After understanding Lin Chen's thoughts, Qingyun feels that the boy is really a little crazy.

However, when you think about it, this method does have feasibility.

Even if it doesn't succeed in the end, at least there is no God King and strong man in the other party's nest. Then even if there is any accident, it should be no problem to escape with chenkong.

"OK! In that case, I'll go with you to see if I can help."

The stronghold of the demon outside the boundary in the Yin market is far away from Lin Chen's current position. Even if Lin Chen is on his way at full speed, it will take more than half a day.

Before they reached the stronghold of the demon outside the boundary, Lin Chen suddenly stopped.

Qingyun fan looked at him suspiciously. When he was about to ask what the situation was, he saw that Lin Chen stretched out his right hand, palm up, and a bloody vine appeared from the palm of Lin Chen.

Outside the past half a day, the fourth floor of the divine prison tower has passed for more than a year.

The blood vine has not only completely swallowed the body of the true God of red cherry, but also digested a lot.

However, in order to truly transform the power of the true God of red cherry into a part of it, it will have to sleep for a period of time.

Just like the original Dao Yun rhinoceros, when it wakes up, its strength should be further improved.

Even if it is not asleep, its breath has reached the level of emptiness and true God.

The little guy now has self-awareness. Now he is going to have a big sleep. Before that, let's see if Lin Chen, the owner, can use it.

If there is a place that needs its help, it can go to sleep again after a period of time and digest the rest of its strength.

Blood colored vines filled the air with waves, like talking with Lin Chen. Lin Chen had corresponding information in his mind.

Lin Chen was surprised and delighted. After the blood vine swallowed up the true God of red cherry, not only his strength was greatly improved, but also he had a new ability!

That is to be able to simulate the breath of other monks!

The premise is that you must let the blood vine devour each other's flesh and blood.

"What's going on?" Qingyun fan wondered.

Lin Chen said, "I have a new plan!"

"New plan?" Monk Qingyun Zhuo is confused and doesn't understand what he means.

Lin Chen then told him the new ability of xueteng. After hearing this, Qingyun fan's eyes lit up:

"You can learn another secret skill to change the body. The combination of the two methods will be useful in the future!"

Lin Chen naturally knew this, otherwise he wouldn't have been surprised just now.

Because, in the past, he relied on similar abilities to turn the tide of danger more than once, or hit the enemy unprepared.

At that time, he combined the two abilities of "demon transformation" and "Assassin".

However, now, with the improvement of his realm, he is facing more and more powerful enemies. His abilities, including the "Assassin", are weak, and it is difficult to help him hide his breath.

At present, the blood vine can help him disguise as the breath of others, which can be said to be more direct than the "Assassin".

"Are there any restrictions other than the need to devour each other's flesh and blood?" The path of green clouds.

Lin Chen said, "if you are beyond my realm, that is, in front of the powerful king of God, you will still be seen through."

"It's not a restriction. You are a real God. If you can hide your breath in front of the God King, it's strange - eh, speaking of it, there is no God King and strong man where we are going right now! Do you want to?"

Qingyun fan smiled cunningly, feeling that he had understood Lin Chen's plan.

Lin Chen also smiled.

They are like two sly foxes plotting. They both have a sly smile on their faces. It is the demon outside the boundary who was originally helping them lead the way. His scalp is numb, like falling into an ice cave!

"You... You want it to devour my flesh and blood, disguise itself as me and go to our stronghold?"

The evil demon outside the boundary also lived for countless years. He immediately guessed what Lin Chen was up to.

Lin Chen looked at him: "don't worry. Swallowing flesh and blood doesn't mean swallowing your whole body. It just needs a little of your flesh and blood."

The other side was relieved.

For a strong man like him, not to mention a little flesh and blood, even if he is short of arms and legs, it is simply not worth mentioning that ordinary people are bitten by mosquitoes and can recover in an instant.

Lin Chen said, "I still need to search your memory and ask you some questions."

When the demon outside the boundary heard that he wanted to search his memory, his expression became very ugly again, but Lin Chen and Qingyun fan stared at him with cold eyes and could only nod.

"I will cooperate."

"No! I don't believe what you said. As before, I'll control your consciousness before I ask."

No matter how dissatisfied the demon outside the boundary was, he could only cooperate honestly in the end. After searching his memory, Lin Chen asked some questions he wanted to ask.

At the next moment, the blood vine seemed to have been waiting for a long time. It grew rapidly and tied the demon outside the boundary into a dumpling. Soon, the body of the demon outside the boundary melted like ice and snow.

The blood vine filled with strange red light returned to Lin Chen.

The smell of demons outside the boundary completely disappeared!

Qingyun fan was stunned and said, "don't you mean that just a little flesh and blood can do it?"

As soon as he finished, he felt that he had asked a stupid question. He looked at Lin Chen with a bit of vigilance, and muttered that Lao Tzu was clearly a half step true God. How can he be a little weak in front of you now.

This guy is really cruel to the enemy!

"There is an old saying in my hometown that kindness to the enemy is cruelty to oneself."

Linchen smiles and continues on his way with Qingyun.

When he was about to reach the garrison of Zhenmo army in the Yin Ruins, Lin Chen's bones made a slight sound of clicking, and two sarcomas grew behind him, and soon became a pair of wings.

His forehead split into an eye!

In the blink of an eye, his height and appearance, even his temperament, were no different from the previous demon outside the boundary.

This is more than that.

Lin Chen's breath soon changed and became no different from that of the demon outside the boundary.

Qingyun fan felt a little. He changed his mind. Now he can't recognize him.

At the moment, the breath on Lin Chen's body also changed from the lower true God to the upper true God level.

"Senior, please go to the divine prison tower and wait for my news! If you need to do something, I will send a message to you." Lin Chen looks at the green cloud. "Be careful yourself!" Qingyun fan nodded and told him, "remember, don't hurry. First, find out if there is a strong God King here. Don't be afraid of 10000, just in case! If there is a strong God King here, think

Don't even think about it. Leave now. " Lin Chen nodded and flew to the mountains below.

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