"There's no way to go on! Liqikun's family is in real estate. He knows his eldest brother and will definitely come to trouble later!" Liucaixia curled her lips, but she didn't say anything after all. After all, there are so many guests here. It's not good to make any more noise.

Other people who know about Li Qikun are secretly guessing how many people Li Qikun will bring and how badly he will be punished.

It's no use playing again these days. Even if you are the national champion of Sanda and meet a group of underworld people, you will be knocked down!

Although the young men and women who had been with Li Qikun were afraid of Lin Chen's cruel tactics and dared not speak, their eyes were full of sneers. They were looking forward to Li Qikun's coming back to the scene. They knew Li Qikun very well. He would definitely retaliate if he was punished so badly this time!

Real estate is no longer a small business. Li Qikun knows many people on the road. This kid is definitely dead!

Wangzhiqiang and Zhang Yue go to the other table to toast. Only Lin Chen and some old classmates are left here.

Looking at Lin Chen, he was still indifferent. He should eat and drink. It seemed that nothing had happened just now. Everyone looked strange.

To tell the truth, Lin Chen's ferocious behavior just now also made them a little silly. However, unlike liucaixia, they just felt a pain in their hearts. The kind of guy who looked down upon others and thought he was right should be severely punished!

However, the consequences of beating powerful people are undoubtedly very serious. They know that although this society says that everyone is equal, it is actually a joke!

At this time, wangyifang looked at Lin Chen more kindly than before. Seeing that he didn't care, she couldn't help saying, "Lin Chen, are you not nervous at all? You're so stupid, sitting here waiting for others to retaliate against you? Don't run away quickly, or you'll be in trouble waiting for that kunshao to retaliate!"

Mengxiaowan also nodded and whispered: "Lin Chen, why don't you leave first? Although today is Zhiqiang's wedding, there is a reason for it. There is no way."

She knows that Lin Chen is very powerful. Last time at the emperor's club, someone shot at Lin Chen, but Lin Chen even hid from him. But the problem is that today's gangsters may also have guns. Lin Chen can hide from bullets once, which doesn't mean he can hide from them every time!

The others also tried to persuade Lin Chen to leave. Although they had no contact at ordinary times, it was obvious that the friendship of the old classmates was still there.

Listening to their words of concern, Lin Chen felt warm in his heart and said with a smile, "it's OK. No matter how many people he calls, he can't do anything about me. Besides, if I leave, they probably will find Zhiqiang trouble. That's really implicating him."

When they heard what he said, the first half of the sentence automatically ignored the past. They just felt that Lin Chen didn't want to implicate Wang Zhiqiang. They couldn't help sighing. They all felt that if Lin Chen didn't leave, they would be punished badly later.

When Lin Chen saw that they were worried, he smiled and changed the subject. "By the way, did you listen to what we just said?"

"What?" Wangyifang wondered.

Another white young man said in silence, "Lin Chen, you can't say that 'just let them know me'

"Hehe, Xingyu, you are right." Lin Chen smiled.

Bai Jing's name is liuxingyu. In high school, he was a study commissar in his class. His grades were very good. He was admitted to a famous university. However, when he came out of society, he found that he was not able to make a name for himself. He had no social background. In today's society, he is almost unable to walk a step. He is still working as an ordinary foreign trade salesman in a medium-sized enterprise.

Other people present, except mengxiaowan, are just like liuxingyu. The best one is working as a department manager in a small enterprise for about 10000 yuan a month. When they get outside, they are nothing.

Liuxingyu said in silence, "how big is your little boy's nerve? He's still joking there now. Can we still make great achievements after knowing you?"

The others, besides Meng Xiaowan smiling, all looked at Lin Chen with a speechless expression.

Lin Chen shook his head and said with a smile, "it's not that knowing me can make you prosper, but that I can give you a chance. As long as you work hard, you can prosper."

In fact, he didn't know these people very well. However, seeing that they were worried about themselves and warm in their hearts, he also remembered some scenes in high school. He couldn't help but think of helping them if he could.

Of course, this gang doesn't mean giving them power and money directly, but giving them opportunities.

"You boy, I really don't know what to say. Now I can talk more than before. What chance can you give us?" Liuxingyu smiled, only taking Lin Chen's words as a joke to ease the atmosphere.

"I can introduce you to Yeh's group so that you can find the right position, and then you can rely on yourself." Lin Chen said that it was too easy for Yeh's business empire of nuota to arrange several people, and he didn't need to discuss with Yeh at all.

The woman is about to change the Yeh clique into a Lin Group

"Yeh group?"

Everyone was amazed, including mengxiaowan. Yeh's group was the largest commercial entity in South China. Although she knew that Lin Chen was not simple, it was a bit exaggerated to say that she could casually place people in the right positions of Yeh's group!

Wangyifang gave Lin Chen a blank look and said, "you think ye's group belongs to your family, and you let us find a suitable position in Ye's group. Do you know how difficult it is to enter ye's group? If you are so good, I can sleep with you."

The others couldn't help laughing when they heard the speech.

Lin Chen: "...."

When Lin Chen was speechless, he saw a large group of people rushing in. It was estimated that there were more than thirty.

These people are all powerful and vicious. It's hard to provoke them at first sight. The most frightening thing is that in broad daylight, each of them has a bright machete in their hands. It makes people feel frightened when they look at it!

The leader was liqikun, who had been kicked out of the window by Lin Chen. He was being supported by someone. When he saw Lin Chen, he struggled to stand up straight, then pointed at Lin Chen and growled: "boy, I've never been bullied like this! If I don't kill you today, I'll eat shit!"

Beside him, there was a fierce looking, tall, middle-aged man with a flat head. His face was wearing an arrogant smile, as if everyone in the presence could get into his eyes.

Everyone except Lin Chen was frightened by the scene.

In particular, among the guests present, some who knew the identity of the middle-aged man immediately froze, and some dared not move.

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