Hejianzhi's words fell, and the big men directly surrounded Lin Chen and Su Xiran, with a fierce face.

Brother Hua, whom hejianzhi found, has a shaved head, looks very fierce, has bare arms, and looks scary all over. He is iron.

Su Xi ran suddenly saw several big men with machetes rushing over. His pretty face turned pale with fear. Lin Chen's face was sneering. This guy dared to bring people to trouble.

Hejianzhi was proud, and Lin Chen had been cleaned up and screamed on the ground. Brother Hua, who was beside him, saw Su Xi Ran's face, but his face changed. He looked at Lin Chen holding her hand, and his face was completely gloomy.

He didn't expect that he Jianzhi was coming to trouble this woman. What's more, this woman was so close to a man!

He is in charge of the surrounding areas. Therefore, his boss told him one thing, that is to ask him to take care of the woman. If someone finds fault in the morning flower shop, he will come forward to help solve it.

As far as he knows, it seems that this woman is the woman of a big man, or is liked by a big man, so the boss asked him to help look after her.

But now, the woman has found a little white face and turned the big man green. This matter is known by the big man, which is likely to drag herself down! Thinking so, brother Hua's face is hard to see the extreme!

A big man next to him said in fear: "brother Hua, it's over. I didn't expect it was this woman! If I'm not mistaken, who should have taken a fancy to this woman? That's why the boss asked us to take care of her. What's the matter? Now I'm even getting together with this little white face!"

The other big men were also a little flustered at this time. You know, the boss specifically said that he should take care of this woman. It is said that he meant it from the top. Now, if something happened, he might blame himself in the end!

Several big men glared at Lin Chen, showing their fierce light. Brother Hua was also sweating on his forehead. Considering that the eldest brother solemnly said that this thing must be done well, he became more and more worried!

That great man must be very wonderful!

Hejianzhi didn't find the abnormality of these big men. He just felt that they were trying to show themselves, so he stared at Lin Chen with a fierce expression and felt even more proud.

"Brother Hua, please help me teach this boy a lesson. I'm going to destroy his penis and mutilate him. He dared to kick me just now. What a death! I think this boy will be arrogant in the future!" He Jianzhi's words were even more venomous when he thought that he was still badly swollen and in pain.

Hearing hejianzhi's malicious words, Su Xi angrily said, "hejianzhi, it was you who bet with Lin Chen before, and then you didn't abide by the bet. Why should you bother Lin Chen?"

Seeing Su Xi ran protecting Lin Chen so much, he Jianzhi was still very jealous, though he knew they were a couple. He glanced greedily at Su Xi Ran's sexy body and sneered:

"Boss Su, you really protect him. But he just hit me and insulted me. If I don't get back my face, how can I get along in the future? You want me to let him go, right? Hehe, you sleep with me for a month. I'll take it as if it hasn't happened. How about it?"

His words made Su Xi's face livid with anger. He was about to continue talking. Lin Chen smiled and said, "sister Xi, don't talk nonsense like this. He can't understand people at all. He's just a dog."

Lin Chen gave Hua Ge several people a cold look. He really didn't want to waste time on them. He said coldly, "get out of here right away, or you will regret later!"

His arrogant and domineering words directly angered brother Hua and others. Now they wanted to kill Lin Chen. At this time, they couldn't stand seeing him so arrogant.

"Special, boy, you just want to die, don't you? Do you know who we are?"

"Shit! You really dare to sleep with any woman. Now we are also implicated. I must kill you!"

"Brother Hua, let's get rid of this boy first. In this way, even if this matter reaches the ears of the great man, he at least knows that we have done a good job!"

"Well, I guess the boss will deal with us hard no matter what. I want to be this damned little white face now. Even the women of big people dare to move!"

Several big men are looking at brother Xiang Hua. Obviously, they are waiting for him to give an order, and then go up to chop Lin Chen.

Su Xi ran and hejianzhi were stunned when they heard what they said. They didn't know what they were talking about.

Hejianzhi looked worried. Su Xiran was the woman she liked. How could she get involved with a big man? He hurriedly said, "brother Hua, to tell you the truth, I have a crush on Su Xiran. I want to get her! Have you made a mistake, a big man?"

He Jianzhi can only pray in his heart that brother Hua has mistaken the right person. Otherwise, he may have nothing to do with himself.

When brother Hua heard the speech, he looked at hejianzhi and suddenly slapped him in the face!


Hejianzhi was so stumbling that he almost sat down on the ground, and his face instantly became red and swollen!

He smiled and said in panic, "brother Hua, why did you... Why did you hit me?"

"What do you think you are? What's wrong with me beating you? Do you know who this woman is? This is the woman our boss specially emphasized for our care. It's a big man's favorite, and you can make up your mind? Fortunately, you didn't touch her, otherwise, I'll kill you!" Brother Hua's face was ferocious and he directly shouted abuse.

Hejianzhi was startled. Unexpectedly, Su Xiran was really taken in by some big man. He was a little unwilling, but he also knew his weight. At this moment, the woman was doomed to miss her!

"OK! Brother Hua, help me clean up this damned boy. He is the man of this woman. According to what you say, since that big man has a crush on Su Xiran, you should get rid of her man!"

Although it's impossible to get Su Xiran, hejianzhi doesn't want to let Lin Chen go. After all, this guy not only beat himself, but also humiliated himself. He must be angry!

"Of course I want to deal with him!"

Brother Hua smiled grimly, looked at Lin Chen and scolded: "boy, you are absolutely dead. You dare to touch this woman. I don't care what you are, you have to die today!"

With that, he said to a big man next to him, "ah Ho, you call the boss, tell him about it, and tell him that we have controlled this damn guy, so we'll wait for him to come and tell him!"

The man named Amin nodded and took out his mobile phone to make a phone call.

"You guys, go up there and clean up this guy first!" Brother Hua shouted to the other big men.

Those big men, with a sneer on their faces, gathered around Lin Chen with machetes.

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