The Purple Baby master suddenly felt something was wrong. His speed obviously didn't slow down, but it suddenly slowed down Lin Chen a lot.

Her first reaction was that Lin Chen broke out at a faster speed, but she soon denied this. In her induction, even the dust floating in front of her swam several times faster.

"The law of time!"

She immediately noticed something, and her face suddenly changed. However, Lin Chen clearly did not enter the Tao according to the law of time. What was the situation?

A strong feeling of palpitation welled up from her heart. She turned around instantly, but it was still slow.

A ray of light rushed behind her, turned into a middle-aged man, and slapped the Purple Baby master.

The Purple Baby master was shocked, and three pairs of arms wanted to resist at the same time, but it was too late. With a loud noise, he was beaten out by the sky light master.

Click click——

Bone cracking sounds.

Before the Purple Baby master could adjust, the sky light master had caught up with him again. His right hand clenched his fist. His fist was radiant. He hit the Purple Baby master like a star.

This time, the Purple Baby master finally used his arms to block in front of her. However, his two arms were twisted and bent to one side in an instant, and the fist of the sky light master hit her again.

On the other side, Lin Chen had already hugged cassia and confirmed that her life was OK. He just fainted and breathed a long sigh of relief.

After putting Cassia into the God prison tower, he looked at the sky light master and the Purple Baby master.

The birds, monsters and beasts transformed by the purple sword obviously wanted to come back to protect the Lord, but they were entangled by xuanhuang Zhong, just like catching birds. Xuanhuang Zhong tried hard to cover the birds, monsters and beasts, but it was a pity that he escaped every time.

The birds, monsters and beasts that were formed by lightning and chaos were not controlled for a time, but they could not escape to protect the Lord.

In an instant, the Purple Baby master retreated, vomited blood in his mouth, and all his three arms became deformed. Obviously, he was not the opponent of the sky light master.

"Shameless villain! You've been plotting against me from the beginning!"

Purple Baby dominates the voice and screams sharply.

Lin Chen sneered: "you guys are just like thieves who broke into the Dark Universe. What morality and justice do you need to say to deal with you?

You don't have to shout. When I started to fight with you, I asked master Tianguan to set up a sound barrier. No matter how much you shout, no one will save you! "

Unexpectedly, the Purple Baby master smiled grimly and said, "fool! You haven't noticed that you are fighting with me when you are so close to the damaged chaotic origin. I don't need to make any noise at all. Someone will come soon!"

Damaged chaotic origin?

what do you mean?

The chaotic origin of xuanhuang hall?

What does it mean to be close to the source of chaos? The source of chaos is an invisible thing, nowhere, and everywhere. Where is there such a saying?

Lin Chen and the heavenly light master didn't understand what she meant, but they both felt something bad!

At the next moment, Lin Chen's face became ugly. He felt that there were three master level breath, which was approaching here quickly. One of the breath was the master of mofen he was familiar with.

What the Purple Baby Master said is true. There is no need for her to make any noise at all. What she and the sky light master have done has been detected?

The master of the sky light was also startled, and was stunned. Then he was found the chance to escape by the master of the purple baby, and immediately opened a distance.

Although she was covered in blood and was seriously injured, she could only play 60% or 70% of her original combat power. But it would not be an instant to kill her even if the sky light master shot.

If you change to the level of worry free city master, it's almost the same.

Three figures appeared in the distance.

One of the figures was burning a deep blue flame, just like a flame demon God, with scarlet eyes and golden pupils. Although his facial features were handsome, he was still very frightening. He was the master of Mo Fen.

Beside the master of Mo Fen is an old man with a sword. He looks most ordinary, just like an ordinary Terran old man. His eyes are a little cloudy, and even give people a sense of dying. The last master, who came by the rolling tide, was the most terrifying. He was nearly three meters tall, with scales on his body, fish gills on his cheeks, and his head looked like a legendary shark, holding a trident, with a fierce and fierce face


The three alien masters have been close in a moment.

The Purple Baby master rushed to the three of them to meet them. The sky light master stretched out a finger and gave the Purple Baby master a stroke across the air.

"The divine light breaks the soul!"


A ray of light leaped out of his fingertips and turned into a huge sickle in the blink of an eye. It was much faster than the Purple Baby master. When it reached the back of the Purple Baby master, it wiped it off her neck.

"Help me!"

The Purple Baby master looked shocked and angry. When he resisted, he asked the other three masters for help. "The law of light...... eh, there is also the law of time. The flow of time around us has changed. In addition, the breath is so powerful that it should be the master of the sky light in the xuanhuang hall. Unexpectedly, there are not only small fish and shrimp like Lin Chen, but also a fish and shrimp

Big fish! "

The old man was so tired that his voice gave people a feeling of powerlessness. But the next second, he burst into a terrible sword, and his eyes became cold and fierce, so that people did not dare to look at him.


The long sword in his hand flew out.

But not to help the Purple Baby master block the terrible light, but to go straight to Lin Chen's head.

The master of the sky light was startled. He glanced at Lin Chen and continued to seal his hands. The time flow around Lin Chen became extremely slow. The flying sword was affected. The speed of flying to Lin Chen was several times slower than the normal time flow.

In this way, Lin Chen can easily avoid the sword by himself without the help of the master of the sky light, and quickly retreat!

However, the Tianguang master's attention fell on Lin Chen's side. The light that flew to the Purple Baby master was suddenly dim and weak. Although the Purple Baby master was a little embarrassed, he still blocked it.

Then he hurried to the side of the three new masters of Mo Fen, and finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Cangming sword saint and I will deal with the heavenly light master. You two will join hands to abolish Lin Chen, and then the four of us will join hands to abolish the heavenly light master! Take them back and wait for the three adults to come back!"

The alien master, who looked like a shark, opened his mouth and assigned his next opponent to himself and three other companions.

"OK! That's it!" The Purple Baby master was relieved. She didn't want to deal with the sky light master. In her opinion, she didn't even need to cooperate with Mo Fen to deal with Lin Chen. Even if she had only 60% or 70% of the combat power at the peak, it was still very simple to abolish Lin Chen.

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