Sky entertainment building.

This is a famous place in the whole Chinese entertainment circle. In addition to the high status of Tianqiong entertainment in the industry, it also has a goddess in the hearts of Chinese men, Tian Tian An Xueyao.

Although she hasn't produced any new works for some time, her popularity has increased instead of decreased. Countless netizens are talking about whether she is preparing a new album or a new film. No one would have thought that because she is targeted by the killer organization, she has not appeared in the entertainment industry for the time being.

I don't know how that chick looks when she sees herself? Lin Chen had some inexplicable expectation in her heart.

Before going to an Xueyao's office, Lin Chen followed Irina to the bodyguard training room. Irina said that Li Kaishan had been discharged from the hospital a few days ago and was now in the company. Li Kaishan was beaten because of his orders, so she always had to go and have a look.

Along the way, many people looked at Lin Chen curiously.

You know, although Irina is not a star model, her figure and appearance have crushed a large number of beautiful star models in the company. That is to say, Miss ANN has been the focus of the public since she was able to compete with her, and countless male YY objects.

Now Lin Chen and she are together, which inevitably arouses people's curiosity.

Among them, some people didn't know Lin Chen's identity and had doubts in their eyes, while some people knew Lin Chen and told the people next to him his identity.

Everyone knows that this is miss an's former bodyguard!

Why is it the old one? Because miss an has a new bodyguard following her all day recently, the one in front of her is naturally old.

At this moment, everyone looked at Lin Chen with some doubts. This guy hasn't appeared for so long. Isn't he fired? Why are you back?

Entering the bodyguard training room, I saw Xugang, Chen Li and others I hadn't seen for a long time. Li Kaishan was practicing shooting with a pistol.

"Lin Chen, are you back?" When they saw Lin Chen, they all looked happy. Chen Li, who had a conflict with Lin Chen before, was the first to shout.

Although he was picked up by Lin Chen, later on, everyone got along well. Lin Chen was much better than them, but he didn't put on airs in front of them.


Lin Chen smiled and nodded, walked up to the surprised Li Kaishan and asked, "I heard from Irina that you were beaten into the hospital by the new bodyguard?"

There was a guilty look on Li Kaishan's face. In his opinion, it was because he was not strong enough that Lin Chen, the master, lost face.

Yes, master. In Li Kaishan's eyes, he is Lin Chen's servant.

Although Lin Chen asked himself to do good work for him and let himself call his name, since he once said that as long as Lin Chen cured his wife, he would be his servant, and Li Kaishan would be Lin Chen's servant all his life.

Li Kaishan apologized and said, "Lin Chen, I'm sorry. I'm too weak. That's why -"

Lin Chen looked at Li Kaishan and found that his body was OK. He waved his hand to interrupt his words and said, "it's ok if I'm ok. I don't need to apologize. If I feel too weak, I'll help you if I work hard for so long to improve myself."

Li Kaishan nodded heavily.

"Lin Chen, since you are back, you should teach Feng Qingyu a lesson. That son of a bitch is really arrogant!" Chen Li suddenly interjected, his face full of anger.

"How arrogant?" Lin Chen looked at him and asked. Fengqingyu is undoubtedly the new gold medal bodyguard.

Chen Lihen said, "just yesterday, Xiao Kun saw that he was in the company and pestered her in the office of the eldest lady all day. He couldn't help but secretly said that the calf didn't come to be a bodyguard at all, but ran to the eldest lady. As a result, he knew about it. He slapped Xiao Kun's teeth off! So, it seemed that someone wronged him. Just his careful thinking, who doesn't know?"

The name of Xiao Kun he talked about was Zhengkun. He was younger in the bodyguard team and was about the same as Lin Chen. Lin Chen had some impression of him. He was very polite to him and always shouted before and after brother Chen.

Lin Chen scanned the training room for a week. As expected, he didn't see Zheng Kun's shadow. His eyebrows frowned.

"Chen Li, that's enough! Stop talking!" Xugang, the bodyguard captain, said in a deep voice.

"Brother Xu, I -"

Chen Li still wanted to speak, but he met Xu Gang with some helpless eyes and was stunned. He also understood why Xu Gang wanted to stop him.

Although Lin Chen gave them a strong feeling, at least he was better than them by more than one notch, but he was far less scared than fengqingyu. With only one move, fengqingyu put Li Kaishan, once the first bodyguard of Yuehai City, into the hospital!

However, Lin Chen, in their opinion, is probably better than Li Kaishan. How can he compare with Feng Qingyu.

He was also excited just now. He just wanted to let Lin Chen teach Feng Qingyu a lesson. After careful consideration, he found that it was not feasible at all.

The rest of the bodyguards thought the same as the two of them. Although they wanted to teach Feng Qingyu a lesson, they didn't think Lin Chen could do it. They were annoyed at Feng Qingyu, but they couldn't help him. Who can make themselves inferior to others.

Xu Gang looked at Lin Chen and said, "Lin Chen, don't take Chen Li's words seriously. Feng Qingyu is not easy to mess with. Just ignore him anyway. However, it's hard for you to be the first lady's bodyguard. After all, that guy must be unwilling to leave. If you don't come to my side, I can be the bodyguard captain for you."

The implication is that you can't be the first lady's bodyguard. It's no problem to be an ordinary bodyguard like us.

"If you don't want to leave, just call him to leave." Lin Chen doesn't care and laughs. Looking at the expressions of Xugang, Chen Li and others, Lin Chen naturally guessed their thoughts and didn't explain anything.

Xu Gang frowned. He felt that Lin Chen was a little worried and was about to speak. However, Lin Chen had already gone out, and his voice came over.

"Kaishan, follow me. If you have a chance, I'll show you the essence of Kaitian Shenquan."

When Li Kaishan heard the speech, his eyes lit up and he hurried to keep up.

"Hee hee, little man, I'll see how you beat that guy." Irina followed Lin Chen with a charming smile.

A group of people in the training room looked at each other. Hearing what Lin Chen meant, could it be that they wanted to find Feng Qingyu's trouble?

"You can't stop talking!" Xu Gang glared at Chen Li and had no choice but to follow him. If there was a conflict, he might be able to mediate.

The rest of the bodyguards followed immediately, with some expectation on their faces.

Walking to the door of an Xueyao's office, Lin Chen knocked on the door and said, "Miss, are you in there?"

In the office, an Xueyao is looking at a document. Suddenly, a familiar voice comes from outside the door. In an instant, an Xueyao is stunned.

The pen in his hand fell to the ground with a click. His face became a little excited and very happy, but then he didn't know what to think of, but his face was flat and became expressionless.

Sitting on the sofa next to him was a tall and strong young man. He was not handsome, but he gave people a very masculine feeling.

He was fengqingyu, the new bodyguard. Fengqingyu looked at anxieyao suspiciously, looking polite, and asked with a smile, "miss an, what's the matter with you?"

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