Until Lin Chen went out with Tang Guo, and Su Ruan ran out with him, the people inside still couldn't react.

Actually, the scene just now was too crazy.

Brother scar of the night Dynasty even called that man brother Chen and kowtowed to beg for mercy. Moreover, looking at that meaning, he had to start from the beginning because of that man's words!

Zhaokaixiang's feet trembled a little. He realized that he obviously didn't deserve the man.

The most embarrassing thing for him was that people didn't look at him from beginning to end, as if he was just a mouse grinning at the tiger, who didn't bother to glance at him.

Jingling bell

When the mobile phone rings, zhaokaixiang is shocked. He looks at it. It's his father zhaojunming.

"Dad, what's the matter?"

"You bastard! Who did you mess with? Who did you mess with?" As soon as the phone was connected, zhaojunming's angry roar came from the opposite side.

Zhaokaixiang's heart thumped, his face turned pale, and he guessed something, but he was unwilling to believe it, so he insisted:

"Dad, what? Who did I mess with? What big guy can I mess with? Are you mistaken?"

"I made a mistake? Su man from Huading group called me personally. How can I make a mistake? People said that you provoked the wrong people. I made a mistake! Now because of you, our cooperation with Huading has failed. Do you know that I invested hundreds of millions before and after, but now it's gone! I should have shot you on the wall..."

In zhaokaixiang's mind, Su Ruan said that Lin Chen was her sister's friend. Suddenly, his mobile phone fell to the ground. His eyes darkened and he almost fainted.

Obviously, this is a big man, a big man. He can't afford to exist. However, people don't care about themselves, but he runs to others to step on him. This is the end!

People nearby also heard the roaring voice of zhaojunming and were petrified again.

Just because zhaokaixiang offended others, Su man of Huading group canceled the cooperation worth hundreds of millions. This influence is too terrible!

In particular, the two generations who had followed Lin Chen to ridicule him were all weak footed and pale. They could only pray desperately in their hearts. Lin Chen would not have the same knowledge as their minions.

"All right! Zhaokaixiang, let's settle the account. I'm a grass mud horse. I was badly hurt by you today!" Brother scar is very angry. If it weren't for this idiot, he wouldn't get into trouble with brother Chen.

Immediately, the younger brothers he brought all surrounded him, thinking that this guy dared to let himself and others come to trouble brother Chen. They were also very angry.

Nima is just biting herself!

After a while, zhaokaixiang screamed like a pig in the benevolent Hall


"Hey, Lin Chen, who the hell are you? Why did brother scar of the dynasty call you brother Chen that night? Besides, you told him to go back and become a younger brother. He listened to you. What's the matter?" Su Ruan followed Lin Chen and frowned.

Previously, in the night Dynasty bar, Lin Chen fought with the people of the night Dynasty and beat them all because Xu Yi picked up trouble.

She originally thought that Lin Chen should have been cleaned up by the people of the night Dynasty.

Now it seems that it is obviously impossible. Looking at the appearance of brother scar just now, Lin Chen seems to have something to do with the night Dynasty.

Moreover, the relationship should be very unusual, otherwise, the person would not be afraid to kneel down.

"Why are you asking? Then, are you following me? Do I know where I am going?" Lin Chen looked at Su Ruan with a puzzled tone.

"Hum! If you don't tell me, I won't tell you. It seems that I'm very rare to know! Do you think I'm willing to follow you? It's not because my sister said that she asked me to lead you the way later. Why do you want to come to my house?" Su Ruan shouted angrily.

This guy is still holding Tang Guo's hand. He is afraid that the other party will be lost. He is extremely concerned!

To their own here, is a pair of indifferent appearance!

What does that mean? Are you worse than Tang Guo? I am also a school flower!

Su Ruan looked at Tang Guo very disaffected. She was no worse than her, that is... Well, Su Ruan had to admit that Tang Guo didn't know how to grow. Why was the scale of her chest so unreasonable

But I am taller than her! Her legs are longer than hers!

This guy is definitely a Lori controller. What kind of controller! Su Ruan hated roast.

"Your sister asked you to show me the way? That's OK, so you can follow." Lin Chen nodded. Although Su man gave her the address, he was too lazy to navigate by himself.

After a taxi, Lin Chen sends Tang Guo back to the municipal Party committee compound. The little girl knows that he has something to do, and she is very clever and doesn't say anything.

Su Ruan was surprised that Tang Guo lived here. Tang Guo was always mysterious in school. Unexpectedly, her family seemed to be a senior official in Yuehai city.

"Uncle, I'm leaving. You can't let the red apricots come out of the wall and give up everything from beginning to end!" After Tangguo got off the bus, he told Lin Chen.

Lin Chen's face was black. What was the girl talking about? She pinched the lovely dimple on her little face and stared: "don't use idioms, little girl. Do you know what it means to throw red apricots out of the wall and abandon them all the time?"

"Of course I know!" Tang Guo is a little unhappy. She finds that Lin Chen seems to really treat her as a child.

Thousands of people told Lin Chen to come and play with him if he had time. After getting Lin Chen's positive answer, Tang Guo left like a happy rabbit.

Halfway through the jump, he turned back and said, "by the way, uncle, I will find a chance to take photos of my cousin practicing yoga in tight clothes for you!"

Lin Chen stumbled and almost fell down.

Back in the taxi, Su Ruan said the address to the driver, and the driver started the car.

Su Ruan looked at Lin Chen and snorted. Then she looked out of the window. Lin Chen felt a little confused, but she didn't speak. Lin Chen was also happy to be quiet, so she simply closed her eyes and rested.

"Hey! Satyr!"

Su Ruan is annoyed to see that Lin Chen doesn't pay attention to him at all. This guy was flirting with Tang Guo just now, who is Tang Guo's cousin, and what's the matter between him and Bai Lan?

This guy feels very distracted. How could he be so cold to himself!

Su Ruan feels very angry. Why does she seem to be so bad that she doesn't deserve attention? I felt a severe blow to my self-esteem.

"Lust wolf? Have I lusted for you?" Lin Chen glanced at her lazily.

Su Ruan gave him a very bad first impression. At that time, they almost bumped Mengmeng and coco, two little girls, when they were racing. Therefore, even if it's not annoying now, Lin Chen definitely doesn't like her.

"You!" Sue was gnashing her teeth in anger.

Mind you wait for me. When I get to my house, I will make you look good! No matter how good my sister is with you, can she be better than my own sister?

Thinking so, Su Ruan felt much better.

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