Meng hang just told him that he saw two beautiful women, so he ran here and acted recklessly. When he saw Tianfei and Xiaowu, he immediately regarded them as goods and wanted to rob them.

This kind of guy, Lin Chen is too lazy to count the evil things he has done. What is certain is that he deserves to die.

Lin Chen was destined to kill Meng hang from the beginning!

Hearing Meng Wei's threat, he smiled: "since you are so sure that your daughter can avenge you, we might as well try."

"What do you mean?" Meng Wei stared at Lin Chen angrily.

Lin Chen didn't answer. With a wave of his hand, Meng Wei and the rest of the "blood Wolf Gang" turned into streamers and flew into his eyebrows.

Seeing this scene, the people in the houses on both sides of the street, including Lord Zhang, were dumbfounded again.

Lin Chen's eyes fell on Lord Zhang.

Lord Zhang's legs softened, his voice trembled and said, "predecessor... Although I am incompetent and can't stop Meng Wei and his son, I have never done anything evil. If you don't believe me, you can ask someone."

"Don't worry, I'm not going to kill you. I just want to ask you a few questions." Lin Chen touched his nose. "I'm very easygoing. I don't like killing people. You don't need to be afraid of me."

"..." Lord Zhang glanced at the headless corpse and head on the ground, and then smiled, "you are right, sir!"

Lin Chen soon learned some information from Lord Zhang.

Over the years, no great changes have taken place on tianque star. Taichu sacred mountain is the strongest force recognized by today's que star.

From the words of Lord Zhang and some residents, Lin Chen determined that the nature of Taichu holy mountain had not changed, and that he had not become the strongest force of tianque star, so he how to bully men and women and harm the four directions.

The reason why there is such a situation as "blood Wolf Gang" can only be said that once there are many people in any force, it is inevitable that there will be some disgusting moths!

"I was going to have a look around first, and then go to Taichu holy mountain. I really can't keep up with the changes. I don't know what has happened to the mountain master and the palace master over the years."

Lin Chen's mouth was filled with a smile, and he danced with the heavenly concubine and Xiao Wu, and soon disappeared in people's sight.

It was not until they disappeared that Lord Zhang finally breathed out and wiped the sweat on his forehead.

The next moment, he saw people rushing out of the house with laughter. Some even hung firecrackers on the door and began to celebrate. It seemed that today was a very happy day.

For the people of Yunfeng city and other surrounding cities, the killing of Meng Hang is definitely a great celebration.

What's more, the mysterious strongman also took away the leader of the "blood Wolf Gang" and all the members!

Lord Zhang was also very happy, but he was a little worried:

"I don't know. Is this elder really qualified to be compared with elder Zhuge? If Meng returns here safely, everyone will still suffer!"


High mountains rise and fall, forming mountains that stretch to the horizon.

The mountains are filled with clouds, which makes the continuous mountains look like the fairyland on earth recorded in ancient books.

The flowers, plants and trees in the mountains and forests are more robust than those in the outside world, and the Reiki concentration here is much higher than that in the outside world.

For the cultivators on tianque star, this is the most suitable place for cultivation and the Holy Land in their mind.

Unfortunately, not everyone can step here.

Joining the "Taichu holy mountain" is a dream that countless Taoists in tianque star can't realize all their lives!

"Taichu holy mountain, I'm back!"

Looking at the happy little dance, Lin Chen couldn't laugh or cry. Shouldn't it be me who shouted this?

But don't say, with this girl around, you never have to be afraid of being bored.

He looked at the continuous mountains ahead, and the memories of the past came to his mind.

Although it has been away for a hundred years, for this mountain range, hundreds of years are just a blink of an eye. It seems that there is no change from that year.

Lin Chen thought, and a streamer flew out of his eyebrows. It was Meng Wei, the leader of the "blood Wolf Gang"!

Seeing the scene ahead, Meng was surprised and said, "Taichu mountain?"

"Yes, this is Taichu holy mountain. You seem surprised that your daughter and son-in-law will come to save you soon?" Lin Chen sneered.

Meng looked at him, frowned and said, "what do you really want?"

"It's very simple. Don't you want your daughter and son-in-law to save you? Now you can find a way to contact them and let them come over!" Lin Chen said coldly.

When Xiao Wu heard the speech, she looked expectant and said that there would be another good play to watch!

But why did big brother bother so much? He first went back to Taichu holy mountain to meet his old friend, and then he settled accounts with the elder?

The heavenly concubine secretly praised Lin Chen for his clever ways.

If Lin Chen returns to Taichu holy mountain first, then the elder will know his identity. No matter what he thinks, he will certainly show his respect.

Now let Meng Wei contact the other party. If the other party comes, he will show his nature without knowing who Lin Chen is.

Lin Chen should use this to determine how to deal with the elder of Taichu holy mountain!

Meng Wei didn't know what Lin Chen was up to. He just thought Lin Chen was too conceited and was looking for death. He scolded "idiot" in his heart and took out a jade slip and crushed it.

Suddenly, the jade slips turned into golden lights and flew towards the mountains ahead.

Seeing this, Meng Wei breathed a sigh of relief.

When he was trapped in the divine prison tower, he had tried to contact his daughter and son-in-law to save himself. However, no matter how he tried, the golden light from the crushed jade slips disappeared as soon as they appeared, and could not play the role of contact at all!

"There is a strange space in this guy's body that can completely isolate the outside world. It should be a top-level treasure. There are many treasures. He dares to bring me here. It shows that although he is not from Taichu mountain, he also has some origins!

Is it the elder of the magic cave or the flying immortal tower? Hum! These two forces have long been unable to compare with Taichu holy mountain. Wait, wait a minute, he will definitely look good! "

Meng Wei was so angry that he vowed to kill Lin Chen to avenge his son!

Less than a quarter of an hour passed, and two figures in front of them flew here at top speed.

After seeing Meng Wei, one of the beautiful women shouted in surprise, "father, it's really you! How did you come here? What about hang'er's brother, who didn't come with you?" Beside the woman was a young man of twenty-eight or nine years old. He looked ordinary, but he had an extraordinary temperament. He looked cold and gave people a sense of distance.

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