"We are about to reach the abyss of nightmare!"

As the distance between him and the nightmare Juyuan was getting shorter and shorter, Qingyun became more and more excited. At the same time, he was also a little nervous. He was afraid that something was wrong with the demons outside the boundary, and the powerful gods would catch up to find trouble.

Lin Chen thought of a key point he had missed earlier and asked Zhu fan:

"Senior, can you ask me how to rescue the people trapped in the statue? Emperor Yan was trapped inside the statue, so can we use his method to escape from the plight outside?"

Hearing what he said, Qingyun fan and chenkong also looked at Zhu fan in a hurry.

The closer they are to success, the more worried they are that the bamboo basket will be empty!

Zhu Fan said, "the statues in the nightmare abyss are like the key components of a large array. If you want to get out of it, you must move through different statues by specific routes. In short, you can regard it as a maze that is constantly changing, but still has some rules to follow!"

He didn't hide anything, and roughly told him the way the emperor owl told him.

Move in different statues with a specific route. If you walk out of the correct route, you can come out of it.

To be more precise, there is also a prerequisite, that is, it is necessary to change another eight separate bodies, and nine people can come out only after they walk out of the right path together.

If you don't understand this, you can never get out of trouble by running around on your own.

"Emperor Yan was able to get out of trouble, not only because he had advanced knowledge in array, but also because of his good luck. He didn't understand the array in the nightmare abyss, or even just understood a little.

The method he adopted was to change thousands of individuals, and at the same time, he kept trying. It took a long time to get out of them. "

When Lin Chen heard the words, he was suddenly surprised. He didn't think that the strength of the God King of the wasteland and the demon ancestor of the cangyun would be under the Emperor Yan.

It can only be said that luck also accounts for a large part of the reason for whether we can get out of trouble.

"But doesn't that mean that we can't use this method to save our master?" Qingyun is worried.

Lin Chen nodded and said, "that's right. We can't tell the trapped cangyun demon ancestor the specific method and route. In this case -"

Zhu tired of interrupting him and said casually, "as long as I'm trapped inside and bring out the trapped people together?"

Lin Chen didn't say any more, but he was tired of appreciating Zhu.

Although his strength is far inferior to others' and they don't need him to appreciate it at all, his inner feelings are indeed like this.

There is no doubt that Zhu fan is a man who can risk his life for his friends!

After all, no one can guarantee that the method obtained from the emperor owl will be 100% useful. He directly went in to save people. If he was not careful, he would take himself in too!

"At last!"

After arriving at the nightmare abyss, several people flew down as fast as they could.

"It's right here. I can feel that the master is inside the statue now!"

Stop in front of a huge statue embedded in the rock wall, and chenkong looks at Zhu fan expectantly.

Qingyun Fan said, "senior, why don't I go in with you?"

"Me too." Lin Chen hurried.

"If you follow, you will only get in the way. If you can't help, just wait outside."

Zhu fan refused directly and looked at Lin Chen. "Don't worry. Since I promised to save the king of the famine God together, I will do what I said. You are all honest to wait outside!"

With that, he turned into a streamer, rushed into the mouth of the statue, and disappeared in the sight of Lin Chen.

Maybe he was too excited and nervous, not to mention the blue clouds and the dust. Even Lin Chen felt that the speed of time passing seemed to be much slower.

A moment later, chenkong said: "the master's position is constantly moving. Now it is not in the statue here, but below."

With that, he immediately flew down.

Linchen and Qingyun hurried to follow.

According to Zhu fan's previous words, if he wants to take people out of the inside, he must move among different statues, and even change some parts. Only when all the routes are correct can he come out of the inside.

At present, it is a waste of time to move along with the breath of the cangyun demon ancestor. It is meaningless. It is better to wait for Zhu fan to bring the cangyun demon ancestor out, and then come to find the three of them.

But standing where they are doing nothing, they feel restless. Their current behavior makes them feel more involved.

In the twinkling of an eye, most of the day passed. In the eyes of Qingyun and chenkong, from expectation to worry, finally, three figures flew out of the mouth of the statue.

It is Zhu fan, the ancestor of cangyun demon and the God King of the wasteland!

Qingyun and chenkong were ecstatic and hurried to meet them.

Lin Chen's face was also wearing an irrecoverable smile. His eyes fell on the God King of the wasteland.

"Sobbing - Master, I'm so worried about you. You haven't appeared for so many years. I'm so worried that something really happened to you!"

Qingyun Huang directly hugged cangyun demon ancestor and almost cried. The joy was as innocent as a child. It should be easy to be infected by this scene.

However, in combination with the handsome youth image of Qingyun, I held the equally handsome middle-aged man cangyun demon Zu tightly, crying, and rubbed his face against cangyun demon Zu's chest. It was always a little strange

Chen Kong's performance is introverted, but his face is also full of ecstasy.

Cangyun demon ancestor had learned from Zhu fan that the two people waiting outside were equally happy. That look was not to see their own slaves, but like seeing their relatives.

"You asked him to save me together?"

A figure appeared in front of Lin Chen. It was the God of the wasteland.

The God King looked at Lin Chen with curious and puzzled eyes. He always felt a sense of familiarity, but he couldn't remember where he had seen him.

"I've seen you, master!"

Lin Chen was excited when he saw the God King of famine.

At the beginning of the first day of the new year, when he saw the Oriental sacrifice, he had the cheek to claim that he had been inherited by the God of the wasteland and was regarded as a disciple of the God of the wasteland!

At that time, it was nonsense. However, for him, the God King of heaven was absolutely half a master, and he was a grateful existence!

"You seem happy?"

The God of famine king had a faint smile on his face. He couldn't tell why. He should have never seen this young man before, but I don't know why. When he looked at him, he felt a strange favor in his heart.

Soon, he found something and said in surprise, "have you cultivated the heavenly body I left behind?"

On the other side, Zhu fan looked at the ancestor of the cangyun demon and said, "now you have come out. Should you tell me why you are trapped in such a place?"

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