Bai Lan doesn't mean anything to say. She just wants to cover her face and run back to bed to pretend to be dead. It's really embarrassing.

"Don't worry, I won't do anything to him, really." Lin Chen tried to coax her, but she added two words in her heart: that's strange!

Bai Lan finally pressed down her shyness, lowered her head and whispered, "no, no husband. It's just a dream."

But Lin Chen didn't believe it. He said suspiciously, "really? Lan Lan, you are still young. Do you know that you should focus on your studies at this age? Brother Lin Chen is still waiting for you to enter a famous university."

His words startled Bai Lan.

Bai Lan always remembers what Lin Chen said before. She said that she would be his daughter-in-law when she was admitted to university.

Is brother Lin Chen reminding me that he is waiting for me? Why did I find a husband?

Her small face was excited and she shook her head desperately. Unexpectedly, she was about to cry. "No, really not. Brother Lin Chen, believe me, I didn't find any husband in school! I have been studying hard!"


Bai Lan's excited reaction startled Lin Chen. Seeing that she was about to cry, he hurriedly said, "well, I believe you. Lan Lan is a good girl. Brother Lin Chen certainly believes you!"


Bai Lan nodded a little, but she was still afraid of his suspicion. Finally, she lied and said, "I... I saw a Korean drama these two days, and the heroine in it has been called the husband of the hero. I was so fascinated that I had that kind of messy dream."

This is the first time Bai Lan has lied since she was a child. Her eyes dare not go to see Lin Chen, and she dodges around.

Lin Chen doesn't doubt that Bai Lan lied. She thinks that it was those bloody Korean dramas that caused the trouble. However, those bloody dramas don't always call uncle and oba. Why do they call her husband directly?

What a bad boy!

However, according to Bai Lan's character, it's not bad to learn. He didn't say that learning is important, but it also needs a combination of work and rest.

"Hehe, that's good. You are still young. Now you should focus on your studies. Puppy love is not good."

Lin Chen said this solemnly. He didn't think about it. At Bai Lan's age, he tried to get together with Ye Yi every day

"By the way, why do you sleep in my room?" Lin Chen has a wonderful way.

Bai Lan blushed at the words.

Now in the summer vacation, in addition to studying at home, she goes to the orphanage to help.

Last night, a child in the orphanage had a high fever and was sent to the hospital. She stayed there all night and didn't sleep until this afternoon.

When she saw that there was no one at home, sister Rong and Mengmeng coco went back to their hometown, while Irina came back very late. Thinking that brother Lin Chen didn't know when he would come back, she went into Lin Chen's room

Then he fell asleep in his bed. Smelling the smell of Lin Chen in his bed, Bai Lan slept peacefully and had a "beautiful dream".

The more Bai Lan thinks about it, the more embarrassed she is. How can she feel like a little girl!

"Blue blue?" Lin Chen saw that Bai Lan didn't answer. He blushed and didn't know what he was thinking. He couldn't help shouting again. He wondered what was wrong with the girl. He hadn't seen her for half a month. How could he become strange.

Bai Lan reacted and told her second panic: "I... I felt very tired when I came back. I didn't find it when I entered the wrong room."

Then, she told the story of going to the orphanage to help. A child had a fever. She was in the hospital last night.

While talking, Bai Lan lowered her head and felt that she had become a bad girl. She lied twice a day.

Lin Chen didn't doubt it. After listening to it, she said with a light smile: "by the way, didn't I say that I would go to the orphanage with you when I was free? If you still go tomorrow, why don't I go with you? Anyway, I have nothing to do tomorrow."

"Ah! Really?" Bai Lan was overjoyed. After that, she said carefully, "will you delay brother Lin Chen's business?"

Seeing that the girl was thinking of herself everywhere, Lin Chen smiled and rubbed her little head. "There are so many serious things. Well, I think you'd better go back to your room to sleep. Blue is becoming more and more beautiful. Brother Lin Chen is prone to make mistakes."

Bai Lan ran back to the room like a shy little rabbit. She was a little jumpy and inexplicably happy. Brother Lin Chen's words showed that she was very attractive to him now.

According to Qiqi's words, brother Lin Chen wanted to treat himself... That?


The next morning.

At daybreak, Lin Chen was already meditating and practicing on the balcony, and was running the second skill of the "Saint demon Xiaoyao Jue".

When he opened his eyes again, they were full of joy.

Just now, he took another big step forward on the second floor. The innate Qi in his body is more concise and huge. Now he should be equivalent to the existence of the middle period of congenital Qi.

His ability to break through again so quickly is also related to his use of "seven needles of good fortune" after taking the "blood burning pill" in the Qi family.

Over stimulating the potential of the body caused some damage to the body, but it also made the Qi in the body more condensed at that time and promoted his cultivation speed.

However, this kind of stimulation method is limited after all. Now his strength is further and his body has resistance. The "blood burning pill" and "seven good fortune needles" have little effect on him.

What's more, he used the fire Yang herb to make a total of two blood burning pills, which have been used, even if he wants to use them again.

"For the present self, if we want to take a step further in cultivation, we either need several years of hard cultivation, or we need some natural materials and earth treasures to refine pills.

It seems that we need to find some ways to get some natural and local treasures. For example, the Millennium ginseng is of great use to me. Unfortunately, it is too difficult to get it. " Lin Chen thought in her heart.

He is now equivalent to the mid congenital period, or even the general mid congenital period. He is by no means his opponent. If he meets the family leader Xiang Changtian again, he can now directly beat the other party in a scurry, or even kill him!

However, it takes twoorthree years for this realm to reach the late congenital stage.

This speed, for ordinary people, can be said to have been incredibly fast, but for him, it is too slow.

Because he has seen Leng Dongliu's peerless demeanor. The so-called inborn strong man is just a mole ant in front of Leng Dongliu. How can he be happy that he can become a more powerful mole ant in twoorthree years!

With an idea in mind, Lin Chen gets up to pick up an Xueyao to the company.

At the same time, after learning that Bai Lan wanted to go to the orphanage to help with some work, he agreed with her that she would go first, and then he would go to the orphanage to find her later.

The orphanage where Bai Lan grew up is called Yuehai Xiaguang orphanage. It is not very large. According to Bai Lan, there are only 20 orphans in total.

When Lin Chen arrives at the orphanage, Bai Lan is waiting for him at the door. Beside her, there are a pair of young men and women.

The female is a beautiful urban white-collar worker with an intellectual breath. Although she is not a top-notch beauty, she is also outstanding. It is estimated that she was also a class flower in school.

The young people beside her are not particularly handsome, but they have the self-confidence of successful people. They have a placid smile on their faces, giving people a sense of steadiness and wisdom.

They were formally dressed and well-dressed. Obviously, they both did well.

When Bai Lan saw Lin Chen getting off the taxi, he waved to him happily and said, "brother Lin Chen, here!"

And the intellectual beauty beside her, looking at Lin Chen, was slightly frowning, as if she didn't like it.

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