In a quiet courtyard, the nine Heaven Sword Master was talking to guoyufu.

The gate of the courtyard was suddenly pushed open, and the golden light lord hurried in.

He walked quickly to the nine Heaven Sword Lord, with a bit of reluctance on his face: "have you broken through and become a venerable?"

"As soon as I got the news, I couldn't wait to confirm it. Hee hee. It seems that our golden light lord is very unconvinced!"

Guoyufu covered her mouth and smiled, "if you are really not convinced, you might as well have a duel with the nine Heaven Sword leader now. I wonder how strong he is now, but I am not confident to fight with him again."

From guoyufu's words, the golden light holy master can't tell that the nine Heaven Sword Master has really broken through and become a venerable one.

When everyone is ordinary and the supreme realm is full, he is not the opponent of the nine Heaven Sword Lord. Now he is one step ahead of others. No matter how proud he is, he is not interested in looking for abuse.

However, it is impossible for him to be soft spoken.

"It's just a breakthrough for me. What's the point? I can definitely take that step within ten years!" The golden light Saint hissed coldly, "if you really want to find someone to do it, you'd better try to find Lin Chen!"

When the nine Heaven Sword Master heard the word "Lin Chen", the sword light flashed in his eyes. A terrible sword Qi burst out from him and said with a smile: "I have this intention!"

The golden light holy master and guoyufu were shocked. Then they realized that the nine Heaven Sword leader was defeated by Lin Chen. It seemed that they were very unconvinced.

I have long thought that once I become a venerable person, I will go to find a place from Lin Chen?

Hum -!

At this time, a jade amulet on guoyufu's body vibrated.

This is a treasure that can be used to send messages. Although there is a range limit, it is good that the range can cover a star domain.

Guoyufu took down the jade symbol and stuck it to the center of her eyebrows.

The next moment, she did not know what message she had read. Her face became stunned and unbelievable, as if she had heard the most absurd thing in the world.

When the jade talisman was put down, he still had an expression of stupidity.

"What's going on? Are those aliens doing something?"

The expressions of the nine Heaven Sword Lord and the golden light lord became heavy.

As the most powerful people in the great circle of the ordinary supreme realm, they also have unlimited potential. They know more than other members of the "xuanhuang hall" at the same level.

Guoyufu looked at them and said:

"Lin... Lin Chen, no, from today on, we can't call him Lin Chen. We should call him the Lord of the Earth City! He... He almost relied on one person to defeat the alien plan and save the whole 'dark and yellow universe'..."

"What does that mean? Are you kidding us?" The golden light Lord has no good airway.

The nine Heaven Sword Master is also confused.

Lin Chen is really powerful, but it is impossible to say that he can destroy the alien plan and save the whole "mysterious and yellow universe"!

This is nonsense!

Everyone is of one generation. Now I have become a venerable person. If I want to call him an adult, I can't even call him by name?

Are you kidding me!

Guoyufu took a breath and calmed her mood before she continued:

"He fought with eight alien masters one after another, inflicted heavy losses on four and captured three! Are you kidding? Do you think I'll make fun of you with this kind of thing?"

If the nine Heaven Sword Lord and the golden light Saint were struck by lightning, their eyes were dull. They just felt that their heads were buzzing, like a group of wild horses running in their heads.

"Now, are you sure you want to go to find Lin... The Earth City master to compete?" Guoyufu looked at the nine Heaven Sword Master strangely.

The nine Heaven Sword Master was silent. After a while, he said helplessly: "I'm not a masochist..."


In a palace.

Leng Dongliu came out of the secret room. After a while, Murong Xuan came to him and asked softly, "how is it?"

Leng Dongliu sighed, shook his head and said, "it's still one step away! It's clear that he may break through the bottleneck at any time and become a venerable person, but he just can't step out!" Murong Xuan comforted: "when you cultivate, you always want to be quick, but you can't reach it. Your cultivation speed has been amazing. Besides, there's no need to put so much pressure on yourself now! Previously, you hoped to make a contribution when the catastrophe came

Force, and now the catastrophe is over. "

"The Holocaust has passed. What does that mean?" Leng Dongliu was surprised and at a loss. He didn't know what had happened in his days of seclusion.

Murong Xuan said this without hesitation. After saying it, she regretted it.

"I think it's better not to say so, so as not to hurt you." Her expression was complicated. She remembered that not long ago, Leng Dongliu said happily that he would soon become a venerable person and could not be left behind by the little guy Lin Chen.

She has just received the news. She hasn't decided whether to talk to the other party.

But even if you don't say it yourself, the other party will soon know about it.

"Hit me?" Leng Dongliu smiled, "joke! With my heart, what can hit me in this world? If the catastrophe is really over, I will only be happy, and I will never be hit!"

"Are you sure?" Murong Xuan squinted at him.

"Of course I am!" Leng Dongliu laughed.

Murong Xuan nodded and told Lin Chen how to defeat many masters of the alien race and turn the tide to become the Savior of the "dark and yellow universe".

After that, she saw that the smile on Leng Dongliu's face became a little stiff and joked, "are you sure you haven't been hit?"

"Ha ha!"

Leng Dongliu turned around and stood with his hands on his back, just like a great master:

"No matter how powerful that boy is, he is also my disciple. I taught him. The more powerful he is, the happier I will be for him. How can I be hit? Joke! It's the biggest joke in the world!"

His face twitched unnaturally as he said this.

How did that stinky boy become so powerful? Eight alien masters of Lien Chan?

My disciple is so much better than me!

Do I want to lose face?

Murong Xuan saw that he was so hard spoken that he felt very funny.

She could not understand the mentality of men that even teachers and disciples should compare with each other. After hearing Lin Chen's achievements, she was only very proud and happy.

It was not long before the deeds of Lin Chen, the "global city master", were introduced into the ears of all the people in the "xuanhuang hall".

Those who know Lin Chen are amazed after they are unbelievable!

Those who don't know Lin Chen completely engrave the word "Earth City Master" in their mind!

Everyone knows that from today on, there is a super existence in the "xuanhuang hall", which is stronger than most masters, although it is not a master! The name of the earth's city master is as thunderous as a thunderbolt. No one knows it!

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