Lin Chen fell heavily to the ground, and his body was covered with armor made of blood and rattan.

In a critical moment, he didn't even need to give orders. When xueteng sensed the danger, he automatically defended himself.

But even so, Lin Chen still spat out several mouthfuls of blood and turned pale.

The blood vine on the body surface is full of vitality.

Under the influence of this vitality, Lin Chen's face quickly improved. At the moment, he had no time to take care of his own injury. Instead, he hurriedly looked behind him and saw the Emperor Yan God King who was quite embarrassed.

On Emperor Yan's body, there were several huge blood holes, and his flesh was scorched. It seemed that he was not far from death.

But if you use the divine mind to induce, you can find that his vitality is still incomparably strong, like the scorching sun at noon.

If a weak monk dares to use his mind to sense his vitality, he will even be burned out in a moment.

Obviously, although the previous tricks were powerful and made him suffer a lot, they were far from fatal.

The wound on his body is rapidly recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Damn it! Why don't these talismans work on them, but on me? Is it possible that these talismans are still conscious and treat me as an enemy, and they are their own?

impossible. They are intruders like me. What can be the difference? Absolutely just a coincidence! "

Emperor Yan was so angry that he couldn't understand what was going on. He could only explain it by coincidence.

Seeing Lin Chen, he said: "I advise you to stay where you are, and let you suffer less in the back!"

Naturally, Yang Mu and Qingyun fan couldn't listen to him. They burst out at their extreme speed and continued to rush forward.

Although Di Yan's injury was not fatal, even the sole of his foot was blown up. Although the recovery speed was very fast, it took some time.

This time is the only chance they can use to escape!

Emperor Yan's face was indifferent, and even showed a trace of ridicule. The two guys were fighting senselessly.

Getting caught by yourself is just a matter of time.

In less than two breaths, his injuries recovered completely, and he chased Lin Chen and Qingyun fan, much faster than the two of them.

"If we continue like this, we will be caught up sooner or later. Unless we can do that again a few times!"

"If only there were a few more, no, dozens of them. It would be better if there were hundreds of them. Maybe they could help us block each other!"

Lin Chen and Qingyun are still heavy.

They calmed down a little and realized that although the other party was slightly injured, they could not escape under normal circumstances without being fatally injured.

Previously, Qingyun prayed in his heart that he had better not encounter any tricks. Now, he is on the contrary, hoping that the more they appear, the better.

"Over there!"

After running a distance, Lin Chen finally sees tao yao again.

In front of tao yao, there is a scorched open space on the ground. In front of tao yao, there is a scorched tree trunk, less than one meter high from the ground. The two hold each other.

It looks like a tree that has been slashed by thunder or burned by flames.

"There seems to be a very weak vitality on the dark trunk." Qingyun fan squinted, stared at the blackened trunk and said.

"Weak vitality?"

Lin Chen felt carefully and found that it was the case.

This wisp of vitality is so weak that if he doesn't feel it carefully, he can't even notice it. It's much weaker than the vitality of an ordinary person.

Under normal circumstances, such a weak vitality, like a candle in a storm, should have dissipated by itself long ago.

But at the moment, this wisp of weak vitality is still tenacious.

Tao yao stood in front of the dark trunk, closed his eyes, like a stone statue, as if listening to something.

"I have a guess. This guess may be a little crazy..."

Qingyun Leng looked at the dark trunk in front of him and suddenly said to Lin Chen.

"What guess? Tell me!" Lin Chen said.

Qingyun Fan said with a startled look: "do you think this trunk is the body of the Dragon Fu Emperor, which was left over from that year?"

"Do you mean that the only remaining ray of life belongs to the Dragon Fu Emperor? She has not really fallen?"

Lin Chen's eyes are round, and Qingyun's conjecture is crazy.

"This is just my guess. But even if my guess is right, the Dragon Fu Heavenly Emperor is still not alive. Such a wisp of vitality can hardly make her take root again.

Otherwise, after all these years, she would have been born again! The passage of time is more likely to make her life weaker and weaker, and finally completely annihilated. Instead of being reborn! " The path of green clouds.

Lin Chen said, "even so, it's still amazing. Even the chaotic origin can't really destroy her?"

"It may not be impossible, but it may be that I can't bear it."

Qingyun fan explained, "I told you before that the origin of chaos is like a loving mother. Only when the Dragon Fu Heavenly Emperor drives her to a desperate situation can she fight back.

But in any case, to the chaotic origin, the Dragon Fu Heavenly Emperor is like the best child in countless years. She may not have the heart to really destroy the Dragon Fu Emperor, so she left a ray of vitality. "

As he said this, Qingyun Gu looked at tao yao and said, "these are just my guesses. If tao yao thinks of something, maybe he can tell us the answer."

"Why don't you keep running?"

A jeering voice came from behind.

Linchen and Qingyun quickly turned their heads and saw that Emperor Yan, who had recovered, was coming here with a gloomy smile.

Without considering anything else, Lin Chen rushes to tao yao's side and reaches out to pull tao yao to run for his life. However, before he meets tao yao, he feels that his body is bound by an invisible chain and can't move at all.

Lin Chen's heart sank to the bottom of the valley and thought it was the means of Emperor Yan.

At this time, he saw strange talismans of different colors, the size of a palm, flying out of the ground, gathering together, and rushing in the direction of the Dragon talisman Heavenly Emperor and Qingyun.

Qingyun Xuan was shocked and wanted to dodge. However, these scams appeared so fast that he was about to react. Those scams had already arrived in front of him.


He exclaimed loudly, only to find that the runes passed directly through his body without any impact at all!

Emperor Yan looked at a pile of strange talismans flying in, and his eyes showed a look of surprise. When he saw that those strange talismans had been worn by Qingyun, he said in his heart:

"It was absolutely a coincidence just now. I am an intruder like them. There is no reason to treat these scams differently. They only deal with me! Since they won't hurt them, they won't hurt me either."

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