Lin Chen and Zhenyan Venerable Master would certainly cause damage if they fought in the sub hall. They simply moved the battlefield to a height of hundreds of thousands of meters.

The two men were separated by more than ten meters. Before they started, there was already a terrible smell. With the smell collision, there was a terrible storm between heaven and earth, and the space at the collision became distorted.

Lin Chen took the initiative to say, "just like last time, how about not using any other treasure except the life weapon?"

"Good!" The venerable Zhenyan nodded.

He knew it was fine before, but now Lin Chen has got a treasure of chaos. If he uses foreign objects, he will be at a disadvantage before he starts!

"Boundless devil body!"

Xiahou Zhenyan didn't say a word of nonsense. When he shouted, his body soared. In the blink of an eye, he became a giant with a mountain like body, and his breath soared rapidly!

He grasped it with his right hand, the space was broken, and the long staff of the supreme artifact level appeared in his hand!

"Show me your means of defeating the master. I'm really curious. What means did you rely on to beat back the master of the thousand cranes and catch the master of the emperor Python?"

Xiahou Zhenyan didn't hurry, but said so.

Defeating Lin Chen is not his goal. In his heart, he doesn't want to lose to Lin Chen. It's what he wants to fight heartily.

At this time, the white dragon venerable finally caught up with him, stopped not far away, looked at Xiahou Zhenyan and said in surprise:

"Before he started, the Zhenyan venerable actually showed his boundless devil body. This is because he thinks that if he doesn't use the strongest means, he won't even have the qualification to fight with Lin Chen."

"Something's wrong. What's Lin Chen's ability to make Zhenyan venerable look up to him so much?"

The white dragon venerable whispered, completely unable to understand, and looked at Lin Chen.

Lin Chen doesn't mean to let the other party go first. That is totally disrespectful to Xiahou Zhenyan. If he really respects the other party, he should show his true skills and play with him!

Hearing that the other party asked him to use his means to fight back the master of the thousand cranes, he nodded and said in a low voice: "the law of the barren sky!"

The dark flame and the gray air flow diffused from Lin Chen's body at the same time.

His body soared and soon became a little giant nearly three meters high.

An empty shadow with a height of ten thousand feet appeared out of thin air. It covered Lin Chen with green fangs, red hair and blood eyes. It was surrounded by black flames and fog. It looked like a murderous evil spirit. Its face was extremely ferocious!

Xiahou Zhenyan, like a hill, becomes a little bit smaller than this virtual shadow!

This is not the most amazing.

The most amazing thing is the change of breath on Lin Chen, not to mention the white dragon venerable. Even xiahouzhenyan, who had been prepared for a long time, had his heart beating wildly, and a strong sense of fear poured out from the depths of his soul. His honed instinct was reminding them to run for their lives!

"This, this, this..."

The white dragon venerable's eyes were almost falling out. He hadn't seen anything for a long time. Looking at Lin Chen at the moment, he had an illusion that he was not facing a fellow cultivator, but a master.

The fear that grew in his heart always appeared only when he faced the master. Now, facing Lin Chen, he also felt uncontrollable fear. Xiahou Zhenyan took a deep breath and exclaimed, "is this the way to defeat the master? Great! Compared with you, my boundless devil body has become a trick for children. Now, I have a sense of fear in my heart

I don't dare to fight you! "

The white dragon venerable master seems to have been struck in the head by lightning and is as numb as a chicken!

The means to defeat the master?

Did Lin Chen defeat the master?

This is undoubtedly more powerful than the chaos treasure in Lin Chen's hands, and Lin Chen is stronger than Xiahou Zhenyan! The White Dragon Master stretched out his hand and pinched it on his thigh. "No... it's not a dream! That's right. I'm the master. I don't need to sleep at all. Where did I get a dream? If it's not a dream, how could everything in front of me be more strange than a dream

Think! "

Xiahou Zhenyan was ready. His acceptance ability was much better than that of the white dragon venerable. His eyes became calm again. He shouted coldly and rushed to Lin Chen with a long stick!

"Eight wild fire Lotus!"

In an instant, Xiahou Zhenyan rushed to Lin Chen and swept the long staff at Lin Chen.

The long staff wraps around the golden flame. When it sweeps towards Lin Chen, it resonates with the space and produces a mysterious vibration. The flame swam in the air as if it had life. It converges and looks like a lotus flower.

The huge lotus flower sent out a terrible smell of destruction and beat Lin Chen with the long staff.

During the last fight, Lin Chen felt that Xiahou Zhenyan was so powerful that he was not sure to defeat him. However, the "famine phase" was really against the sky. At this moment, he just felt that Xiahou Zhenyan was too slow.

If he wanted to, he could easily avoid all the attacks of the other side.

However, he did not choose to dodge!

A simple shot!


Space collapse.

Xuanyuan spear penetrates the flame lotus, and the flame lotus disappears instantly! The Xuanyuan gun collided with Xiahou Zhenyan's long staff again. In an instant, Xiahou Zhenyan took off his long staff and flew out. The palm holding the long staff was dripping with blood. He flew out, looking stunned. It seemed that he had never thought that he would be defeated

So fast!

Previously, Xiahou Zhenyan had fought with Qianhe master and Jinlin master, but they didn't try their best at all. Out of respect for him, Lin Chen tried his best at the first time, so it became a unilateral crushing.

Xiahou Zhenyan flies out backward. Before he can adjust and make another move, Lin Chen flashes in front of him.

Rain at night and travel across the world!

"How fast!"

Xiahou Zhenyan was shocked and angry. His other hand, which was not injured, immediately clenched its fist and hit Lin Chen. The space burst. The fist seemed to penetrate time and space. In an instant, it was only a few centimeters away from Lin Chen.

However, the next moment, Lin Chen disappeared again.

Xiahou Zhenyan felt cold in his heart. Without saying anything else, he was completely crushed by the other party just because of his speed. How could he win if he continued to fight like this!

Lin Chen's figure appeared above the Xiahou Zhenyan.

Even though Lin Chen's body is much larger than usual, it is still very small compared with Xiahou Zhenyan. But at this moment, no matter who sees this scene, they all know that Xiahou Zhenyan has completely fallen into the wind!

Lin Chen hesitated. He wondered if he would be a bit too hard. But on second thought, master Zhenyan just wanted to break through with failure. In that case, if he was a little harder, the effect would be better?

On this thought, he had no more hesitation!

"The stars are falling!"

The Xuanyuan gun wrapped around the dark flame and hit Xiahou Zhenyan's shoulder. It exploded and sprayed blood. Xiahou Zhenyan fell down like a meteorite! The white dragon venerable not far away had already looked silly, like a statue.

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