Lin Chen went to see the worry free city master with great expectation. When he finally left, he returned disappointed. The master who went outside the boundary instead of him had not returned.

The city leader of worry free learned that he was going to travel, but he would not leave the mainland of origin, so he wouldn't worry too much. With Lin Chen's strength, there are only so many people who can deal with him.

Those guys are basically unlikely to come to the mainland of origin for adventure.

In the early morning of the next day, Lin Chen and huziqing left the global city with the seeing off of the city master's mansion.

"Since it's a journey to see the world, there's no need to hurry to reach the beast kingdom. We can slow down our journey and arrive at Tianyue city later!"

As soon as he left the global city, huziqing offered.

"Are you sure it doesn't matter? My original plan was to use the divine prison tower to send you to the sky moon city, so that you and your relatives can meet again soon. Then I can travel again."

Lin Chen was stunned. He had heard huziqing say that he missed his parents and brother in his hometown very much. How come it doesn't matter now?

Why did you even ask yourself to slow down? Huziqing said positively, "I naturally want to see my family soon, but I'm not in a hurry to meet them for a while. Since I'm stuck in the bottleneck and can't break through to the great perfection of immortality, maybe I can have it as my mood improves through traveling

You may break through the bottleneck! "

I see. I want to break through the bottleneck by traveling like me... Lin Chen's confusion immediately dissipated and nodded:

"In that case, we'd better slow down our journey. Without the help of the divine prison tower, we'll go our own way. If we still stop and go, it's estimated that it will take several months to reach Tianyue city!"

"No problem! I don't care at all."

Huziqing's voice was filled with joy. After that, he hurriedly added, "I mean, as long as we can finally break through the bottleneck, it's nothing to be a few months late!"

Lin Chen didn't think much about it. They set out immediately and left towards the central Tianyue city. The mainland of origin has never been a peaceful place, full of countless bloody battles, and countless people rise and fall every day. When Lin Chen once went to the central part, he was like a piece on the chessboard of the mainland of origin,

In a struggle with others.

Now, when he goes to the central region again, he has changed from a chess piece to a chess player.

All creatures play chess, while he stands high and overlooks all living beings.

In the twinkling of an eye, more than two months later, they had just arrived at the border in the middle. Along the way, they had already experienced countless stories.

They once saw an ancient tribe. People wanted to push a group of young girls into the river, which was a sacrifice to the "river god". Only by providing dozens of young girls who had not left the cabinet to throw them into the river every year could they get a year of peace.

So, Lin Chen took the "river god", that is, a monster in the Taoist realm, directly from the river hundreds of feet wide and thousands of feet deep. In front of countless people of the tribe, he crushed the monster into a blood mist.

In the kowtow of countless people in the ancient tribe, as well as the cries and thanks of the girls' families, he took huziqing away.

They once passed a city and found that the city was plagued, tens of millions of people were killed, countless families were destroyed and left their homes. The bodies of the people infected with the plague melted like candles, and the death was terrible.

Lin Chen took the action to cure the people who were infected with the plague. He also caught the source of the plague, a heretic who called himself a "poison master", and asked him why he poisoned the whole city.

The man answered him that he had no other purpose but to use these people as test objects. He needed a large number of test objects to make his poison evolve again and have more terrible toxicity.

At that time, even those who are strong in Taoism can only die painfully if they catch his strange poison. Huziqing was furious at first, but when she saw Lin Chen how to deal with this guy, she became a little impatient. It was Lin Chen's means that were too terrible. Finally, the man howled and begged for a few days, and Lin Chen met his wish,

Destroy his vitality.

In addition to these, they have also encountered the birth of treasures. Countless people beat corpses into mountains and rivers of blood for the "rags" in Lin Chen's eyes; I have also seen alchemists who have entered the devil's way and used other practitioners as materials to make pills. Eventually, they became mad and even their wives and children were thrown into the alchemy furnace. They believed that only in this way can they really concentrate on the Tao and make a breakthrough; Besides these

In addition, in just over two months, there are many other experiences.

In the past, Lin Chen's behavior style had nothing to do with himself, and he basically ignored it. Now, he has specialized in joining the world to see the world. Not only did he not avoid these things, but he even took the initiative. Various scenes that had been ignored by him jumped into his eyes one by one. Unconsciously, both Lin Chen and huziqing were in a state of mind

Have changed.

"Even if the xuanhuang hall can manage, it is limited. What the xuanhuang hall does is to resist the alien race, drive the alien race out of the xuanhuang universe, and maintain the normal operation of the xuanhuang universe.

However, the normal operation involves countless bloody struggles. It is like that people eat animal meat and animals eat people. Even in the xuanhuang hall, it is impossible to make these things disappear.

This is not only the law of nature, but also the result of the joint promotion of all creatures in the world. No one can reverse it! Including the origin of chaos, we can only let nature take its course. "

Lin Chen whispered in his heart that during this time, he had not gained much in understanding the fifth form of the chaotic gun at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, but in terms of mood, he had gained a lot.

At this time, he and huziqing were walking in the wind and snow.

On both sides, there is a large snow mountain hundreds of feet high. In the middle is a path 34 meters wide. The ground is covered with snow. The cold wind is like a knife, and the snowflakes fall one after another like goose feathers, like a beautiful painting. Lin Chen and huziqing are like two people in the painting.

Just then they heard footsteps behind them.

They turned around and saw a middle-aged man coming in the rear.

To be exact, it's actually two people.

Behind the middle-aged man was a little girl of twoorthree years old. Her body was wrapped around the middle-aged man with an old quilt. Only half of her head was exposed.

The middle-aged man looks like he is in his forties. He is tall and thin with sunken cheeks.

His whole body is like a withering tree, obviously malnourished, but his posture is as straight as a gun. He looks up and looks straight ahead, as if nothing in the world can make him bow down!

In his hand, he held a rusty broken sword with no tip.

"What's wrong with this man?" Huziqing was surprised to see Lin Chen looking at the middle-aged man coming. She couldn't help wondering. In her eyes, this man was just an ordinary person of level nine in the free range. There should be nothing worth Lin Chen's attention.

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