"Don't ask me why that secret place leads out of bounds. I don't know that. But I can tell you how to safely leave in front of this guy."

Said Shang Yan.

A moment later, Lin Chen looked at the tall middle-aged man and said calmly, "I am the remnant of Xia min universe! The treasure just now is indeed a treasure of chaos."

"Xia min universe?"

The tall middle-aged man was stunned.

He himself is the remnant of the Xia min universe, but countless years ago, after the collapse of the Xia min universe, he wandered alone outside the boundary and rarely contacted other remnant of the Xia min universe.

However, hearing that Lin Chen also came from xiamin universe, his eyes were still kind.

Of course, he didn't believe what Lin Chen said because of Lin Chen's words.

"How did you get the treasure of chaos?"

"It was a gift from one of my elders."


"Master Dongyang!"

"It's the old guy..."

The tall middle-aged man muttered that he obviously knew the master of Dongyang in Lin Chen's mouth.

He asked Lin Chen a few more questions, and Lin Chen answered them one by one. After a while, he had no doubts in his heart.

The boy in front of him is just a venerable man, but he knows so much about the "Xia min universe", and the only explanation is that he was born in the "Xia min universe".

"The Xia min universe has been broken for countless years. It is rare for you to break through and become a venerable person with the help of resources outside the world." The tall middle-aged man sighed.

Lin Chen showed a surprised look: "elder, how do you know that I didn't become a venerable person before the universe burst?"

"Because when I left the Xia min universe, the origin of chaos was not far from collapse. At that time, there was no such person as you." Said the tall middle-aged man.

"Elder, are you also from xiamin universe?" Lin Chen's face brightened.

The tall middle-aged man nodded.

Lin Chen said, "since we are all our own people, can you give me this treasure you have?"

Shang Yan in the divine prison tower was speechless. This boy really can hit a snake with a stick.

"..." the tall middle-aged man was silent for a few seconds. It seemed that he could not react to Lin Chen's cheekiness. A moment later, he simply shook his head and refused: "no!"


Sooner or later, I will grab it!

Lin Chen scolded and said with a smile: "no, that's OK. This treasure will fall into your hands. In fact, it means it's destined for you! By the way, where is it?"

"You come here and don't even know where this is?" The tall middle-aged man was stunned.

Lin Chen shook his head: "I accidentally entered a secret place. There was a magma Lake in it. I entered the magma lake and dived to the bottom..."

He gave a general picture.

Of course, he did not say that the location of the secret place was in the "dark and yellow universe".

The tall middle-aged man looked suddenly and said, "this is one of the eight forbidden areas, the saint meteor forbidden area!"

Saint meteor forbidden area?

Seeing that the other party said such a sentence, he didn't say any more. It seems that he should know what the "Saint meteor forbidden area" represents. Lin Chen thought roast, but you should continue to say it.

I have never heard of the "Saint meteor forbidden zone"!

To be exact, this is the first time I came out of bounds. How can I know these messy things!

Lin Chen doesn't know, but Shang Yan knows.

In my mind, I heard the voice of Shang Yan. "Unexpectedly, you came to the 'sacred meteorite forbidden zone'. The history of the 'sacred meteorite forbidden zone' is too old to be considered. It is said that before countless cosmic cycles, many masters had a bloody battle, which led to the fall of countless masters and the formation of

This dangerous area!

It is said that there is a terrible crisis that even the king will be killed if he is not careful. At the same time, countless treasures are left. "

Leaving countless treasures?

Lin Chen's eyes lit up and he communicated with Shang Yan in his mind: "in other words, there should be a treasure of chaos here?"

"Yes, yes, but with your strength, if you run around, you will only lose your life! Don't think about chaos treasure!" Shang Yan could not help striking him.

"Do you know how to get out of here?" The tall middle-aged man asked Lin Chen.

Lin Chen thought that as long as I dived into the magma lake again, I should be able to return to the secret place in the "dark and yellow universe" and naturally leave here.

Thinking so in my heart, I shook my head in fear on the surface.

"Oh! What? Scared by the name of the meteor Saint forbidden area?"

The tall middle-aged man didn't feel strange at all when he saw Lin Chen's face of "fear". It was better to say that if Lin Chen had a calm face, he would feel strange.

After all, this is a forbidden area that ordinary masters dare not set foot in. Even if he is a king granting ruler, he should be careful!

"In that case, you will wait for me here. When I want to leave, I will come back here again. Then I will take you with me!"

The tall middle-aged man said, "well, I haven't seen those old guys in our universe for too many years. I can't even remember how many years. This time, I'll go back with you!"

Linchen said happily, "at that time, the masters will be very happy to see you, elder."

A moment later, the tall middle-aged man turned and disappeared into a light in Lin Chen's sight.

As soon as he disappeared, he just said that he would be honest and wait for Lin Chen here. He turned around and left.

"Your current strength is not enough. If you want to find treasures here, or go out by yourself, you are simply looking for death!

The best choice is to return to the universe as soon as possible. Otherwise, you will not only hurt yourself, but also the two girls who came with you. "

Shang Yan's voice rang out in Lin Chen's mind. "Don't worry, master. I'm just confident, not conceited. I still know what to do. It's a pity. After a long time, I still haven't got the fragment of 'dragon scale shuttle'. Instead, it fell into the hands of a king

, master, what is that guy's title? "

"Dark light dominates!"

Dark light dominates!

Lin Chen remembered the other party's title in his mind, and said in his heart, at least he knew who had the "dragon scale shuttle" fragment. It should be mine. I'll get it back sooner or later!

Back to the lava lake.

Looking at the surface of the magma lake with bubbles, another problem came to Lin Chen's mind.

"This lava lake seems a little strange. Can I really return to the secret place in the 'dark and yellow universe' through it?" He was suspicious, but now he had no other choice. He couldn't leave here by himself. With a plop, he jumped into the magma lake!

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