The woman's words were too easy to be misunderstood. He glanced at Ye Yiren and saw that she was looking at him with a smile on her face. The two were very close. It was obvious that she had heard Su man's words just now.

Lin Chen smiled awkwardly and said, "are you in trouble over there? I heard that the stock price of Huading group seems to have fallen in recent days. Do you need help?"

"No, I can solve it myself, but it seems that you care about me very much. Cluck, my sister is very happy." Su manjiao smiled.

Lin Chen's face was black. How could this woman always make people feel ambiguous? She had no choice but to say, "really not?"

"Really not." Su man said something, then suddenly said, "but there's another thing I need your help."

"What is it?" Lin Chen wondered.

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