After leaving the hotel, Lin Chen goes to find Ye Yiren. Ye Yiren has just finished attending the board of directors and has many things to deal with. Lin Chen stays in the office with her, which makes Ye Yiren a little moved.

Of course, she seems to be easily moved only in front of Lin Chen.

When Lin Chen saw a middle-aged man who looked like a successful man, he was almost scolded by Ye Yi and almost cried out. His head dropped to his chest. Lin Chen also understood the domineering side of his fairy sister. No wonder he was in charge of thousands of people in Yuehai city.

When she got cold, the terrible momentum was really not covered.

At night, ye Yiren becomes a gentle and charming wife in Lin Chen's arms, which makes Lin Chen suspect that the scene he saw in the company during the day is an illusion.

Maybe it's because Lin Chen has decided to go back to Yuehai the next day. Maybe it's because he feels sorry for letting Lin Chen accompany him in the office during the day. Yeyi seems to have become a goblin that is noble, cool, beautiful, and takes the initiative to kill Lin Chen.

Before returning to Yuehai City, Lin Chen called Ye menghuang. After all, she was a friend. In addition, she had to let her know that if she wanted to leave here, she could no longer pretend to be her boyfriend.

What made him speechless was that ye menghuang told her parents that Lin Chen had found a good job in Yuehai City, so she would not visit her home for a while.

So yemenghuang's parents called to encourage him to work hard. They said that with his skills, he could make a difference in everything. These two people are not generally optimistic about themselves now. Lin Chen was embarrassed by what they said. Finally, they had to laugh and perfunctory.

After hanging up the phone, Lin Chen could not help scolding ye menghuang for being cunning. Now, the woman didn't have to be afraid of being urged to find a date for a long time.

Ye Yi booked a ticket for Lin Chen. At noon the next day, she took Lin Chen to the airport and gave Lin Chen a long kiss outside the airport, which made the men nearby green with envy.

Ye Yiren, who wears pure white business clothes all his life, looks like a workplace queen, noble, beautiful, dignified, charming, making people feel unattainable and invaluable.

However, such a queen like woman, however, was like a little bird. She stuck her pretty head on Lin Chen's chest and gently said to him: "when I'm free, I should think about me more, just like I have you in my mind when I'm free. I can't see your sister Xi Xi, sister Rong and others, and kick me out of my mind.".

The men who passed by wanted to kick Lin Chen and strangle him to death. Instead of him, they said that as long as I live, I miss you. I don't even look at others

At more than 3 p.m., the plane landed in Yuehai city.

The moment Lin Chen walked out of the airport, she felt at home, relaxed and happy.

It's still early. Lin Chen plans to go to Tianqiong entertainment to see an Xueyao first. He doesn't know what the situation is with that chick. He doesn't even answer his own phone.

After thinking for a while, he called Irina and asked her to pick him up. Irina was surprised when she received Lin Chen's call. She said happily that she would come right away.

"Dude, are you waiting for someone?" While Lin Chen was waiting for Irina, a handsome young man came over and said with a smile.

"Yes. What can I do for you?" Lin Chen glanced at him and said, he doesn't like chatting with strangers, and of course he won't speak ill of each other.

In fact, Jay Chou has nothing to do, but he talks a lot and is too busy. He waits here and just finds someone to chat with.

Of course, this chat also has a boring purpose, that is to show off his model girlfriend and find someone to satisfy his vanity.

He saw that Lin Chen was about the same age as himself, and stood beside him, so he chose him as the target of attack.

"Hehe, it's nothing. Just talk casually. Are you waiting for someone?" Jay Chou smiled.

"Well, yes." Lin Chen feels that the man is a bit idle.

"Hehe, are you waiting for your girlfriend? I'm waiting for my girlfriend." When Jay Chou saw that Lin Chen didn't pay much attention to him, he smiled and said again.

What is it to me that you wait for your girlfriend? Lin Chen saw that there was no malice on his face, but he looked inexplicably proud. He guessed what the other party wanted at once and said with a light smile: "are you showing off that you have a girlfriend?"


Jay Chou was a little embarrassed, and then said, "no, there is nothing to show off about a girlfriend. My girlfriend is studying in Yuehai. She is a professional model. I came to see her. Ha ha."

Is it necessary to stress that your girlfriend is a professional model? There's nothing to show off about having a girlfriend, but the girlfriend is a model, so it's worth showing off, isn't it?

Lin Chen is speechless. This guy is really boring, but he doesn't hate his behavior. It's normal for a man to have a beautiful girlfriend and want to show off. It's just annoying.

He didn't pay attention to this man. Jay Chou also felt a little boring. He thought that this guy was really difficult to communicate, so he couldn't cooperate with him. He was probably jealous of me. Thinking so, he felt better and didn't pay attention to Lin Chen.

Soon, a tall girl with an estimated height of 1.74 meters came over. When Jay saw the girl, he smiled pleasantly, "Xiaoxue, you're coming."

"Well, let's go." The girl is medium-sized and almost a beauty. She is tall but a little thin. At this time, she looks a little arrogant. She nods at Jay Chou's words and wants him to go with her.

"Hehe, OK, Xiaoxue, you don't know how much I miss you." Jay Chou's smile is flattering. Obviously, this guy is led by his girlfriend.

After taking a few steps, Jay Chou looked back at Lin Chen. His eyes were a little proud. Obviously, he was saying, look, are you jealous of my girlfriend?

But when he was discouraged, Lin Chen didn't go to see him at all.

At this time, a very aggressive Jeep off-road vehicle stopped beside Lin Chen. It looked like a beast that had broken into the city. Generally, it was very difficult to see it in the city.

When Jay Chou saw the car, he was stunned. What kind of muscle man likes to drive this car here?

When the door opened, the first thing that came out was a pair of legs that were too long. These legs were long, healthy and white as jade. Jay Chou's eyes were straight. These legs were much longer than his model girlfriend's legs, and they were also much sexier!

Then, a foreign woman appeared in front of people, not only Jay Chou, but also other men nearby.

She has red hair and blue eyes. Her facial features are three-dimensional like a perfect Greek sculpture. The most shocking thing is that this woman is almost one meter eight tall, but she is not thin at all. Instead, she is in a mess, protruding forward and backward, making people nosebleed.

When Jay Chou saw this woman, he finally understood what an S-shaped figure is. His mouth was watering. This woman is a super perfect ocean horse. Compared with her, his model girlfriend is nothing but scum!

Body, face, temperament, even the most prominent height, are all scum!

Then, the scene that Jay Chou's eyes almost fell to the ground happened, and the red haired girl jumped directly into the arms of the boy just now.

"My little man, you are back at last!"

And after cheering, he kissed the man severely!

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