The two men who appeared out of thin air startled everyone.

"Who are you?"

Lixiuyuan looked startled. How long had the two men been hiding nearby, and he didn't feel any trace at all?

This is terrible!

It is equivalent to saying that if the other party just made a sudden move, he has almost no time to react!

"Is that you?"

Xuechong was equally surprised when he saw Lin Chen and huziqing. Unexpectedly, the two men followed him. It seemed that they had been following him all the time, but he hadn't noticed it from beginning to end.

Niuniu seems to see the Savior. Although she has only met Lin Chen once before, in her simple concept, the big brother who can invite himself to eat and the big sister who can feed him are obviously good people.

"Sobbing! Big brother, fairy sister, save my father!" Niuniu cried.

Huziqing's eyes were filled with tears. Naturally, it was not because Lin Chen wanted her to fulfill the gambling agreement. On the one hand, he felt sympathy for Niuniu because she was suffering from a terminal disease. On the other hand, he was moved by xuechong's death for Niuniu.

Women are sensitive. She quickly walks to xuechong and reaches out to hold Niuniu.

The ragged quilt that had originally entangled Niu Niu fell to the ground when huziqing reached out to hold Niu Niu.

"Sobbing... Fairy sister, save my father! Save my father!" Niuniu pointed to Xue Chong, who was also pinched by Li Xiuyuan and held in the air, and said anxiously.

"OK, OK, I'll save him right away. Don't cry."

Huziqing wiped Niuniu's tears, turned to lixiuyuan and said in a cold voice, "let him go!"

"Who the hell are you?" Lixiuyuan naturally would not be obedient and asked coldly.

"I! Let! You! Let go! He!"

Huziqing said one word at a time, and her voice was full of evil spirit. A violent breath spread from her and shrouded the world.

The clouds in the sky were instantly shaken away.

"The strong in immortality!" Lixiuyuan's face changed greatly. He let go of xuechong, stepped back and looked at huziqing angrily.

Xuechong fell to the ground, covering his throat and coughing desperately.

"Fairy sister! Put me down, will you put me down?" Niuniu is very anxious.

Huziqing puts her down. Niuniu anxiously runs to xuechong and taps xuechong on the back with her thin hands. It seems that xuechong will feel more comfortable in this way.

All the people of Tianmen sect were shocked by the sudden changes!

Immortal realm strong?

Does xuechong have immortal level friends?

From what Niuniu said just now, they all judged that the two people who just appeared knew their father and daughter. If not expected, they should have come to help them!

The thought that the other party should have immortal level help scared the spirits of the dead. Some immediately retreated quietly and wanted to find a chance to escape.

Lin Chen looked at the people of Tianmen sect. His voice was flat: "stand still."

An invisible wave, centered on him, spread all around.

The people of Tianmen sect, including lixiuyuan, immediately found that their bodies seemed to be out of control. They wanted to escape, but they were obedient and stood still!

"This... What is this means?"

Lixiuyuan looked at Lin Chen in horror and realized that this man was more terrifying than the immortal level woman.

Lin Chen ignored him and looked at Niu Niu and said, "don't worry, little girl. He will be fine."

He went to xuechong's side, took out the chaotic blood gourd, handed it to xuechong and said with a smile, "take a few more sips, and the injury on your palm will be healed."

Xuechong took it over doubtfully. He had drunk the wine in the gourd before and thought it was delicious. Could it be that it still has healing effect?

He carefully lifted the chaotic blood gourd above his head, looked up and opened his mouth. He poured wine into his throat across the air. After a while, his bloody palm healed automatically with the naked eye.

"This..." xuechong's face changed, and he realized that the wine was much more precious than he had guessed.

Before Lin Chen had time to listen to the other party's thanks, huziqing angrily walked up to him and said, "say! Did you see that Niuniu had a problem?"

Lin Chen smiled, "your brain is not too stupid!"

"Good! So you first saw that Niuniu had a problem, so you guessed later. You dug a hole and let me jump in."

Huziqing thought of the gambling agreement between the two men and felt cheated.

Lin Chen shook his head and said, "I didn't dig a hole. It's clear that you dug a hole yourself and jumped in."

Huziqing thought carefully and felt embarrassed. It seemed that this was the case. He put forward the bet himself and said the bet himself.

"Elder, can you directly see that my daughter has a physical problem?" Xuechong realized something. He quickly got up, knelt down in front of Lin Chen and kowtowed to him. "Elder, do you have a way to save my daughter? Please save her! Didn't you ask me to promise you a condition before? As long as you save my daughter, nothing will happen

I'll agree to whatever conditions I want! "

Niuniu looked at the picture in front of her eyes. She didn't understand what had happened. Dad suddenly knelt down to big brother. Big brother is a good man. He doesn't have to kneel down. He won't bully us.

Although she didn't know what was going on, she skillfully walked to xuechong's side and had to learn to kneel down like xuechong.

Before kneeling down, huziqing picked him up.

Huziqing held Niuniu tightly in his arms, looked at Lin Chen and said, "you must have a way, right? As long as you cure Niuniu's disease, let alone a month, I can carry you for a year!"

"I'm not really lame. Why should you carry me for so long?"

Lin Chen refused in a funny way. He turned to lixiuyuan. Seeing lixiuyuan's eyes full of joy, he said, "do you want to say something?"

Li Xiuyuan hesitated for a few seconds and said, "please, help her."

Hearing this, huziqing looked at lixiuyuan with some surprise. Niuniu's grandfather didn't seem so bad either.

"Love, hate, love and hatred in the world are intertwined. It seems that there are not so many absolute good and absolute evil..."

Lin Chen whispered to himself. He felt that he had some unspeakable insight in his heart. With the emergence of this insight, his state of mind was improved accordingly.

He reached out to touch Niu Niu's head and said to xuechong, "she is not suffering from any terminal disease." Xuechong's expression is suspicious. He even doubts whether Lin Chen doesn't know what ails Niuniu. Niuniu is in a coma for longer and longer. If she is not careful, she may never wake up again. What else can this be?

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