Just as Lin Chen breathed a sigh of relief, he caught a glimpse from the corner of his eye that an ancient dark blue flame gate appeared at the foot of the burning master in the distance.

He was suddenly on alert.

Lord mofen is going to fight back?

He should have been abolished by himself. How can he still have the strength to fight back?

The master of Mo Fen also noticed that Lin Chen's eyes saw this side. His body turned into wisps of flame and escaped into the open flame gate at his feet.

Not to fight back, but to escape!

Lin Chen immediately understood what was going on. He was still a little surprised. Unexpectedly, this guy still had the strength to run for his life!

But how could I let him escape.

"The picture of the holy meteor mountain and river" flew out of Lin Chen's eyebrows, and bursts of space ripples rushed in all directions. He immediately banned the heaven and earth!

"You can't escape!" The heavenly light master also noticed the action of the Lord mofen and gave a cold hum.

Rays of light, like silks, appeared in all directions of the master of Mo Fen, interwoven into a huge cocoon, trapping him and the fire gate.

Both of them are very confident, not to mention the extremely weak Lord mofen at the moment. Even if the Lord mofen is not injured, he can't escape in front of them.

However, the next moment, Lin Chen and the master of the sky changed their faces.

The cocoon formed by the interweaving of light disappears. The master of mofen who was trapped in it has disappeared. The ancient gate formed by the condensation of dark blue flames has also disappeared!

"How dare you escape! What means is this?" Lin Chen looked surprised.

The sky light dominator frowns, which is obviously a means of space transmission, while the mofen dominator is in a state of extreme weakness. What he understands is not the law of space. It is basically certain that this is not a means he uses his own strength to display!

"Could it be that this is the accompanying magic power of his divine body?" Sky light dominates the speculation.

Lin Chen said, "what he practiced should be the divine body about the law of fire. Will there also be associated magical powers in space?"

"This is unlikely, but it is not completely impossible. In addition, the only explanation left is that he has a treasure of spatial chaos that we have not found, and escaped with the help of that treasure." Said the Heavenly Master.

Lin Chen thought for a while and said, "maybe it's another possibility."

"What kind of possibility?" The sky light master looks at Lin Chen. Although Lin Chen is still a venerable, he has dared not treat Lin Chen as a younger generation.

Lin Chen said: "like me, he has chaos fire. And the special abilities of chaos fire are diverse!"

The sky light master knew what he meant. He patted his forehead and suddenly said:

"You're right. I forgot this. If chaos and fire have special abilities, they can be used at any time no matter how weak they are!"

"Well, he ran away, just a lost dog!"

Lin Chen takes the seriously injured Purple Baby master, Hong Jiao master and cangming sword Saint into the divine prison tower. Who knows if these three guys also have any means to escape their lives, or they are more at ease in the divine prison tower.

The sky light master was curious and said: "what was the matter before? How could your combat power double again and again? If you can improve so infinitely, even the king will not be your opponent!"

"Elder, you are joking. How can I be promoted indefinitely? In fact, the blow of Hong Jiao, who was just badly hit, is already my limit."

Lin Chen is dumbfounded. The heavenly light master also knew that it was impossible. He wanted to continue asking, so he listened to Lin Chen: "let's go back to the divine prison tower first. I will tell you and senior Shang about the harvest after the divine body is completed. Then, I need your help again

Busy! "

The original intention of Tianguang master was to rush to the alien's nest with Lin Chen without delay.

Hearing that Lin Chen asked him to do him a favor, his heart clicked. Could it be that Lin Chen's previous surge in combat power had any huge side effects, so he needed his own help?

If Lin Chen can't use the previous method when he goes to the alien nest, it will still be very troublesome!

He was very worried and went back to the fourth floor of the divine prison tower with Lin Chen in silence.

As soon as they reached the fourth floor of the divine prison tower, Shang Yan appeared with ling'er.

Just now they were also observing the outside world, so they all knew what was happening outside. At this time, even Shang Yan was shocked when he looked at Lin Chen.

Lin Chen naturally knew what they wanted to ask, and said: "the means I used before was the accompanying magic power after the completion of the divine body. It was called 'nine pole rekindling'."

"Nine pole reignition?" Linger muttered, "what a strange name!"

After Lin Chen introduced the "nine pole rekindling" about once, she immediately exclaimed, "what a perverse supernatural power!"

Shang Yan looks moved!

Even though he had long guessed that if there were any accompanying magic powers after the completion of the famine God body, he would be very rebellious, but he was still shocked at this time.

The sky light master took a breath: "that is to say, with the help of the 'nine pole rekindling', you can burst out 512 times the maximum strength!

Moreover, it is still based on you after exercising the 'famine Dharma phase'. It will be increased by tens of times and then hundreds of times. This is, this is incredible! "

Shang Yan sighed, "it is indeed a god body cultivated by the strongest ruler of the ages. Among the God bodies I know, this is undoubtedly the most terrible one!"

He looked at Lin Chen and said, "what are the side effects and limitations?"

Lin Chen said: "there are no side effects. The limit is that you can only cast it once a day. You can only cast it again after a day when your body completely recovers!"

"There are no side effects. The restrictions are much better than I expected. To tell you the truth, I am a little jealous of you now, boy. If I cultivate this body, how can I fall to today's level!"

Shang Yan said with a smile, "are you very lucky that you chose the wild God body at the beginning?"

Lin Chen nodded with a smile. He was really very lucky. The cultivation of the "wild God body" often depended on him, but the return was more amazing than he thought!

Hearing that there were no side effects, Tianguang master was relieved, but he was worried:

"It's incredible to be able to use this powerful means once a day. But one day later, the king has decided the outcome, and it's too late!"

Lin Chen looked at him and said with a smile, "elder, you have forgotten where we are now. You can calculate by yourself. On the fourth floor of the divine prison tower, and then you can help. One day here is only equivalent to how long the outside world lasts?" The sky light master suddenly realized that Lin Chen just said that he needed his help. What did he mean!

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