Su man took a deep breath, his heart thumping wildly, and finally determined that this was not a dream. Hearing Lin Chen's words, he gave him a charming look, and straightened his chest, "where do you want to pinch?"

Although her tone was relaxed, her eyes were still full of shock. It was obvious that she still had some reactions.

Lin Chen saw that the woman had regained her charm and smiled. He didn't quarrel with her and went straight to yanshiwei.

"You... What do you want to do?"

Yan Shiwei saw Lin Chen with a sneer on his face, and his legs trembled with fear. It was Lin Chen's slap just now that scared him. It was terrible to kill his super master with a slap!

Seeing that Lin Chen didn't answer, he was fierce and said: "I warn you not to mess around. You killed old Zhao. It's nothing, but I'm the lineage of the Yan family. If you move me, the Yan family won't let you go! If I guess correctly, you should also be an ancient martial artist, and stronger than old Zhao. But so what, even if you are born strong, I know a lot of the Yan family. If you provoke the Yan family, we'll kill you. It's as easy as a back hand!"

At this time, Su man also thought of all kinds of terrible rumors about the Yan family. The secular family is so strong that even the strong ancient martial arts dare not offend!

After all, even if you are strong enough to avoid a pistol, can you avoid a sniper gun? Can the enemy defeat aircraft and missiles

"Lin Chen, let him go." Su man feels helpless. Although he wants to teach yanshiwei a lesson, the consequences will be very serious.

When Yan Shiwei heard what he said, he smiled proudly again and became rampant. No matter how powerful his heart is, behind his back, but the Yan family, one of the seven aristocratic families in China, won't you have to bow your head in the end!

He joked and said: "do you think it will be over if you let me leave? Hum! Boy, have you thought about the consequences of killing my people? Of course, if you are willing to promise me a condition, I can not argue with you. I promise the Yan family will not retaliate against you!"

Lin Chen felt that he was going to be laughed at by this idiot. At this time, he even threatened himself in turn. Obviously, this guy, it is estimated that he has never been taught a lesson from childhood, so he became so rampant. This also shows how powerful the Yan Family's deterrent is.

He simply laughed and said, "well, what are the conditions?"

Yanshiwei didn't see Lin Chen's mockery. He laughed and said, "as long as you are willing to be my servant and work for me all your life, I won't care about you!"

He was excited at the bottom of his heart. With this super strong servant, his influence in the family will rise to a higher level!

With that, after waiting for several seconds, he frowned because he didn't hear Lin Chen's answer.

When he saw Lin Chen's idiotic eyes, he suddenly felt shocked and angrily said: "what do you mean? Are you willing or not? If you don't want to, my Yan family will not let you go. You will be dead at that time. I advise you to be sensible!"

Lin Chen sighed, "are all the people in the Yan Family idiots like you?"

"You!" Yanshiwei's face turned red with anger. No one dared to insult him like this from childhood to adulthood!

Seeing that Lin Chen was already standing in front of him, yanshiwei was startled and threatened, "I warn you, if you -"

Lin Chen suddenly slapped him in the face!


Yanshiwei sat down on the ground, feeling the burning pain on his cheek. It's hard to believe that he was beaten. As a member of the Yan family, he was beaten!

"Ah, ah, ah! How dare you! What are you? If you dare to beat me, you are dead! You are dead!" Yanshiwei was so mad that he felt that his self-esteem had been trampled on.

Lin Chen pulled his hair up and slapped it again!


Yanshiwei was once again whipped to the ground, a tooth flew out directly, and his cheek was swollen like a pig's head!

"Scold, continue to scold!" Lin Chen said faintly.

Yanshiwei feels like he's going crazy. If he tells his family what happened in the past, the big things will be solved easily. Now, this guy knows he's from the Yan Family and dares to do this to himself!

His eyes were full of resentment, and he growled wildly, "I'm from the Yan Family! Grass mud horse, I'm from the Yan family. Do you know what you're doing? Do you know? Are you crazy?"

Lin Chen lifted his foot and kicked it directly into his face!



Yanshiwei screamed and was kicked to the ground. Two of his teeth flew again. His mouth and nose bled and his nose collapsed. He finally dared not swear any more. He looked at Lin Chen with horror.

In yanshiwei's eyes, Lin Chen at this time was undoubtedly a madman, a madman who didn't know how to live or die. Ordinary people would be afraid of his Yan Family's name. However, this madman would not anger him at all, and it would only be him who suffered!

He stopped talking, but his eyes were still full of resentment!

"Lin Chen, you... Are in trouble now!" Su man couldn't help sighing. Although Lin Chen was powerful, Yan Shiwei's background was too frightening. It was one of the top families in China!

Milline was foolish to see that, like being struck by lightning, the Yan Family's legitimate children were beaten into such a miserable shape. At this moment, the sky was really pierced!

She was shocked by Lin Chen's ferocity, but at the same time, she also complained. Now, the whole Huading group was dragged down. Yan Shiwei was beaten like this here. Where the Yan family would give up, and Huading group would suffer!

"Don't worry, I will solve this problem myself." Lin Chen doesn't care.

"Solve it. How can you solve it? Besides, you are venting your anger on me. How can you carry it by yourself?"

Su man smiled bitterly and sighed, "don't worry. Even if I compensate Huading group, I won't let the Yan family move you."

Lin Chen was stunned. "Am I so important in your heart?"

Su man blushed. At this time, he was not in the mood to joke with him. He sighed: "after all, this is because of me. How can you carry it alone?"

"Director Zhao, I am in Huading group now. I was beaten and my guard was killed by him. Please bring someone here quickly. Hurry up, I must kill him! Yes, the body is on the scene. Come here quickly!"

Suddenly, a hurried voice sounded around him, but Yan Shiwei was talking with his mobile phone. His face was full of hatred. Obviously, he did not intend to give up.

He has always bullied and humiliated others since he was young. Lin Chen made him so miserable today. How can he give up.

He just remembered that the chief of the police station who had had dinner with him two days ago had another look at the body of old Zhao next to him. He immediately had an idea and called the chief directly.

No matter how strong Lin Chen is, the body is here. In any case, it can't be relied on. With the influence of his Yan family, even if he doesn't die, he won't want to come out of prison in his life!

Su man hears yanshiwei's voice and director Zhao, who obviously knows yanshiwei. His face immediately becomes very ugly.

"Lin Chen, hurry up, hurry up, or you won't be able to leave when the police come!" Su man said anxiously, trying to push Lin Chen out.

Although yanshiwei was afraid of Lin Chen's ferocity and didn't dare to speak, he was full of resentment at this time and was afraid that Lin Chen would run away. He couldn't help but look at Lin Chen and sneered: "aren't you very powerful just now? If you have the ability, don't run! If you offend our Yan family, even if you run abroad, it's no use. If you kill someone, even if you run away, you will become a wanted criminal. You're finished all your life!"

"Run? Why should I run?" Lin Chen didn't seem to panic at all, as if he hadn't seen the old man's body on the floor at all.

Yanshiwei was stunned. Unexpectedly, the witness and material evidence were all here. Lin Chen really didn't run away. Even if he was an ancient martial artist, the government wouldn't forgive him. Besides, he was still a member of his own Yan Family!

He was stunned and then said with a grim smile, "well, I didn't expect you to be so arrogant. You are really a madman. Then wait. You will regret it later!"

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