When Lin Chen's consciousness fell on the picture of the sixth picture, it was dark at first, without any image.

Then, the picture is distorted, like ripples on the lake, and the distorted ripples form a long damask shape.

At one end of the long silk, light spots appear.

Like the origin of all things, light spots collapse rapidly, leading to space distortion and the emergence of black holes. Then black holes collapse, turning into stars, and a huge galaxy appears out of thin air.

Mysteriously, the originally small "long Aya" is as wide as a star river and easily accommodates the whole galaxy.

Then, the same scenes reappeared.

A new light spot constantly appears, and finally turns into a galaxy. Countless galaxies are connected together, making "Nagaya" really turn into a galaxy.

In this galaxy, everything is working in an orderly way, and the laws are sound, just like a real world.

As no new galaxies appear, countless galaxies interweave into a complete universe.

The next moment.

The picture was shattered like glass and turned into darkness. The picture turned into a tall man with a long gun.

Seeing this, Lin Chen was shocked. The content of this picture was almost the same as the fifth picture of the chaotic gun at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty.

The difference is that in the fifth picture, there is only one "long silk", or a galaxy.

In the sixth picture, there are countless "long silks" and countless stars interwoven into a universe!

"The sixth form seems to be based on the fifth form and further strengthened. It's not surprising that the sixth form itself belongs to the category of peerless Taoist skills, and it's normal to be related to the fifth form.

So it seems that I have mastered the fifth form, so it should be much easier to master the sixth form? "

Thinking so, Lin Chen was secretly happy.

The man in the picture takes a step, and countless illusions appear between heaven and earth, but his real body has disappeared.

When the breeze blows, countless illusions dissipate and turn into rivers of flames. There are countless cold flashes in them, just like the twinkling stars in the galaxy.

Countless rivers of flame, interwoven together, are like a huge millstone and a universe.


Countless flame rivers gather into a huge ball, which is like the beginning of the universe. The shocking energy bursts out, and the picture is shattered into nothingness!

On the picture, there are only four big characters left - threethousand stars!

Lin Chen opened her eyes, looked confused, reached out and touched her face, muttering: "I thought I had mastered the fifth move, so I could easily master the sixth move... Well, I think too much.

How did he turn into innumerable illusions immediately after he took one step; The cold light in the flames of the river contains the power of terror. How can we get together and compress to the extreme without breaking out in advance; And... "

Questions appeared in Lin Chen's mind.

He calmed down again and watched it several times, but he still couldn't understand it.

"That's all! It won't take a day to master the sixth move of Yuanshi chaotic gun. Let's go out first! For me, breaking through and becoming the master is far better than mastering Yuanshi chaotic gun The sixth formula is much more important. Although the experience on the original continent has not improved my mood as much as the time and road, it is not useless. In the next few decades, in addition to making their parents and Iraqis all the masters, they also took them to travel on the original continent

To relax, it's good to accompany them to play, or 'travel around the world'

Over the years, Lin Chen has rarely spent time with his parents, wife and children. He has a lot of debt in his heart. He just took advantage of these decades of being unable to leave the mainland of origin to take people to travel on the mainland of origin.

When Lin Chen told the crowd about his decision, all the women showed a happy look. Lin Tian was excited, and Lin Panpan screamed excitedly:

"Good! I've been tired of staying in the global city for a long time. I wanted to travel to the mainland with my brother before. My mother always said it was too dangerous.

Hee hee! This time, nvxia can finally uphold justice everywhere. First of all, if you come across any villains, you can't rob me. You must let me clean it up! "

As she said this, she held a long sword and made a few gestures with exaggerated expressions, which made people laugh. The whole city master's residence was filled with a happy atmosphere.

The next day, Lin Chen was almost hurried on his way.

The affairs of the city Lord's residence are left to the blood demon, Qingtian and others. All the members of the Lin family went on a collective trip. Even linmingyuan and chenlanzhi were a little excited. In addition, many of them, such as linpanpan, Xiaowu and linqizhi, were lively and had a lot of laughter along the way. Lin Chen rarely felt at ease


He had not realized the feeling of his family's company and noise for a long time, which virtually improved his mood.

They crossed the central part from the west of the original continent, went to the East, then to the south, and then crossed the central part from the south to the north.

Even though their speed of travel is not comparable to that of ordinary people, it has been more than 60 years since they spared the original continent.

Over the past 60 years, they have seen all kinds of stories on the mainland of origin, accompanied by their families. They just feel that the pace of time passing seems to have accelerated and passed in a flash.

Lin Chen was thinking that if he had time, he would go to the divine prison tower to understand the sixth move of the Yuan Shi chaotic gun and see if he could master the sixth move in these decades.

As a result, he found himself thinking too much!

It's not enough to divide him into several when he travels with his parents, wife and children. There is no time to practice.

Women need to spend time with and coax, even if they don't need coax, as long as they get along, they will spend a lot of time.

His daughter also likes to pester him. His parents also need to spend time. At the same time, he also needs to spend time guiding people to practice.

The original intention is that it is best for them to break through and become immortal by themselves. As a result, their parents and suxiran, who do not like cultivation, have no intention to cultivate. They treat "Bodhi lotus seeds" as sugar beans while doing what they should do

Over the past 60 years, Wu Qianye, lenghanyan, Su man, Irina, and even Lin Panpan and Lin Tian have become immortal.

Their parents, ye Yiren, Su Xiran, Bai Lan, an Xueyao, mengxiaowan and others are still just practitioners of the Taoist realm.

Lin Chen had no choice but to let them take the "immortal fruit of heaven and earth".

The "immortal universe fruit" is really magical. After taking it, you can retreat. They are almost natural. They become monks in the immortal realm, and their longevity has been greatly improved!

Lin Chen looked at her happy parents, suxiran and others, relieved, smiled, and thought to herself:

"This is the end. It's time to leave the original continent. I don't know. What has become of the tianque star region? Has it changed much? When I left, it seems that I told people there that I would come back one day. Unexpectedly, it has been so many years in the twinkling of an eye!"

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