Brother hyena said: "it's not unfair, but some trouble. Recently, a force in Yuehai city broke in and has had a lot of conflicts with the night Dynasty. Originally, according to the strength of the night Dynasty, foreign forces can't turn over any waves, but this force is not very simple."

"How can you make it easier?" Lin Chen picked her eyebrows.

Brother hyena: "This force is called Tieshan gang. It was originally a gang in the next city. It is not small in scale. It has always been jealous of the territory in Yuehai city. After all, Yuehai city is no less prosperous than Guangyang City, the provincial capital. But because of the existence of our night Dynasty, they dare not come here to run wild. This time, they dare to come here. It seems that there is a figure of the Feng family. In addition to the Feng family, there is another more terrible family Seems to be involved. "

Lin Chen saw that brother hyenas looked so dignified that he asked with a smile, "isn't it the imperial capital Yan family?"


Brother hyena had planned to emphasize the dread of the Yan Family in the imperial capital. Unexpectedly, Lin Chen guessed at once and said in surprise: "brother Chen, how do you know? Has sister Ye already told you about this?"

Lin Chen shook his head. He was just guessing. An Xueyao just told him today that someone in the Yan Family in the imperial capital was thinking about Huading group. It seems that the Yan family wanted to reach out to both black and white in Yuehai city.

"Now, what are you going to do?" Lin Chen said.

Brother hyena pondered for a while and said, "my idea is to avoid the sharp edge for a while. After all, the Feng family and the God family, the first family in the mainland, can't be underestimated. Today, the people of the iron mountain sect sent an invitation to invite the large and small underground forces of Yuehai city to come there in three days to discuss the future development of the underground forces. This is obviously a Hongmen banquet, so I plan to -"

"Go!" Lin Chen said.


Brother hyena paused, doubting he had heard the wrong thing, and hurriedly said, "brother Chen, I don't think it's that simple. The iron mountain gang has great ambitions. We can't sit down with them and talk about peaceful development. Inviting us there is definitely a conspiracy! Are you sure you want to go?"

"Go! People have invited us. Why don't we go? Peaceful development. When did I say I wanted to develop peacefully with them? I wanted them to go back where they came from!" Lin Chen looked cold.

The night Dynasty belongs to yeyi people, which is no different from him. Now others come here to rob meat. How can Lin Chen be interested in talking about peaceful development with them!

Brother hyena is a little silly. What does this mean? Why does it sound like you are going to kill him?

Brother hyena knows that Lin Chen is not simple. Otherwise, it would be impossible to stop the marriage between Qi Ye and his family. But you know, the Feng family is not weak, let alone the imperial capital Yan Family!

The imperial capital Yan family, although not in the top three of the seven aristocratic families, is at least much better than the Qi family. This is a real river crossing Raptor!

Lin Chen is not simple, but in the eyes of brother hyena, it is far less than the combination of the Feng family and the Yan Family!

What else did he want to say? Lin Chen said again: "well, that's it. Since Yi said that the night Dynasty is up to me now, then listen to me. When the time comes, you call me and I'll go with you."

With that, he walked into the flower shop and left without waiting for brother hyena to answer.

Brother hyena smoked at the corners of his mouth and smiled bitterly. Suddenly, he regretted coming to Lin Chen. He was wondering if he would have any good suggestions. As a result, he directly said to go to the banquet!

What kind of solution is this? It's like jumping into a hole dug by someone else!

The second floor of the flower shop is Su Xiran's present residence. The kitchen, bedroom, storage room and so on are all available. When Lin Chen arrived upstairs, Su Xiran was cooking in the kitchen with an apron. Lin Chen leaned against the kitchen door and looked at her graceful and moving back, feeling a warm feeling of home.

In the evening, Lin Chen stayed here with the slogan of inheriting the family line of the Lin family. It was not until midnight that Su Xi, who was lying on his chest, fell asleep.


The next day, Lin Chen woke up early.

After practicing the second level of the "Saint devil's untroubled formula", Su Xi ran was still asleep after kissing. Su Xi ran, who had been tossed about a lot last night, left a note for her, and then left the Chenxi flower shop.

First, he sent an Xueyao to the company, then guided Li Kaishan and Irina in the company, and then left the sky building.

At more than nine o'clock in the morning, Lin Chen appeared in Huading group.

He came here and knew where Su man's office was. He didn't call Su man. After entering the building, he walked directly to Su man's office.

However, when Su man was about to reach the door of his office, a beautiful young woman in a white business suit came out of the nearby office, stopped in front of him, and said warily, "who are you? Why are you here?"

The beautiful young woman has a graceful figure and delicate makeup. She should be in her early 30s. Her name is milline. She is Su man's new secretary.

At this time, she looked at Lin Chen with doubts and precautions.

You know, except for the Secretary, this level is the senior leadership of the group. Ordinary employees can't come up. Anyway, Lin Chen is dressed casually. Obviously, he is not an employee here at all.

Moreover, the man seemed to be heading for president Su's office. As Su man's secretary, she naturally wanted to stop him.

"Hello, I'm looking for Su man."

Lin Chen glanced at the beautiful young woman and saw that she looked alert. It seemed that she was going to call the security guard after a disagreement, so she had to explain.

Milline looked more alert. You know, Director Su is so beautiful. There are really a lot of strange men at ordinary times. Maybe this man is one of them.

"Do you have an appointment, sir?" she frowned

"There's no appointment. Why don't you go and tell her that Lin Chen came to see her?" Lin Chen smiled bitterly. How could this woman feel like she was defending against thieves.

"OK, you can wait here." Milline nodded, her eyes full of doubt. To tell the truth, she didn't think this young man in his early twenties could have any contact with the general manager.

What the general manager usually sees are the top successful people in Yuehai city. How can this young man compare with those people and think that it is not reliable.

Milline went to Su man's office and knocked on the door. Su man's voice came from inside: "please come in."

Milline opened the door and went in. She saw Su man frowning at a document behind her desk.

Looking at Su man's face, milline sighed again that it would bring disaster to the country and the people. She has always been very confident about her appearance and figure. In college, she was also called the school flower. But in front of President Su, self-confidence turned into inferiority complex, and the school flower turned into a joke.

"What's the matter?" Su man raised his head with no expression on his face. His tone was flat, but it made people feel that she was a typical strong woman.

"Mr. Su, there is a young man outside who wants to see you, but he doesn't have an appointment. I think he may be a self righteous rich second generation who wants to pursue you. He says his name is Linchen."

Milline regretted that she should have driven the man away directly. How could she really come in and ask President Su? The man didn't seem to be able to talk about cooperation with President su. She didn't know whether she had graduated from college.

"What did you say his name was?" Su man was stunned and thought he had heard wrong.

Millin thought that Su man didn't know the name at all. Her face was a little embarrassed, and she regretted more. "President Su, his name is Lin Chen. Why don't I go and drive him away now?"

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