Huziqing and others followed Lin Chen's eyes and immediately noticed a group of people approaching this side.

Walking in the front is a tall, middle-aged man with sword eyebrows.

His eyes are very strange, "white" scarlet, golden pupil, like a ghost walking in the dark.

Beside him, there was a woman with a graceful figure and long narrow eyes. Although she was beautiful, she looked a bit sinister.

In addition, several other people followed behind.

When these people came, the head of the fox people and huziqing and others felt breathless, as if mountains were flying towards their own side, trying to crush themselves and others to pieces.

In an instant, they knew that these guys must be playing tricks in the dark when the strange situation suddenly appeared in "Tianyue city"!

"Be careful!"

Although huziqing wanted to help, he also knew that the enemy who could make Lin Chen look dignified could not be dealt with by himself. The only thing he and others could do was not to turn around and make Lin Chen feel confused.

He took the head of the fox people and several elders of the fox people, listened to Lin Chen and returned to the city of heaven and moon.

In the sky moon city, the flustered people also noticed the scene in the middle of the sky, and countless eyes looked this way.

"We meet again!"

The master of Mo Fen stopped ten meters in front of Lin Chen and looked at Lin Chen with a playful smile in his eyes, as if he were looking at his prey.

"Have I seen you?"

Lin Chen was stunned. He could not remember where he had seen the middle-aged man in front of him. However, he did feel that the other person's breath was familiar. After thinking carefully, he finally remembered where he had felt the breath.

"The alien race of canglan universe, the master of Mo Fen!" Lin Chen said in a deep voice.

Last time, he saw not the Lord of mofen, but the Lord of mofen came to an old man through special means. This time, he saw the real person of the other person.

He sneered: "you aliens in the canglan universe really look up to me. You took great pains to move the whole Tianyue city here, and even sent two masters to deal with me."

"You think too much of yourself."

The Lord mofen shook his head and said with laughter, "you are not worthy to send us two masters. She is not a creature of our universe, but of your universe!"

Hearing this, Lin Chen stared fiercely at the woman beside him, and said, "compared with other people, I hate you guys of the great freedom cult, a group of people who eat inside and outside!"

This woman's breath is also the dominant level, which makes him feel no small threat. Since he is not an alien, it is obvious that he is a member of the "great freedom God".

There are not many masters of the "great freedom deity". There are only four in total. Now there are only two left, so it is not difficult to guess the identity of this woman.

Lin Chen knows from the worry free city leader that the leader of the "great freedom cult" is a male. Obviously, the woman in front of him is the only remaining master of the "great freedom cult" and the only female master of the "great freedom cult" - the master of the moon!

"Hee hee. What a terrible look! People will be scared by you." The black moon dominates to smile repeatedly, and doesn't take Lin Chen's fierce eyes seriously at all.

In her heart, she secretly scolded Lord mofen. Since you are not qualified to send two masters from other races, why do you want to bring a master from our "great freedom deity" to come with you.

Aren't you saying that the masters of our "great freedom deity" are inferior to your alien race?

If anything happens, this guy definitely wants to think of himself as a substitute for the dead, and then he runs for his life alone!

The master of Wu Yue scolded in his heart. On the surface, he didn't complain. He even took the initiative to say to the master of Mo Fen: "we don't need to do it at the same time to deal with him. Let me do it for him?"

Lord mofen did not refuse, nodded and told him, "move more quickly and neatly. Maybe we have noticed something wrong with Tianyue city with the attention paid to him by the carefree city master and the heavenly axe master! We must catch him quickly, otherwise once the people in the xuanhuang hall appear, we will become passive.

"Don't worry, it doesn't take much time to deal with him."

The master of the black moon stepped forward and looked at Lin Chen. Although he was smiling, his eyes were cold: "I ask you, has the master of the golden Lin fallen into the hands of your xuanhuang hall?"

"So what?" Lin Chen sneered, "not only the king Lin master, but also the emperor Python master fell into the hands of our xuanhuang hall, and I took them back myself."

"Just you?"

The dark moon master looked contemptuous. "You are not young, and you have a big voice. If you were not the master of the xuanhuang hall, you would have died many times!"

Master Mo Fen said, "if master Qianhe hadn't broken his word and made a mischief, you would have fallen into our hands!"

Lin Chen realized that these guys thought that the reason why he didn't fall into the hands of the thousand crane master and the emperor Python master had an accident was that the thousand crane master changed his mind?

In their view, should the emperor Python master be caught by the thousand crane master in the "xuanhuang hall"?

His heart turned, he was too lazy to explain, he stepped out, turned into streamer, rushed to the master of the black moon, and chose to take the lead!

Seeing Lin Chenchong coming, Wu Yue, the master of Wu Yue, said: "the speed is the top among the venerable ones, but it's a pity that it's not enough for me! Stop!"

Speaking of the back, her voice was a little higher.

An invisible wave spread around her.

Seeing this scene, the members of the "great freedom cult" who came with them showed a look of schadenfreude in their eyes.

"Do as you say!"

Below, huziqing exclaimed, his face suddenly changed, "is that woman a master?"

"Do what you say? That's a great way to do it?" A fox clan elder beside her couldn't help asking.

Huziqing nodded with a white expression: "the ability to follow the law means that the master has absolute dominance over the region! The words of the master are the rules. If she asks the other party to stop, the other party can only stop obediently.

The venerable is at an absolute disadvantage in the face of domination. To a large extent, it is because of this means! Even if the top respected people can quickly break away from the control of 'following the rules' they say, they will still have a big impact in the end. "

Hearing what she said, the hearts of the fox people immediately hung up. Although huziqing said it tactfully, they all knew that Lin Chen was unlikely to win.

The next moment, however, they saw that Lin Chen was not affected at all, and had no good way: "stop you! Stop!"

Boom! His fist hit the Lord of Wu Yue with a bit of consternation.

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