The fourth floor of the divine prison tower.

The eyebrow center dominated by the sky light shines brightly, and a strange circular pattern flies out of his eyebrow center, escapes into the space ahead, and disappears without a trace.

A powerful wave came from his feet and spread in all directions. The pattern that had disappeared into the space appeared on the ground at his feet, and the area was countless times larger than before.

At this moment, the sky light master stood there like a sculpture.

He seemed to be the eye of a time array, and the surging energy was pouring out of his body and into the pattern under his feet.

A moment later, he looked at Lin Chen and said with a smile, "OK!"

"Thank you, master!"

Lin Chen knew that the Lord of the sky light would be standing there for the next time. It was estimated that he could not even move his steps. He thanked him from the bottom of his heart.

He sat cross legged on a boulder and opened his palm. The space in the palm was distorted, and a pill bottle flew out of the distorted space.

Although the pill bottle is only half the size of a fist, it is actually a treasure similar to a space ring. It is specially used to place precious pills. All the 512 wild pills made by Lin Chen before are in it.

A red pill flew out of the bottle.

The pill looks very strange. It looks like transparent jade, but it has a somewhat illusory feeling. If you see the pill at a distance, I'm afraid you will directly regard it as a projection rather than a real object. When it fell into the palm of Lin Chen's hand, a violent heat and ominous dead gas suddenly seemed like a volcanic eruption, which would rush into Lin Chen's body. If Lin Chen wasn't strong enough, he would be weak if he touched the pill

Instantly decayed and turned into ashes.

"Huang Tian Dan!"

With expectation in Lin Chen's eyes, he put the pill into his mouth, and suddenly the violent heat and dead gas burst out in his body.

In an instant, Lin Chen only felt that his vitality was being eroded, and the viscera seemed to be burned, sending bursts of pain.

"The 'famine pill' is the supreme divine pill, but it is no different from a terrible poison. If I take this pill before my famine God becomes a little mature, I may not be able to carry it!"

Lin Chen whispered in his heart, and then concentrated on guiding the power that broke out in his body. According to the records in the secret method of the "wild God body", he pulled the world power of his own inner world, making it blend and operate in his body.

This process was accompanied by great pain. However, this pain was nothing to Lin Chen. No matter who observed his calm face at this time, he would not think of what he was enduring.

Time, like water, is gone forever.

On the fourth floor of the divine prison tower, it seems that the picture is frozen forever. Lin Chen and the heavenly light master are like two sculptures, which have not moved day after day, year after year.

Only when Lin Chen takes the "famine pill" again and again, the static state of the picture will be temporarily broken.

In the twinkling of an eye, over the past two months, the fourth floor of the divine prison tower has passed for more than 1500 years.

A little man with a big palm appeared in the corner, stared at Lin Chen, and muttered: "this retreat is a long time longer than before. If it goes on like this, he won't wait until all the pills are taken, and he hasn't reached the bottleneck? In that case, it will be troublesome. I'm afraid there's no time at all. Let someone go outside to help him find materials

Material. " As soon as she finished speaking, she saw Lin Chen's eyelashes tremble, and then slowly opened her eyes. She thought that as before, Lin Chen was going to continue taking "Huang Tian Dan". However, this time, Lin Chen did not turn his head to look at the nearby Dan bottle, but stood up

Come on.

"Bottleneck reached?" Ling'er flies to Lin Chen in surprise.

Lin Chen smiled and nodded. He looked at his heavenly master and said, "thank you for your help. Now I'm only the last step away from the Divine Body success!"

The master of the sky light didn't understand: "since only the last step is left, why don't you continue and take this step out?"

Lin Chen explained: "the time spent in this retreat and the consumption rate of the 'famine pill' exceeded my expectations.

If we continue to close the door, it will take thousands of years, and we may not be able to take this last step; Second, the 'famine pill' is probably not enough. "

Seeing that the heavenly light master frowned, Lin Chen understood what he meant. Even though he was only one step away from the divine body, this step was the most critical.

If this step can not be taken out, then everything before will be of little significance.

Although he could feel that his physical body had become much stronger than when he had just closed the door, he had not broken through to the great success of the divine body. After all, there was no real qualitative change, and there would be no powerful accompanying magical powers.

Lin Chen said, "I already have an idea in my mind about how to break through the divine body."

"Oh? Tell me!" Hearing the words, the sky light master realized that Lin Chen had an idea in his heart.

Lin Chen then told the master of sky light about the quick breakthrough experience he had gained from Shang Yan, and then told him that he had only taken the last step after fighting with the master of Qianhe. He also told him about the small success of the divine body.

"What do you mean?"

After hearing this, the sky light master still didn't understand what he wanted.

You broke through after fighting with master Qianhe, but now master Qianhe is estimated to have left the "dark and yellow universe" long ago. I can't help you catch her back and let her break through for you again?

Seeing the other side staring at him with a smile, he finally realized something and pointed to his nose: "do you want me to be your opponent and your stepping stone?"

"Cough! You don't have to say that. It's not my stepping stone, but..."

Lin Chen did think so, but when the other party said so, he was embarrassed and wanted to explain. The master of sky light waved his hand and said with a smile:

"It doesn't matter! If it can really help you take this last step, it's nothing to be a stepping stone."

Lin Chen hurriedly said, "then please give me your advice! When you start, although you do your best, you don't have to keep your hands in order to take care of me."

The sky light master smiled and said, "are you sure? I'm much stronger than the thousand crane master. If she doesn't have the chaos treasure, she's just the bottom. Even if she has the chaos treasure in her hand and I don't use the chaos treasure, I can easily deal with her!"

He really didn't expect that the other party would want to fight with him. Although he had known for a long time that although Lin Chen is a venerable person, he has completely dominant combat power.

However, the difference between masters and masters is very striking. For example, the black moon master is not weak in the master level, but he has no resistance in front of the worry free city master. Although it's hard to say so, from the perspective of the sky light master, Lin Chen's words that he should not keep his hand are pure abuse.

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