445th you don't believe me

Meng Xiaowan's small face with exquisite makeup was about to have a close contact with the ground, which made her look pale. Then she felt that her body was light and her waist was hugged.

"Be careful. Are you so excited to see me?"

Lin Chen hugged her. After she stood up, she squatted down directly, grabbed her sprained right foot, and took off her white high-heeled shoes. The feet like sheep fat jade were exposed in the air.

"Ah! Lin Chen, you --" Meng Xiaowan's face was full of rosy clouds. Seeing Lin Chen holding his feet in his hands, he looked around nervously, like a thief.

Soon, she felt that a cold feeling of crispness came from her sore ankle, and Lin Chen's voice came from her ear: "well, it's no problem now."

"Ah! Really good!" Mengxiaowan was surprised to find that her swollen ankle had healed all at once, and the pain was gone. She was stunned.

However, he soon remembered Lin Chen's magical acupuncture and moxibustion skills, and was relieved. He just looked at Lin Chen's eyes, which were even more colorful.

"Are you so excited to see me?" Lin Chen repeated the previous question with a smile.

"Ah? No... No."

Mengxiaowan blushed a little and then asked in a complaining tone, "what have you been busy with lately?"

Why don't you call me? This half sentence remained in her heart, and she was ashamed to say it.

"Busy looking for a wife." Lin Chen smiled.

Meng Xiaowan thought of Leng Hanyan's beautiful face, tall and sexy figure. She couldn't help but say in a sour tone: "you have a girlfriend. What wife are you looking for? Are you going to get married?"

Lin Chen shook his head and said with a smile, "did you mean Han Yan? I didn't mean her. I meant another wife."

"Nonsense! When did you become so rude?"

Mengxiaowan looked at him angrily and said, "let's go. I'll take you in. The students are waiting for you."

Lin Chen is speechless. He really didn't lie. How come nobody believes him when he tells the truth these days.

Following mengxiaowan to the second floor, I saw several people waiting there. They were all high school classmates. I had seen them in the KTV box of the hotel before.

Lin Chen smiled and said hello to them. They were also very happy to see Lin Chen. Meng Xiaowan's best friend wangyifang glared at Lin Chen. It seemed that some people didn't like Lin Chen.

"Yi Fang, what are you doing?" Mengxiaowan hurriedly pulled her aside and frowned.

Wangyifang hummed, "nothing. I don't know what kind of shit he has been lucky to have. He already has a girlfriend, and he can make you -"

Without saying anything, Meng Xiaowan blushed and blocked her mouth with her hand. "If you talk nonsense, you won't want me to go shopping with you in the future!"

Wangyifang grabbed her hand away and hummed, "if you don't say it, you won't say it. You'll value sex over friends!"

Mengxiaowan's face was even redder. She didn't think much about it. In her mind, Lin Chen asked her if her bed was soft that night, then climbed into bed, made a quilt, and taught her how to kiss

At this time, the second floor of the hotel was decorated with lanterns, holding banners with congratulatory words. Although the hotel was not a five-star hotel, its grade was obviously not low, and the cost of this marriage was obviously a lot.

According to mengxiaowan, Wang Zhiqiang's girlfriend runs a building materials company at home. Although the scale is small, her family has a lot of money and a wide range of contacts. At this time, people come to the wedding in an endless stream, which is very lively.

Several of them went up to send gifts. As soon as they entered the gate, a middle-aged woman greeted them.

She was dressed in fashion and wore curly hair. She walked up to them and said with a smile: "Hello, I'm the mother of the bride Zhang Yue. Welcome to the wedding. Are you friends of Xiao Yue?"

"Mom! They are all my high school classmates." At this time, wangzhiqiang, dressed in a suit, hurried over.

"Your high school friend?"

The smile on the middle-aged woman's face immediately disappeared, and she became very disdainful. She said coldly, "your high school friends, aren't they just a group of Hicks? What a waste of my expression!"

With that, she turned and walked away. It seemed that she didn't want to stay more for a second. People could still hear her muttering: "I'm all earth buns. Now I've found a group of earth buns. I guess I'm just eating and drinking for free. I don't know if the bride price is enough."

It seems that she just said this to others.

Obviously, the bride's mother doesn't like or even dislike Wang Zhiqiang, her son-in-law. Otherwise, she wouldn't hit him in the face like this.

Zhang Yue's family is not top-level in Guangyang City, but it is also good. Zhang Yue's own appearance is not national beauty, but it is not bad. In the eyes of her parents, it is natural to find a matching local, and it is better to pull the Wang family up.

As a result, Zhang Yue went out to fall in love with a poor boy. They didn't listen to their persuasion. Finally, they had no choice but to agree. However, Zhang Yue's mother hated Wang Zhiqiang even more. She felt that he was a toad running into her own house. Naturally, she didn't have a good face for his friends.

The faces of all the people became very ugly. Most of them were really ordinary, but no matter what, they also came to the wedding as old classmates. As a result, they were so ridiculed. If Wang Zhiqiang hadn't been a good man, someone would have left immediately!

Wangzhiqiang's face was also a little ugly, and then he said with a smile: "well, don't stand still. Let me show you my wife, Lin Chen. You haven't seen her yet."

Wangyifang was straightforward and could not help saying, "Zhiqiang, your mother-in-law is not very good. You look like a snob!"

Mengxiaowan hurriedly pulled her and motioned her not to talk nonsense.

"Ha ha." Wangzhiqiang smiled awkwardly, not knowing how to answer.

Lin Chen smiled and patted him on the shoulder. He said, "actually, it's nothing. You married her daughter and didn't plot her property. You won't live together in the future. Don't care too much. You can't be angry when you sleep with her daughter?"

"Ha ha!"

The crowd was made to laugh by Lin Chen's words. Wangzhiqiang looked at Lin Chen with gratitude and smiled.

The new lady Zhang Yue is a beautiful girl with a round face and a petite figure. She has a good character and is very enthusiastic about Lin Chen and others.

Zhang Yue's father also came to say hello to them, perfunctorily said a few words, and then went to greet other guests. Obviously, although he was not as mean to Lin Chen and others as Zhang Yue's mother, he also looked down on the son-in-law's high school classmates.

Lin Chen looked around and said to Wang Zhiqiang, "uncle and aunt, didn't they come?"

His uncle and aunt are Wang Zhiqiang's parents. They met several times in high school and were very kind.

Wangzhiqiang shook his head and said with an ugly face, "no, I'm going to take Xiaoyue back to my hometown to hold a banquet in a while, so I won't bring them here to suffer from the bird spirit. Especially, if I didn't really like Xiaoyue, I wouldn't suffer from the bird spirit. Who cares about their stupid little building materials company!"

In the face of Lin Chen, Wang Zhiqiang didn't hide anything. Obviously, he was already upset.

"Then you can set up your own company, which is several times stronger than their small building materials company. Or you can lead their company to develop. In that case, her mother is expected to provide you to her ancestors." Lin Chen smiled.

Wangzhiqiang gave him a cold look and said with a wry smile, "what you said is easy. If these things were so easy to do, it would be great!"

Lin Chen said with a smile, "don't I have a brother to help you?"

Wang Zhiqiang was not angry and said with a smile: "come on, you should come less. You are not the same as me. You have found a rich second generation girlfriend. At most, your half blood beauty is a little too beautiful!"

"Yes, Lin Chen, you are very good at boasting now. You don't even make a draft of what you say. It is estimated that you are the one who tricked your girlfriend to come here. Xiao Wan, listen to him. He is so unreliable. Such a person is not reliable at all!" Wangyifang was beside them. Hearing Lin Chen's words, she could not help but curl her lips and pulled Meng Xiaowan, who was beside her.

The look in her eyes was like trying to persuade mengxiaowan to go astray.

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