"Mom, what are you talking about?" Linqizhi was in a panic, as if she had been found out some secret. She was a little shy.

To tell the truth, she doesn't know whether she likes Lin Chen or not. She just feels that Lin Chen is very powerful and happy to stay with him.

But in any case, I can't like him. He is the one Bai Lan likes, and Bai Lan is his good friend. How can I rob a man with a good friend!

Mother Lin frowned more deeply when she saw her daughter, who had always been similar to a boy, showing such a shy look of a little girl.

"Qiqi, listen to mom. You can't like him!" Mother Lin's voice was full of command words.

Linqizhi was stunned. She frowned and was about to speak. Lin's mother had spoken again.

"Qiqi, be obedient. Look, you are so beautiful and now you have such a good figure. What man can't be found? You have the life of being a rich wife. How can you find a little bodyguard? If you listen to your mother, she won't hurt you." The trees have some painstaking ways.

Linqizhi frowned and said unhappily, "Mom, I didn't say I like Lin Chen, and... And how can you be so realistic? If I like a person, no matter what his job is, whether he has money or not, I will like him and stay with him!"

"Reality? If you don't live in reality, do you live in dreams?"

Mrs. Lin was also annoyed. "Why are you so ignorant, you child? Anyway, I told you, no, no, this Lin Chen, you don't want to go out with him anymore! Do you want to live a hard life like your mother? If you marry a rich man and feel comfortable every day, your father and I can also enjoy happiness. How good is that? Do you have to regret it in the end after having suffered so much like your mother and me?"

In Lin's opinion, if her daughter is beautiful, she will naturally marry a rich man to enjoy happiness.

She is really realistic, but this is also forced. She has been working in this small noodle shop from morning to night all day. For so many years, she has suffered too much. She also has to look at the faces of some hooligans and relevant department personnel all day. Every day, she has a humble smile. She is fed up with this kind of life, and her daughter is her future hope.

When she was beautiful, she rejected the pursuit of many rich children and chose the honest Lin father. What happened?

The result is that people in their early 40s are old and yellow, but the students who were uglier than her but married better than her were well maintained and much better looking than her!

When I met her on the road, she was embarrassed to say hello to others. She was afraid of being mocked. Oh, isn't this our class flower in those days?

"Anyway, I told you not to contact Lin Chen in the future. You said I was realistic!" Lin Mu said.

"Mom, you..."

Linqizhi feels that her mother is too snobbish, but she also knows that her mother has suffered too much. Her father has a problem with one leg, and her mother has to do a lot of heavy work. She gets up early and eats dark. She is not qualified to blame her.

"Mom, actually Lin Chen is very rich."

Linqizhi thought for a while and said, but she didn't expect it at this time. When she said this, she was almost admitting to Lin's mother that she liked Lin Chen.

"Money? What money can a little bodyguard have? Don't fool me! Well, don't tell me. Anyway, you just stay away from him in the future. You believe mom, you will find a much better man in the future. In the final analysis, a bodyguard is a migrant worker. What skills can he have?"

After Lin's mother finished, she saw a customer go to the cashier. She was too lazy to wait for Lin Qizhi's reply. She went directly into the store to entertain the guests.

Linqizhi knew that no matter what she said at this time, her mother would not believe it. She stamped her feet and was helpless.


Sky tower.

As soon as Lin Chen got off the taxi, he saw a group of people at the gate of the building, looking excited and excited.

He is not surprised that there are so many entertainment stars in the sky, so fans often come here to wait for their favorite stars to appear.

This group of people should be fans of a certain star.

At this time, they are looking in a direction of the street. It seems that they are waiting for something. If they guessed correctly, they should have received the news, and the star they are waiting for will appear.

Lin Chen is not a Star chaser. In his eyes, stars are not superior and worth pursuing.

He didn't stop. He just walked past these people.

The words of several people around him came into his ears.

"It's this time. Should Mengshu come back? I'm so excited. I wonder if she will smile at me later." A thin boy with acne on his face and glasses looked forward to saying.

"Bah, what do you mean by Mengshu? It's obviously my little dream! Hum! If my little dream wants to laugh, it also smiles at me. It's your ass!" A young man who was as fat as a ball beside him said curtly.

"Hey, hey, I said you should be shameless. My family Mengshu has just been named the best star in Yuehai city. She is the next Ann Xueyao. Only a handsome guy like me can deserve her. You are a ball!" A small young man with a wretched appearance disdained.



Hearing the name, Lin Chen stopped, looked curiously at the three young people who were talking, and asked, "who do you mean Mengshu? Is it jiangmengshu?"

It occurred to him that he hadn't met jiangmengshu when picking up and seeing off anxieyao in the past two days.

Didn't she become an Xueyao's life assistant? These people say, should not be her?

The three boys glanced at Lin Chen, and the wretched young man sneered: "of course it's Jiang Mengshu. Is there another Mengshu? Man, you're too pretending. If you follow the stars, it's no shame! In the face that you are also a fan of Jiang Mengshu, I can teach you some Star chasing skills, such as how to get Jiang Mengshu's first-hand information..."

Looking at this chattering guy in front of him, Lin Chen was speechless, but at least he had got the answer he wanted. Unexpectedly, it was jiangmengshu.

Why did she suddenly become a star again?

Just then, a black Mercedes Benz business car came from a distance.

Seeing the car coming, the wretched young man and other three people stopped talking to Lin Chen. All the people present were screaming and running towards the business car.

A bodyguard in black came down from the driver's seat and opened the back door. Then two women came down from the car.

One is estimated to be in his thirties, with medium appearance and capable temperament.

The other is in his early twenties. He is tall, skin like congealed fat, with delicate and soft facial features, a graceful body, and green silk like a waterfall, which is very moving.

She was wearing a pink sweater, revealing the fragrant shoulder like lanolin nephrite, and her slim black trousers wrapped her long straight legs.

She has a very strange temperament, both weak and moving, but also feels very charming and enchanting.

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