After a while, several more houses were built in the valley.

All kinds of furniture are available.

After placing the three of them, Lin Chen enters the fourth floor of the divine prison tower.

"Sure?" Space is distorted. Shang Yan appears in front of him and asks with a smile.

Although it was an inquiry, he knew that Lin Chen's temperament, since he came into seclusion, basically meant that he was 100% sure that he could master the fifth form of the chaotic gun at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty - eight wastelands floating blood. Lin Chen nodded with a smile and replied, "I didn't understand the skills of 'eight wastelands floating blood' before. I should have thoroughly understood them. No matter how many times I deduced from the beginning, I didn't find any mistakes in skills, but I'll try to do it later

When that move was exhibited, it could not be connected in any case!

Now, I can see that the reason why I can't display the "eight wastelands floating blood" is not because of my skills, but because of my lack of mood! "

"One sword floating with blood" and "eight wastelands floating with blood" have little in common in skills, and are totally different. If "one sword floating with blood" is compared to a knife, then "eight wastelands floating with blood" is equivalent to an interstellar missile.

However, even so, when Lin Chen first saw xuechong's "one sword floating blood", he still felt similar to "eight wastelands floating blood".

Now, he finally understands that the similarity is not skill, but mood! "In those years, when the founder of Yuanshi mountain created this type, he should also experience some kind of blow. At the same time, he also has the people and things he wants to protect. This type is not only the accomplishment of skills, but also the outbreak of emotions! I paid too much attention to skills before, as long as this time

Shut up and further understand the state of mind contained in this pattern, then you can definitely display it! "

At the same time.

Worry free city!

In the main hall, the city Lord of worry free sits on the throne, and a tall, thin, immortal old man stands in the center of the main hall.

The old man is one of the masters of the "xuanhuang hall" - the dead wood master. In terms of combat power, he is in the second echelon of the "xuanhuang hall" and is at the same level as the eternal night master.

He is also the master sent by the worry free city master to find materials for Lin Chen!

"Have you found all the materials Lin Chen needs?"

The city master of worry free smiled. He knew that he would do what he promised because he was dominated by dead trees. Since he came back, all the materials he needed should have been found.

The dead wood master smiled and said: "fortunately, you have not failed your life! The city master, please call the little guy here, and I will give him the materials now. The God prison master was kind to me in those days, and I have repaid his kindness in those years." "The members of the xuanhuang hall should support each other. There is no need to talk about kindness." The worry free city master slowly said, "Lin Chen went on a trip some time ago, but he is not in the global city now. If you want to give him the materials, you can only wait for him to come back


"I wonder where he went?" Asked the dead wood master.

"He is accompanied by a little girl of the fox people. If you want to find him, you can go to the central sky moon city."

The city leader of worry free understands what the dead wood master means. He wants to send the materials to Lin Chen himself. He doesn't object to this.

Even Lin Chen was shocked by the huge improvement of his combat power after he had completed his holy body.

From this, it can be judged that if Lin Chen can raise the God body of the wasteland to the point of Dacheng, the improvement of his combat power should be much greater than mastering the sixth move of the chaotic gun at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty.

If you can promote the famine God body to Dacheng before the alien starts, then Lin Chen will also have the strength to affect the war situation!

"Xuanhuang hall" will add another trump card.

The dead wood master nodded and was about to say "in that case, I will go to Tianyue city". Suddenly, he saw the worry free city master's face changed and stood up suddenly.

"Lord?" The dead wood master was shocked and did not understand what had happened.

The city master of worry free ignored him. His face became livid and he closed his eyes as if he was sensing something.

When the dead tree master realized something, he also closed his eyes and began to communicate with the chaotic origin.

Although his strength cannot be compared with that of worry free city master, he can also sense the will of chaotic origin, but it is much more vague than that of worry free city master.

"How is that possible?" A moment later, the dead wood master opened his eyes and cried out in surprise. He was always calm and even panicked at the moment.

He was completely unable to sense the will of the chaotic origin.

It's like the will of chaotic origin vanishes out of thin air!

In other words, the connection with the chaotic origin of the dark and yellow universe was isolated by an invisible force. He even had an illusion that the chaotic origin seemed to be bound!

The city master of worry free looks very ugly, but he is much calmer than him. When he opens his eyes, his voice is low and angry:

"The alien race finally started to fight... The first thing they targeted was not me or Tianfu, but the origin of chaos!"


This is a dark, dead star region without stars. There is an ominous smell everywhere.

On a certain planet, a huge luminous body is suspended in the air, and mysterious waves diffuse from the central position of the luminous body and escape into the void.

The faces of a group of alien masters were full of ecstasy.

The leader, rolling in the dark fog, laughed and said: "it's done! It's finally done! Now, without the help of chaos origin, I'd like to see how carefree city master and Tianfu master can fight us."

A group of masters behind him, looking excited and dormant for many years, can finally fight again. This time, they are 100% sure! "Last time, we fought with the strong in the dark and yellow universe for the first time. We don't know how many masters there are and how powerful they are. Now, we have all the data of the strong masters in the 'dark and yellow Hall' and have also formulated a comprehensive

Countermeasures! In addition, the chaotic origin of the dark and yellow universe has been reversed. This time, we are destined to be the ultimate winner! "

An alien Master said with a smile.

Another alien master looked at the man in front and said, "Sir, do we immediately call the other two adults and rush to the xuanhuang hall to destroy them!"

"Stupid!" The man shrouded in black fog turned around and angrily scolded, "even now, we have the best advantage, but we still have to do it step by step! The 'xuanhuang Hall' is absolutely not to be despised. He rushed directly to the nest where people have been operating for unknown years. It's like

When you put yourself in an inferior position, you are simply stupid! "

The master Shan Shan stepped back and dared not speak again. Master Mo Fen suddenly said, "my Lord, I have a proposal!"

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