"Hello, Uncle Li." Lin Chen smiled and shook hands with Li Hongming.

About Wang Zhiqiang and his girlfriend's home, Lin Chen talked to Ye Yiren last night. Li Hongming showed up here, which was undoubtedly arranged by Ye Yiren.

Linchen said that wangzhiqiang was his good brother in high school. Lihongming said that he wanted to cooperate with zhangyaodong. It was obvious that Zhang yeyi wanted to help wangzhiqiang. Otherwise, how could ye group look up to the small building materials company in Zhangjia.


Surprisingly quiet!

There was no sound in the field, as if the pause button had been pressed on the screen, and the crowd did not move.

The people present felt as if they had been struck by thunder. They just felt their brains buzzing. In particular, liqikun, who was still shouting that brother Tian had mistaken someone, suddenly turned blue and white, and his legs trembled.

As the helmsman of the real estate division of Ye's group, Li Hongming even asked Lin Chen to call him an uncle, which shocked them more than brother Tian who was scared to kneel down to the ground by Lin Chen, and his chin almost fell to the ground.

Brother Tian is just a dog of the Wang family, no matter how powerful he is. However, lihongming is a real power faction in the Ye group. Even if the Ye family's owners see him, they want to give him some face.

Even if the top leaders of Guangyang City see him, they should treat him with courtesy!

Now, such a man of the moment in South China province has even asked Lin Chen to call him uncle Li. The problem is that he doesn't have any elder posture in front of Lin Chen, but is too polite!

At this moment, the fool knows that the identity of this young man is definitely not simple!

Liuxingyu, wangyifang and others were stunned. Then, thinking of what Lin Chen had said before, Lin Chen said that he could arrange them to enter ye's group and work in the right position. Now it seems that he absolutely has the ability!

Suddenly, they were so excited that their hearts beat wildly. If they could enter the Yeh group, their future would be bright, far more than most people!

Meng Xiaowan's pretty face was also surprised. Her eyes were round and her mouth was ruddy. She looked very cute.

Wangzhiqiang and Zhang Yue are silly, while liucaixia turns pale. Thinking about her arrogance in front of Lin Chen just now, her intestines are blue with regret. She is panicked. She doesn't know whether Lin Chen will come to settle accounts with her.

"What is this? Can anyone tell me?" Lihongming felt that the atmosphere was not right, and he couldn't help but wonder.

However, he was able to get to the top of the Ye group. He was careful and flexible. He looked at brother Tian, who was kneeling on the ground, and at the pale faced liqikun and liucaixia. He raised his eyebrows, but he guessed a lot in his heart.

"Mr. Li, let me tell you."

Wangyifang is outgoing. At this time, she is very excited to come out and explain the whole story with lihongming. This is a good opportunity to show her face in front of big people!

When lihongming heard the whole story, his face was as black as carbon.

Yeyi people now want to take over the Yeshi group. As a man, Lin Chen is also the male owner of the Yeshi group. Now, he has been insulted by people like ants.

He glanced at liqikun and liucaixia coldly. The power of the superior immediately made both of them tremble. Liucaixia felt that she had fallen from heaven to hell.

Originally, I thought I could climb the big tree of Yeh's group. Now, maybe I can't keep my small company!


Suddenly, zhangyaodong slapped liucaixia in the face, making her stagger and scolded, "I told you not to be too snobbish. Now, even Mr. Lin, a big man, has offended!"

With that, he looked at Lin Chen in a flattering way. "Mr. Lin, this woman is blind to Taishan. I hope you don't mind. You see, Zhiqiang is also your good brother. Our family cooperates with Ye's group..."

Liucaixia covers her face, but Shan Shan doesn't dare to speak. She also knows that she has made a big mistake.

Lin Chen sneered. He was smart enough to know that it was up to him. However, he was shameless enough to say that he wanted Ye's group to continue to cooperate with their company.

Zhangyaodong blames liucaixia for all his problems. However, his attitude just now is no better than that of others, and he doesn't pay attention to himself and others.

Seeing Lin Chen's face mocking, he didn't answer. Zhang Yue hurriedly and quietly pushed Wang Zhiqiang. After all, these two people are their own parents no matter how bad they are.

Wangzhiqiang was happy to see liucaixia slapped. However, seeing that his wife was worried, he could only say: "Lin Chen, why don't you..."

Lin Chen waved his hand, interrupted him, and said, "Zhiqiang, why don't you start a building materials company yourself, and Uncle Li will talk about cooperation with you?"

Wangzhiqiang was stunned, and then his face was ecstatic. If he could cooperate with Yeh group, his company was destined to make a lot of money before it was opened!

"As for you," Lin Chen looked at liucaixia and his wife and said faintly, "don't think about taking benefits from me. I'm just a buns. What benefits can I give you?"

Hearing the speech, Li Hongming smiled and nodded at Wang Zhiqiang, and looked at liucaixia with cold eyes.


Zhangyaodong is also a person with exquisite mind. Seeing the cold eyes cast by Li Hongming, he knows that the other party is going to attack his own company. His small building materials company will no doubt disappear soon!

But Wang Zhiqiang can cooperate with Ye's group. As long as the company is established, it will simply lie down and collect money. His wife and I will probably rely on this son-in-law for dinner in the future!

Suddenly, because of Lin Chen's words, the situation in their family was reversed. The son-in-law of Tu baozi became superior, and their proud mother-in-law and mother-in-law instantly fell down!

Lin Chen looked at liqikun, who was very careful to breathe. He was in a cold sweat. He said with a smile, "weren't you very powerful just now? Aren't we not qualified to compare with you? Why are you so afraid now?"

"I -" liqikun wanted to cry without tears.

"Uncle Li, please help me teach him a lesson." Lin Chen said faintly.

Lihongming smiled, nodded, looked at liqikun and said indifferently, "are you the son of lishaowei of real estate Hong Kong?"

Li Qikun thought that the other party knew his father, so he quickly nodded and said, "yes, Mr. Li, can you spare me this time in the face of my father? I really don't know the identity of brother Chen, otherwise I would never dare to offend him!"

"Face? What face does Li Shaowei have?"

Li Hongming asked a question lightly. He took out his mobile phone and dialed a number. He said, "Secretary Xu, before tomorrow morning, I will make real estate disappear in the world."

With that, he hung up his cell phone without waiting for an answer.

The people in the audience were full of fear when they looked at Lin Chen. This man could even let lihongming help him. What a powerful background!

"No! Mr. Li, please don't do this! I'm wrong, I'm really wrong!" Liqikun's face changed greatly and he was about to hug lihongming's feet, but Lin Chen kicked him aside.

"Zhaohuatian, give you a chance to make amends." Lin Chen said.

Zhaohuatian was overjoyed and said, "brother Chen, just say, what can I do for you?"

"Didn't he just say that he would eat shit if he didn't kill me?" Lin Chen said.

Zhaohuatian immediately understood, got up, directly kicked liqikun in the stomach, and then dragged him out, "how dare you offend brother Chen and even pull me into the water? I will take you to eat shit now!"

Zhaohuatian is obviously good at handling affairs. Not only Li Qikun, but also his lackeys were arrested together and went to the toilet

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