When Lin Chen's attack attribute changes from fire to death, "blood dragon Kai" still has powerful defense at the level of chaos and treasure.

This powerful defense greatly weakened the power of Lin Chen's gun, and only part of its power was transmitted to the master of Mo Fen.

Even so, the Lord of mofen also spurts blood from his mouth and flies out upside down.

Not only that, his breath became dispirited at an unimaginable speed, his skin and flesh dried up, his vitality passed quickly, and his flesh was eroded by the smell of death.

When he stopped, the blood vomited from his mouth had turned black, with visceral debris.

Lin Chen's shot just now was so terrible that he directly beat him from his peak to a severe disability. At this time, he had little power to fight again.

"Not only has the attribute of power changed, but his combat power has also increased to an unimaginable level! It has doubled again. What exactly is this means and what is the matter?"

The master of Mo Fen was shocked and angry.

Lin Chen looked at him, grabbed his palm in the air, and with a "bang" sound, a stored jade pendant on the master of Mo Fen exploded, "Xuan Huang Zhong" flew out of it and flew towards Lin Chen.

The master of Mo Fen was shocked and subconsciously wanted to stop xuanhuang Zhong from returning to Lin Chen. However, he dared not move his cold eyes on Lin Chen.

Even if he didn't want to admit it, he was scared by Lin Chen!

"Burst out the last strength, display the magic of chaos, and see if you can turn defeat into victory?" An idea appeared in the mind of the master of Mo Fen.

But he soon denied it!

"No! If this boy's next strike doubles his strength again, it will be useless even if I use the chaos magic skill. Moreover, at that time, I don't even have a chance to escape with the special ability of chaos and fire!"

The master of Mo Fen was full of fear. He didn't know whether to say that he was timid or cautious. After all, he didn't choose to fight again.

And this, also let him escape a disaster at the moment!

Lin Chen put away the xuanhuang bell, no longer paid attention to the master of Mo Fen, and rushed towards the master of Hong Jiao and the master of cangming sword.

At present, he is in a special state. He must work hard to defeat the enemy. Otherwise, when this state disappears, he will return to his normal state.

At that time, even if the "star Yan demon body" is used, the combat power will be relatively limited!

Master Hong Jiao and cangming Jiansheng saw each other for a while, and master Mo Fen was badly hurt by Lin Chen. They both looked unbelievable. If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they would think that the other party was playing with themselves!

"Good! Hahaha! Good!"

Tianguang master was overjoyed. Compared with Hong Jiao master and cangming sword saint, he had already guessed that Lin Chen Huang's divine body had broken through Dacheng, so his combat power had become even stronger.

This heavenly body is too overbearing!

The power of Lin Chen's blow to the master of Mo Fen was more than ten times that of Lin Chen's first attack!

What makes people feel more incredible is that Lin Chen seems to be able to instantly switch the attribute of power between fire and death!

Seeing Lin Chenchong coming, the look of master Hong Ji and cangming Jiansheng became dignified.

"Roar -! Die!"

Hong Jiao master roared deafly, the tide surged under his feet, his muscles swelled, blue energy and chaotic breath surged around him, and his trident hit Lin Chen!



"Get out!"

Lin Chen waved the Xuanyuan gun in his hand, and with a bang, he collided with the Trident. Suddenly, master Hong Ji flew out with the Trident!

The master of the sky light suddenly felt like a ghost in the daytime: "the power of Lin Chen's strike seems to have doubled compared with the one he just hit the master of Mo Fen?"

"Cangming has threethousand swords, one sword and one world!"

The space in front of Lin Chen collapsed in a large area, and 3000 long swords flew out. Each long sword seemed to contain the weight and mystery of a world.

The threethousand swords come together. The momentum is like threethousand sword immortals stepping into the air to kill Lin Chen. The sword Qi and murderous Qi turn into a terrible storm!

Cangming Jiansheng stood not far away, looking at Lin Chen's eyes with suspicion and fear.

"Eight wastelands floating blood!"

Lin Chen's voice rang out.

There is a cold light in heaven and earth!

Previously, cangming sword Saint saw Lin Chen use this move. It is powerful, but it can't be compared with his chaotic magic skill!

The other party wants to use this method to block his chaotic magic skill. It's just wishful thinking!

But the next moment, he was as dumb as a chicken!

Just because the breath from the cold in the heaven and earth is really terrible.

Cold light collided with the long sword. In an instant, 3000 long swords were defeated and scattered. Finally, the long sword disappeared like a phantom, leaving only one long sword flying to cangming sword saint!

"How could it be! His power is more terrifying than mine?"

Cangming Jiansheng looked startled. He was always very calm, but he couldn't help exclaiming at this moment.

On the power of means, "eight wastelands floating blood" is far less than his chaotic magic skill. However, in the collision, "eight wastelands floating blood" did not fall into the lower hand!

To put it simply, Lin Chen is not as good as the other party in skills, but he is stronger than him in strength.

The most important thing is that Lin Chen's combat power has not really reached the peak yet!

Lin Chen has not only gained a kind of ability, but also the most critical one is the accompanying magic power named "nine pole rekindling"!

This magical power is similar to the "famine Dharma phase", but it is completely different.

The same thing is that the combat power can be improved after casting.

The difference is that the "famine Dharma phase" is an immediate and long-term promotion, while the "nine pole rekindling" is completely different.

To put it simply, the "nine extremes rekindling" is to exert the extreme power each time, and break the limit again the next time, so that the power and speed can be doubled directly. The means used will also be doubled!

It is the first time to break through the limit, and the combat power has been increased twice as much as before!

Break the limit for the second time and increase the combat power by 4 times!

The third time, the combat power was increased by 8 times!

By analogy, at the ninth time, Lin Chen's real extreme combat power was 512 times that at the beginning!

And this so-called "at the beginning" refers not to Lin Chen's usual state, but to the state after exercising the "famine Dharma phase"!

"Wasteland realm" is the premise of "wasteland FA Xiang", and "wasteland FA Xiang" is also the premise of "nine extremes rekindling", which are linked with each other! "Nine extremes rekindling" is extremely overbearing. Although it won't have any side effects, it also has some limitations, that is, it must display the nine outbreaks one after another in one go. If you pause for more than three breaths in the middle, you can't

Times to break the limit.

What's more, you can only use it once a day!

At this time, Lin Chen has broken the limit for the sixth time. The power of "eight wastelands floating blood" is 64 times that when he first started to fight against the master of Mo Fen. Even though cangming sword saint is stronger than the master of Mo Fen, he still can't carry it!

"This kid is a tough nut! Let's join hands to deal with him!" Master Hong Ji rushes to Lin Chen. This time, he doesn't dare to underestimate Lin Chen any more. His eyes are also full of deep fear.

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