The phone was actually called by linqizhi. Lin Chen frowned and had a bad feeling.

As soon as the phone was connected, Lin Qizhi's sobbing voice came from the other side.

"Lin... Lin Chen, my father's leg was broken. Sobbing... They still don't let my father go to the hospital. -"

Before linqizhi finished her words, a slight sound came from the other side of the phone, and then a gloomy and cold man's voice appeared on the other side of the phone: "boy, are you the one who hit ah Jie?"

Lin Chen's eyes showed a cold light, and he had guessed the possibility in his heart. It was obviously that brother Jie came back to take revenge.

He said coldly, "you broke Lin Qizhi's father's leg? I beat him. Why did you beat him?"

Father Lin was originally a lame man, but now he has been broken by others, and his injuries have been compounded. This is a disaster for the Lin family, who runs a small noodle shop!

It's likely to bring the family down!

Lin Chen's heart was filled with anger.

"Ha ha! Good boy, do you dare to question me? How dare you!"

The voice on the phone laughed jokingly, and then became very cold: "boy, I know you have some Kung Fu, but I have killed many experts, just like you. When we came to Yuehai City, in addition to the people of the night Dynasty, you were the first to dare to hit us in the face. I have to say, you are very kind! Do you dare to come here? Hehe, if you don't come, we don't mind giving this big breasted sister a turn!"

Lin Chen's face was colder. At the same time, his brain was working.

The other side's tone is really not small. It seems that only the night Dynasty is qualified to be their enemy in the whole Yuehai city.

Thinking of the other party's sentence "coming to Yuehai city", Lin Chen guessed something in his heart, and said indifferently: "are you from the iron mountain sect?"

In the past, in Yuehai City, no one dared to oppose the night Dynasty among the underworld forces. Now, the new iron mountain Gang dare.

If it's the iron mountain Gang, it's not difficult to understand why brother Jie still dares to find someone to retaliate.

After all, a large Gang is backed by the Feng family and the Emperor Yan family. It is obviously not enough for me to completely control them!

The other side was obviously stunned, and then joked: "boy, that's right. You even know our iron mountain sect. Are you also a member of the sect? Which faction?"

Lin Chen didn't answer him. He said lightly, "I'll go there right away. If you dare to hurt Lin Qizhi's family again, you will all die!"

With that, he hung up the phone, spoke to jiangmengshu, and then left directly.

Although jiangmengshu had planned to invite Lin Chen to dinner in the evening, he had to give up when he saw that he seemed to have something urgent to do.

Put all her energy into the film. One day, she will become the queen of China and even the world. At that time, she will appear in front of Lin Chen.

Let him be more amazing than an Xueyao because of himself!


Lin family noodle restaurant.

At this time, the noodle shop was in a mess, just like the scene after the passage of a strong wind.

Lin's father fell to the ground, and his left leg was dripping with blood. Lin Qizhi and Lin's mother were all around him with tears on their faces. Lin Qizhi's left cheek had a red palm print, slightly swollen.

Liuxudong was beaten like a pig's head, curled up on the ground, hunched his head, and dared not speak.

In the middle of the store, a big, rough looking man with an inch of head was sitting with a golden sword.

Next to him, there were twenty or thirty big men standing. One of them came to find something at noon. As a result, Lin Chen kicked Huang Shijie and Jie into the garbage can.

The big man listened to the blind sound coming from the other end of the phone. His forehead jumped. Someone dared to hang up his phone. He really didn't know what to do!

Seeing the cold light in the big man's eyes, Huang Shijie couldn't help smiling proudly. In his opinion, the boy who dared to beat himself and annoyed brother Bao was absolutely finished!

He looked into the big man's eyes and was full of awe. As long as brother Bao shot, that boy would be nothing!

Brother Bao, whose full name is Qian Bao, is a super general under the iron mountain sect leader Xu Shanhu. However, huangshijie knows that there were fifty or sixty good gangsters besieging brother Bao with machetes, but brother Bao broke his hands and feet in turn.

In the eyes of the iron mountain Gang, brother Bao is much more powerful than the so-called brother hyena of the night Dynasty. He is an invincible existence!

At noon, the boy had some Kung Fu, but now Brother Bao took the action and killed the chicken with an ox knife. It was a win-win situation!

Brother Jie looked at Lin Fu, whose leg was broken, and sneered at him. Now, this guy is lame in both legs!

He looked at linqizhi again. Just now he took a chair to smash Lin's father's leg. Lin Qizhi wanted to stop him and was slapped in the face!

Hum, you ungrateful little watch, you still want to lie down in my bed tonight! With this in mind, the smile on his face became brighter. He liked the feeling of dominating their destiny.

About half an hour later, Lin Chen still didn't appear. Qian Bao frowned and became impatient.

He is brother Bao who is subordinate to the iron mountain gang and superior to thousands of people. Every minute is precious. That unknown boy deserves to waste so much time!

Seeing his boss's impatience, Huang Shijie flattered and said with a smile: "brother Bao, is that boy afraid to come?"

Qian Bao nodded. It's really possible. Although the boy's mouth is arrogant, he has seen a lot of people who can only talk empty words.

At this time, liuxudong, who was crouching on one side, begged: "brother Bao, brother Jie, this has nothing to do with me. Please let me go. I am really innocent!"

Although he knelt down to brother Jie at noon, which was humiliating, he was also cheeky and did not intend to give up pursuing Lin Qizhi, so he was cheeky to stay here to help in the afternoon.

Unexpectedly, this brother Jie came back with so many people. Seeing him was a beating.

He didn't dare to hate the people in front of him, so he vented his hatred on Lin Chen. He felt that if Lin Chen hadn't shot at noon, he wouldn't have been beaten so badly.

He flattered: "brother Bao, brother Jie, Lin Chen is a coward. He must have run away. If you want revenge, go to him. He beat brother Jie. It has nothing to do with me!"

"Liuxudong, shut up! Are you still a man?" Linqizhi was so disgusted with liuxudong that she said angrily, "you should never come here again!"

Liuxudong was also irritated and sneered: "linqizhi, you protect that guy so much. I think you just want to be slept by that Lin Chen? Hum! If you hadn't been shameless at first and directly become brother Jie's woman, how could this happen?"

"Oh, Qiqi, no doubt, this guy is not a man. Congratulations, liuxudong. I'm going to turn you into a eunuch. This new identity should suit you."

A sudden sound appeared. Then Lin Chen appeared at the door and looked at liuxudong, Qian Bao and others coldly.

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