"Comparable to the strike of the mighty king of God?"

Lin Chen was shocked. Before he could recover from the heavy ceremony of tao yao, he saw that the space in front of him was distorted and two things flew out of it.

"The heart of chaos!" he said in surprise

What appeared in front of him were two "chaotic hearts".

Tao Yao said: "Sister Liu's' Tao 'makes her not interested in the treasures of the Yin Ruins, nor in the chaotic mind used to strengthen the treasures of the Yin Ruins.

In her opinion, these things are not as good as her talisman. However, although she was not very interested, she stole some from others. "

"I'm not interested. Why should I rob it?" Lin Chen wondered.

Tao yao asked: "if a treasure you are not interested in falls into the hands of a guy you hate, such as the former red cherry, and you can easily grab it, will you grab it?"

"Of course!"

Lin Chen didn't even think about it, so he answered with a sudden look.

Yes, to rob something, besides being interested in it, there is also a possibility that the guy who was robbed is not pleasing to his eyes.

Even if it doesn't work for you, you just can't make the other party happy.

"There are three chaotic hearts that sister Liu got. After her accident, the three chaotic hearts fell in different places of Longfu mountain. One of them was taken away by monks who went to longfu mountain to search for treasures a long time ago. Now there are only two left!"

Tao yao's face was plain, as if he had sent out only worthless little things. "Now they are yours."

"Give it to me?"

Lin Chen is naturally eager for the "heart of chaos" at present.

However, he soon shook his head and said:

"No! This gift is too valuable. You gave me three pieces of talisman to protect my life. I already owe you too much. I can't accept these two chaotic hearts."

Tao yao blurted out his lips and said, "you think it's beautiful. Instead of giving it to you, you lent it to you. I lent you two and charged you one as interest, that's three. Plus the two you owed me before, now you owe me five chaotic hearts in total!"


Lin Chen still hesitated, not because tao yao's request was too much. In fact, someone else had already promised.

If you owe two, you owe five. If you have a thick skin, what difference can it make?

What's more, the most crucial point is that tao yao only said how much he owed her, but didn't say a deadline for arrears. This is simply equivalent to a loan with unlimited repayment time. Only fools would not want it.

Lin Chen is not stupid. He understands that tao yao is actually changing his way to accept these two chaotic hearts.

Plus the three talismans in the inner world, I feel I owe her more and more. If I can make profits, I'm afraid it will never be finished!

His character has always disliked what he owes. At the moment, he feels that he owes too much to tao yao. It is inevitable that he hesitates.

Unless one's own strength can become stronger than tao yao in the future, one day there will never be repayment!

The problem is, when people leave the pass, the probability is the God King.

What do you take back?

"If you refuse again, I will destroy these two chaotic hearts." Tao yao's expression sank.

"OK! I'll take it."

Lin Chen no longer pinches and accepts the two chaotic hearts. He secretly says that his strength may not catch up with tao yao for hundreds of thousands of years.

But what about millions, tens of millions of years?

It may not be impossible!

If one day I owe her, I can always repay it.

Qingyun Gu's eyes were eager to see Lin Chen take the two "chaotic hearts" and looked at tao yao. He secretly said that at least he had brought them here, and she had the chance.

Lin Chen got so many benefits that he didn't say he was on the same level with him, but how much, should he also have some gifts?

As a result, he heard tao yao say, "if there's nothing else to say, we'll say goodbye."

Her voice fell, the ground shook, and a stone gate rose slowly from the distance, just like floating from the water.

Qingyun fan's expression froze. Finally, he couldn't help laughing and said:

"Miss tao yao, I don't know if there is anything in the good things of the Dragon Fu Emperor that you can't use, but is useful to me?"

Tao yao looked at him and frowned: "I can't use it, but it's useful to you. How can I know what's useful to you and what's useless to you!

Besides, is it useful to you? What does it have to do with me? If you have something to say, don't hesitate. It's disgusting. "

The difference in treatment is too great!

Qingyun fan was speechless and said brazenly, "I am not far from the God King, but I can't make the last step.

The Dragon talisman Heavenly Emperor has unparalleled powers. I wonder if there is anything in her means or treasures that can help me? "

With that, he hurriedly added: "I will also follow Lin Chen until you leave the pass, or he becomes a half step God King. If I can become a God King, it will be of great benefit to him!"

Tao yao was silent for a few seconds and said, "there is a skill that you can practice and try. Maybe it can help you break the bottleneck.

But I can't guarantee whether it will be successful or not. Moreover, even if it can help you become a God King, it will take a lot of time! The difficulty is no less than the step you took from the beginning of your birth to the half step God King. "

Qingyun was overjoyed: "no matter how much time it takes, as long as there is a possibility of breakthrough, I am willing to try!"

Tao Yao said no more. Her hands were sealed. Streamers flew from her eyebrows and converged into a talisman interwoven with streamers.

With a wave of her hand, she flew into the middle of the blue cloud.

Soon, Qingyun fan was ecstatic. It was obvious that the information of that skill appeared in his mind.

"Since you don't want to stay here with me, why don't you hurry up and wait for me to kick you out?"

Tao yao looks at Lin Chen and points to the stone gate that has been opened not far away. His attitude is cold.

Lin Chen took Qingyun fan to the stone gate, looked back at tao yao and said, "I won't stay in the Yin market world all the time. After you leave the pass, remember to find me in the ancient world of Yunmeng."

"What do you want?" Tao yao asked.

Lin Chen was stunned when asked.


Before, she followed her because she couldn't get rid of bosuo mountain. Now that she is no longer bound by bosuo mountain, why do you want to find yourself?

At that time, she was the king of gods. She thought she was still just an empty God. It was a joke to let a king of gods condescend to find her.

Lin Chen opened her mouth, didn't know what to say, and finally said "take care".

As they walked into the stone gate, the stone gate closed slowly and sank to the ground.

Walking out of the stone gate, Lin Chen looked around and found that he had left the bottom of Longfu mountain and came to the foot of the mountain.


Next second.

The whole longfu mountain vibrated violently.

"What does she want to do?"

Lin Chen was surprised. He guessed that it was tao yao's handwriting, but he didn't know what she wanted.

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