The girl is about 1.6 meters tall. She has very big eyes, red lips and white teeth. She has two beautiful dimples. She is cute and cute, like a little princess.

It can be said that she is as lovely as a little girl. Her chest size is too overbearing, making it difficult for people to treat her as a little girl.

Lin Chen also understood that Zheng Hongtao's so-called tongyanju was obviously talking about the girl in front of him.

However, what made him stunned was not the girl's appearance and chest size.

Instead, he knew the girl.

"Guoguo, why are you here?" Lin Chen was surprised.

This girl is Tangguo, the daughter of secretary Tang, the leader of Yuehai city. But how could Tangguo appear in the dragon group base?

Tang Guo was eating with a lollipop. He was distracted. He didn't know what he was thinking. Hearing Lin Chen's voice, he immediately trembled. Then he looked at Lin Chen in surprise: "ah! Uncle, why are you here?"

While talking, the lollipop fell to the ground, but she didn't pay any attention.

Lin Chen is speechless. Was this girl just out of her mind?

However, Tang Guo didn't wait for Lin Chen to answer when he finished speaking. He rushed to Lin Chen directly and threw himself down in his arms.

Lin Chen was shocked. The girl didn't think about her own scale. It was unbearable to hit people with the ball.

Quickly hold the little girl, if she is bounced back, it will be bad.

"Uncle, I was thinking about you just now? You showed up. You are indeed the patron saint that God gave me!" Tang Guo said happily, and as he spoke, he was still bouncing around Lin Chen. Lin Chen really didn't have the heart to push her away.

However, feeling the jealous eyes of the men next to him, Lin Chen coughed twice, then grabbed Tang Guo's weak shoulder and pushed her away. That's the way:

"Guoguo, why are you here?"

Tang Guo seems to be in a very good mood when he sees Lin Chen. The dimples on her cheeks seem to be smiling. As soon as she wants to answer, a 20-year-old young man nearby hums:

"Isn't that bullshit you're asking? Of course, Tang Guo is here because she is a member of the dragon group! Ask some stupid questions!"

Immediately, everyone on the scene was a little excited and looked at the talking zhaomingwei.

Everyone knows that zhaomingwei wants to pursue Tang Guo. But now, Tang Guo is so close to this newcomer. Everyone is looking forward to it. Will zhaomingwei fight this new member!

"Hey, I'm talking to uncle. What's your business? This is the question uncle asked me. Why should you rush to answer it?" Tang Guo threw his hands on his hips and stared at zhaomingwei, as if he had changed from a docile little rabbit to a belligerent little leopard.

Everyone was surprised that Tang Guo should protect the newcomer so much.

What's more, why should people rush to answer? It seems that the questions asked by this person are precious!

Zhaomingwei was embarrassed. Instead of talking to Tang Guo, he stared at Lin Chen and said, "new comer, do you dare to fight with me to see who is better?"

Everyone's eyes lit up, and the main show really came!

Among them, there are also a pair of bright beautiful eyes looking at Lin Chen curiously. The owner of the beautiful eyes is the Royal sister who just made Lin Chen a little surprised.

She is tall and graceful, with a cold temperament, but it makes people feel very charming. Her eyes are like a moving light, which is breathtaking.

She looks very beautiful. Her green silk is like a waterfall. It seems that she has a mysterious temptation from the East. She is a standard black long straight imperial sister.

At this time, she also looked at Lin Chen curiously. She didn't know what reaction he would make.

Zhenghongtao only told them that he would bring a new member to meet them today, so they were very curious about Lin Chen's strength.

However, to their disappointment, Lin Chen didn't pay attention to the shouting zhaomingwei.

"Guoguo, how did you become a member of the dragon group?"

Lin Chen is curious about how Tang Guo became a member of the dragon group. He knows that Tang Guo is not an ancient martial artist.

Seeing that uncle asked again, Tang Guo was afraid of being rushed to answer again. He quickly smiled and said, "because I am a talented girl, a super hacker, and a pistachio!"

With that, she slightly raised her flawless and delicate face like a porcelain doll, and a look of Uncle praising me.

Lin Chen was really surprised, "super hacker, so powerful?"

It is obviously not a simple hacker to become a member of the dragon group by virtue of his hacker identity.

After saying that, seeing her face praising me quickly, she rubbed her hair in bewilderment, "it's really powerful."

Tang Guo narrowed his eyes with satisfaction, and seemed to enjoy Lin Chen's praise.

"Hehe, Tang Guo is not an ordinary hacker. He ranks third on the list of hackers in the world. He has even entered the FBI system."

Zhenghongtao explained, "we also invited her many times. Secretary Tang finally agreed to let her join the dragon group. She is now one of the main sources of information for our dragon group."

Seeing Lin Chen looking at him in surprise, Tang Guo was a little embarrassed: "in fact, it's not that powerful. I just entered the FBI's organizational system for a few seconds, and they found out and kicked me out."

When Lin Chen heard the speech, the shock in his heart did not decrease at all.

The FBI is not a person, but the most powerful special department in the world. It's frightening that Tang Guo can break into their system for a few seconds on his own.

What's more, the key is that Tang Guo can still walk away after breaking in. Otherwise, the FBI would have come to trouble long ago.

Unexpectedly, the girl who felt silly before was still a super genius in the computer field!

"Well, let me introduce our new member. His name is Lin Chen. He will also be part of our Yuehai dragon group branch in the future. We should get along well." Zhenghongtao looked at the crowd and said.

His words were very brief. He did not introduce Lin Chen's level, and the people didn't care.

In their opinion, such a young member is still a new member. It is estimated that he has just passed the examination.

Naturally, members of the yellow class should exist in the early days after tomorrow.

Zhenghongtao's words fell, and Tangguo's small face applauded with excitement. Uncle Xindao was indeed the most powerful, and even the dragon group could join him.

As for others, there was applause, but the applause was not very enthusiastic and somewhat perfunctory.

Linchengang didn't respond to zhaomingwei's challenge, which made them disdain.

In their view, Lin Chen was undoubtedly afraid of losing and losing face, so he didn't dare to respond.

The elder sister Hei Changzhi no longer looked at Lin Chen, and she didn't know what she was thinking. Obviously, she was not interested in Lin Chen.

"Hey! I warn you, if you don't dare fight me, stay away from Guoguo. Do you hear me?" Seeing that Tang Guo was clapping and cheering desperately, zhaomingwei was so angry that he gnashed his teeth and stared at Lin Chen viciously.

He tried hard to please Tang Guo all day, but Tang Guo only treated him as a passer-by. However, now, Tang Guo seems to have become Lin Chen's brain powder. He can't be convinced!

How can this guy compare with himself?

I am younger than him, and I joined the dragon group earlier than him. Naturally, I am better than him!

Tang Guo was unhappy when he heard what zhaomingwei said, and angrily said:

"Zhaomingwei, who asked you to call me Guoguo? And who are you? Why should you let uncle stay away from me? You just stay away from me. I want to be with uncle. I still have uncle's blood in my body! Can you control it?"


The scene was as if the pause button had been pressed, and there was silence!

Everyone's face was frozen, including the black long straight imperial sister who was thinking about something. She was also surprised to look at Lin Chen, looking like a beast!

Is there still uncle's blood in the body?

Is this a baby?

Beast, how old Tang Guocai is!

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