After the arrival of the other two kings of the alien race in canglan universe, they had a series of actions.

But what is more, it is first to break down the sub halls of the "xuanhuang hall" and the scattered strong masters one by one, and want to wear off all the claws and teeth of the "xuanhuang hall".

And then specially deal with the worry free city master and the master of Tianfu.

If this time fails again, the damaged chaotic origin will be completely dissipated, and they will no longer occupy the "dark and yellow universe".

So, even if they have a good chance of winning, they still have to be cautious.

However, the development of things, some beyond their expectations.

"The 'xuanhuang Hall' has found the origin of the damaged chaos. How did you find it?"

The master with both hands like a sword is one of the three kings of the alien race in canglan universe - the master of Tiandao. His ferocious face looks even more frightening at this time.

"Could it be that our people fell into the hands of the xuanhuang hall and leaked the news?"

The fierce looking woman is also one of the three kings of canglan universe. She has a strange and ominous name - Baimu ghost.

With a fierce look on his back and a fierce face, coupled with this title, even many aliens in canglan universe haven't seen her, and even mistakenly think that the master is a man.

Her character seemed to be extremely irritable. Hearing what the hell emperor said, she was furious and wanted to tear up the guy who leaked the information.

The emperor said, "it doesn't make any sense to investigate how it leaked out. Now, we have no choice but to do it in advance!" "If you start ahead of time, you can do it ahead of time! Then here you are. What are you afraid of when the city master Wuyou and the Lord Tianfu come over? The three of us can't defeat the Lord Tianfu and the city master Wuyou! Without the shelter of the chaotic origin of the dark and yellow universe

Nurse, what are they fighting us with? "

The Baimu ghost looked angry and said in a cold voice, "in my opinion, it's better to kill them both earlier, and then all the problems will be solved!"

Seeing the behaving of Baimu ghost, Ming emperor and Tiandao master are not surprised at all. In addition to being extremely irascible, the Baimu ghost, the ancestor of their Baimu family and the other monarch of canglan universe, died in the last World War in the joint efforts of Tianfu master and Yuanshi mountain master


At first, the Baimu ghost was just an ordinary master. Now it has become a king, and has long wanted to avenge their ancestors.

As they talked, the space in all directions became distorted, and two figures appeared in the sky. They were the huge worry free city master and the sky axe master with a huge axe like a savage.

When they saw the situation below, their looks became gloomy, and their eyes fell on the three kings of the alien race.

"This time, I didn't run?"

The worry free city master was not surprised to see that the three people below did not leave, but he also felt relieved.

Now it is the enemy who knows everything. The other side is like fighting guerrilla warfare. During this period, the "xuanhuang Palace" has suffered huge losses.

Seeing the other three and seeing himself and the master of Tianfu, he didn't have the slightest intention to escape. His eyes were frozen. Was this to decide the outcome with his own side?

The city leader of worry free had expected that this day would come. He was not flustered. What puzzled him was why the other party suddenly changed its plan?

The day came earlier than he had expected.

"Emperor Ming! You three cowards have been drinking to strengthen your courage today. How dare you wait for us here? Don't you continue to hide like a mouse?"

The sky axe master's eyes are like bronze bells. He glares at the three alien masters below. His voice is as low as thunder, which makes people afraid when they listen to him. The amazing chaotic air flow surged around him, and his body was already very strong. At this time, his muscles bulged again, and he looked like a muscle monster. A violent and thick breath spread from him, and the thick air on the sky

The clouds were shaken away in an instant.

He held the handle of the giant axe behind him, and a violent wave of energy surged in all directions, and the chaotic air flow filled the giant axe.

Kaitian axe!

This is a top chaos treasure that is not much worse than the "God prison tower"!

The reason why it is inferior to the "divine prison tower" is that it does not have many wonderful functions of the "divine prison tower". However, in terms of power, even the "divine prison tower" is inferior to it!

In the course of killing and cutting, the "sky opening axe" is the most powerful among the many chaos treasures in the "xuanhuang hall"!

If it were an ordinary master, just looking at the master of the sky axe at the moment would probably be shocked, but the three men of the Ming emperor are naturally not comparable to ordinary masters.

Although his face changed, he was still calm.

The Baimu ghost shouted angrily, "Tianfu, you look up to yourself too much! I will kill you later!"

The master of Tiandao also stared at the master of Tianfu. He wanted to meet the master of Tianfu, who was known as the first in the dark and yellow universe, and smacked his mouth and said with a strange smile:

"Among the masters, there are many who take heaven as the title. But you are the heaven axe and I am the heaven knife. It is wonderful! Today I will see whether my knife is faster or your axe is stronger!"

"Since you both want to fight with him, you two should join hands to deal with him. I will entangle the city master of worry free first, and then kill the city master of worry free together with me after you two solve the problem of master Tianfu!"

The Ming emperor stared at the worry free city master and said to the master of Tiandao and Baimu ghost.

Baimu ghost and Tiandao master didn't try their best to say that they would be able to deal with Tianfu master. The next battle will decide whether their plans over the years fall short or get what they want. There is no room for any mistakes.

Both of them nodded at the same time with confidence in their eyes. If they were one-on-one, they would not be sure to defeat Tianfu master, but if they were two dozen one, they would have absolute confidence.

The balance of victory has long tilted towards the canglan universe since the moment when the origin of chaos in the dark and yellow universe was reversed.


The sky axe master didn't have any superfluous words. He shouted angrily in his mouth and cleaved down the huge axe in his hand. It seems to be extremely simple, but his power is beyond imagination.

This axe seems to split the chaos and turn it into everything. The atmosphere is myriad, and time and space are distorted in an instant.


The terrible explosion is like the beginning of the universe.


The fifth floor of "Shenyu tower".

On the ancient altar, Moco's eyes were dull, like a puppet of a string being manipulated. He told everything he knew. When he finished, Lin Chen said in surprise: "although this guy doesn't know how the alien masters affect the chaotic origin, now it seems that the key to everything is the luminous body he said!"

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