"So what did you do?"

Lin Chen hears the speech and doesn't blame tao yao for coming.

Think about it carefully. If you can gain something from this scam, you may not be able to control yourself. It's normal to take appropriate risks.

Tao Yao said, "I just walked in a few steps to observe. In the back, I always felt a little awkward. I felt that the talisman was incomplete!"


"Yes! I feel that there is something missing in the flow of energy, and there is also a little missing in the above symbols like some kind of words. Then... Then I took a few steps to complete it with my original power."


Lin Chen and Qingyun do not know what to say.

It can only be said that this woman's courage is only iron.

"And then, did the talisman disappear?" Lin Chen continued to ask.

Tao yao nodded hurriedly: "yes, it suddenly disappeared. I was startled. I looked around and found that I didn't know when a stone gate would appear here. I was thinking whether to go in and have a look, so you came."

Qingyun fan looked curiously at the closed stone gate in front of him: "previously, there was nothing here. That is to say, it was because you completed the talisman that this stone gate appeared."

"What nonsense are you talking about? Isn't it important where the stone gate leads?"

Tao yao turns his eyes and feels that Qingyun is wasting his time.

Qingyun Chui smiled awkwardly and thought about it carefully. What he said was really nonsense.

"Longfu mountain was formed by the fall of the Heavenly Emperor longfu. Before longfu mountain became what it is now, could it be that there were some ancient relics in the depths of the earth! This stone gate leads to some relics?"

Lin Chen guessed.

Qingyun Fan said, "I think it's more likely to lead to the mansion of the Dragon Fu Heavenly Emperor!"

"The mansion of the Dragon Fu Heavenly Emperor? You mean, this was originally the nest of the Dragon Fu Heavenly Emperor, where he lived?" Lin Chen was surprised.

Qingyun fan nodded: "yes. Why do you think the Dragon Fu Tiandi fell here? According to my master, it took tens of thousands of years before the Dragon Fu Tiandi set up a unique array of ancient and modern runes with runes.

That talisman array not only makes the origin of chaos appear here, but also makes the power of the Dragon talisman Tiandi greatly increased.

There is no other reason why the symbol matrix is arranged here. Just because this is where his nest is. "

"The nest of the Dragon talisman? Doesn't it mean that there may be many treasures of the Dragon talisman?"

Tao yao turned his eyes and looked at Lin Chen. "Do you think it's possible that the two divine kings who fought before came to the nest of the Dragon Fu Emperor?"

"Big probability, that's it."

Lin Chen had previously wondered why the evil spirits outside the boundary appeared here. Now it seems that it is likely to come running for the treasure left by the Dragon talisman emperor after his death.

The place where the Dragon Fu Emperor once lived is undoubtedly the most likely place to have treasures!

"What are we waiting for? Go in quickly. Maybe we can get the treasure of the Dragon Fu Emperor before the God King!"

Tao yao is excited.

That was the most powerful God King in the Yin Ruins. It is estimated that his treasures are much stronger than ordinary God kings.

If you can get oneortwo powerful things, maybe you won't have to meet the God King in the future, but you can only turn around and run away.

Lin Chen stretched out his hand and pulled her: "let's assume that behind the gate is really the mansion of the Dragon Fu Emperor. Then let's assume that you are the Dragon Fu Emperor. Will you set up some mechanisms in the mansion to prevent outsiders from entering?"

"Of course. Why are you asking..."

Tao Yao said half of what he said, but he reacted.


The Heavenly Emperor of dragon Fu was once the most powerful God King in the Yin Ruins. The treasures he owned must be amazing, but the mechanism he arranged was definitely more terrifying.

Maybe it's a rune array that even ordinary gods will fall?

If that's the case, the three of them are just empty gods. The probability of rushing in and dying inside is much smaller than getting the treasure and leaving safely!

Qingyun Xuan and tao yao were excited at first, and then her eyes hesitated. Obviously, she and Lin Chen wanted to go together and wondered whether to go in or not.

"Why don't you do that? I'll go in and you two will wait for me outside! Anyway, I can only fall into one."

Tao yao thought for a while and said so.

Lin Chen said lightly: "how much do you despise the strongest God King in the Yin Ruins? That kind of person is much stronger than the evil demon God King you met earlier.

If you really enter the mechanism arranged by him, I'm afraid that the falling will not only separate you, but directly drive you out of your mind. "

Tao yao was silent.

External incarnation is not a rare means for powerful monks or monsters.

This means can not guarantee absolute security, precisely because there is a corresponding means of restraint, that is, the soul origin of the noumenon can be killed directly through separation.

Think about it and know that the emperor of heaven must have mastered this means.

Although she is walking separately at present, it is still very dangerous if she goes in.

"I'm still going to go in! Even if it falls, I'll admit it."

Tao yao's eyes soon became firm and looked at Lin Chen, "I am not far from the God King, but if there is no chance, I have to go further by myself. I don't know when to wait!

Perhaps, there will never be a breakthrough. I know it is very dangerous to enter it, but the path of a monk is full of thorns. In short, I still want to go in and break in! "

Her words also prompted Qingyun to make up her mind.

"I'll go in with you!"

Qingyun fan secretly said that tao yao might not be able to break through the divine kingdom without the help of chance, but he did not have that possibility.

If you do not rely on external forces, you will never be able to break through!

Not even the slightest possibility!

At the half step of the divine king, all of your potential has already reached its limit. If you want to go further, you must rely on external forces.

As for danger?

Opportunities and risks are one!

It's ridiculous to want to be the God King but dare not take risks!

"Now that you have made up your mind, let's go."

Lin Chen took a deep breath, and his eyes were also firm. He walked to the stone gate and pushed it open slowly.

Tao yao and Qingyun Chen are stunned. Lin Chen urges others to be cautious, but he actually wants to go in and have a look?


The gate was pushed open slowly.

What appeared in front of Lin Chen was an ancient hall.

The walls around the hall and the stone columns in the middle are engraved with patterns like talismans.

The three of Lin Chen step into the stone gate.

After they entered, the stone gate behind them closed slowly, and then disappeared. At this moment, they completely lost the possibility of returning by the same way!

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